Mike tyson joining ric flair

This should be a interesting business


Zero interest in buying pot from athletes, musicians, actors, comedians, etc…does anyone?

I totally get it from the other perspective, if I had money to burn I’d love to have big time grow space…but will any of these be sucessful long term?


Sounds like more commercial cannabis. Pretty useless to the home grower if you ask me :man_shrugging:


I agree, and if weed becomes legal and big business like this takes over are they going to try and shut down home growers?


That’s been the plan all along…


Someone actually gets it…Thanks!
I have been trying to tell folks there is a war being waged against home growing.

I wrote this in 2014 and boy did I hear shit about it…LOL

The biggest problem to me is that $$ the powers that be $$ would like to totally eradicate personal home growing.
Can that even be called legalization?
I personally do not even see that as a form of legalization, only control and will always say “VOTE NO OR ELSE!”

I still stand by my original statement from 2014.

If it is not legalization of the people, for the people, and by the people than you are just selling out to corporate cannabis.



I shouldn’t want to but I would buy some iron mike and WHOOOO Rick flare weed, if even for just the novelty of it.


They absolutely do want to own the game, here in Nevada they took home grows away as soon as the dispensary law was written…. The only reason I can still grow here is because I was a licensed patient before April 2014 or something like that…. Anyone who came after that is dependent on a strain specific loophole that says if a dispensary doesn’t carry the strain you need then you can grow it yourself, the other loophole is if you live more than 25 miles from a dispensary. It’s ridiculous…. Oh and while I’m at it I will mention how much our local dispensary flower sucks!!! You can really tell the difference between someone trying to grow good weed and someone trying to grow $100 bills :dollar:


Weed simply changed cartels.


I think we are hijacking the thread on my man @Mrgreenthumb
If you are interested in discussing this topic further, please stop by this thread.



I get that part of it, and yes I think it would be cool too …for the novelty :partying_face:

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You do that man and I will bring the gas so we can burn the corporations down afterwards…lol

But yes it’s a total cash grab and probably won’t do anything to help the industry.

I doubt half these companies will be around in 10 years if it’s any consolation.


Rick Flair is another true Bad Ass! Met him several times, the dude is a walking PARTY! He arm wrestled my Boss and about ripped his arm off, lol.

Would i buy his Bud? No. Nor Seth’s, or Tommy’s, or any
one of the other celebrity “grower’s” Damn cash grab. KNOW Rick needs it, lol, so good for him. They will sell lots of it Im sure.


Tyson seems to have some passion in him for cannabis but I’m sure he will screw himself by hiring a bunch of new school growers with dumb cannabis training program Certs that have not been smoking much longer then it’s been legal. Breals people are known for putting out some fire , and I mean kenji and them not the cookies fam. Props to burner for be a marketing master but the only thing I’ve like tied to them is sunset sherbert and biscotti. I can’t find a clone of the legit light green sunset sherbert that tastes like a orange creamsicle , I only see the more purple more gas pheno circulating :pensive:


Got the Knockout O.G. (s1) (unnamed) only 2 seeds of it though. :rooster:

Mike Tyson’s Cannabis Company Announces Ear-Shaped Weed Gummies, Mike Bites | Complex

I don’t care who you are, this is some funny shit…

If the man can poke fun at himself, all the more power to him. I’d buy a bag of these just because its fucking hillarious…

Not because I’d eat them… Gummies actually dont do shit for me…

But I would buy these cause they crack me up. A fool and his money are easily parted. “Hi! I’m a fool, take my money!” Admitting it is the first step…


Evander Holyfield gets a small percentage of each one sold.


:rofl: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :rofl:

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