Middleman mutants - ABC crosses and other stuff

That’s awesome. That’s all, just saying, haha. I always like the “by the way” followed by the “the _____-est I’ve ever seen.” Always pay attention when people keep saying stuff like this

I keep meaning to look into this strain, it seems very well appreciated here but I jump around alot here and it takes a while till I see the full picture

th-3377783346 kind of like this lol

It’s a sailboat. No it’s a schooner


Hey bud, can I bend your ear real quick?

If I cross a normie strain w a freakshow, what %mutants could be expected?

I know its been gone over a couple times, I just can’t find it :man_shrugging:


So, I can’t say for sure with Freakshow. I haven’t made any crosses with it, only increase of Supafreak. For ABC crosses (I know you didn’t ask about those), the first generation will not exhibit any mutant leaves. The 2nd generation should have about 25%.

I want to say @RandomHumanoid has better info on Freakshow types and how they cross.

ETA: I’ll try to find his post about it in a minute.


Ok very cool man, I’m trying to wrap my head around recessive traits (right? I think? Lol), I appreciate it!

Edit I know ive seen @RandomHumanoid posts, that might be where I saw a breakdown…


@middleman thanks for the heads up, addy sent, I’m flippin’ pumped up!

If I missed this run to the Post Office no worries! No rush and thank you in advance!


This is the post I was thinking of:

I don’t have time to re-read it right now, so I’m not sure it answers the question …


Sick. Thank you :boom:

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I made that thread kind of long and messy imo. But the main thing with freakshow crosses is gonna be that there’s an X-linked recessive gene in there. So its better to use Freakshow females in your cross. Then in the F1s all the males will be slightly freaky and distinguishable from the ladies. If you use a freakshow male in the first cross, the F1 males will likely be lacking that gene.


Ok, so normie male x freak female, find a good freaky male, then put that pollen back onto freak female?

Lol, sorry, I need to just go reread

Thank you both

yes that will work. Or you can use both F1 males and females together, but the ratios should be way better if you just do a backcross to the original full freakshow female.

Once you get to F2 and are looking for freakshows again, be careful because there is a lot of freaky looking offspring that aren’t actually full freakshows. Like they only got part of the genes. So just plant a ton of seeds, so you can weed out the regular plants, then a little later, weed out the partial freakshow plants. Sometimes its more obvious, and some times it takes a little longer to see.


Thanks for laying that out for me brother! I just unintentionally found myself in a position to give it a shot a few weeks ago, so here we go!

I have a feeling this’ll be fun. :+1::green_heart:


No problem at all, and good luck with your project!


I just got some through to Queensland 2 months ago, standard greeting card with flips and washers. My boy out there warned that they might not make it because if the scanners but is sailed on through. It took a month but he got them.

Edit: little more than 2 months. Sent March 9th recieved April 13th.


Unsure if that will work or not…everyone I know has had seeds confiscated at customs now.

@joheimgrohen PM a good address.


11 out of 11 popped. Perfect germination.
I had a small incident after getting them in solo cups (knocked a few over), but I recovered them.

Pictures once they’re above ground.


Very nice! :pray:


I wasn’t planning to post until all of the SSDD stuff was above ground, but I noticed this purple stem on one of the F2 Bx1s @HolyAngel

You ever get that?

The other one is green (as are all of the others that are up so far)


Have you had seeds confiscated that where sent with the coin flip method? They seem to be working fine for me.


Nice! Yeah can definitely get some purple stemmed plants in the bx1. Usually means the flowers are gonna be colorful too.