Missing friends!

Whatever happened to “@MiG” and “@StonerVet68” never seen here anymore…!?

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Busy with their gardens? :slight_smile:

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I hope so. It’s been a while really, those guys are great, You’re all greatm but i used to talk to them a lot.

Its holiday season too.

Sometimes people just want to go off grid for a while, its not a bad thing getting back to nature.

Either that or they smoked some of these new hybrid weeds that are giving people psychosis and they jumped off a bridge hehehe.

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I definitely don’t wanna smoke that! Psychosis is the worst!

True more and more old timers complaining about whats available now, I dont think the younger generations know what stoned is, they get something but not stoned. High on plant food more like, very similar to this craze thats called spice, synthetic canabis. I have seen people glued to the floor looking like zombie statues from smoking this spice Danger beware.

Its funny they is even a variet for sale now called psychosis, great marketing idea NOT.:astonished:

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Yeah i would never buy a strain called “Psychosis” LOL

Yea i miss my friends too. I hope we hear from them soon.

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Yes that’s right they are surely missed. @MiG and @Stonervet68 where are you guys!??

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I was wondering about @MiG myself?
He was on here every day!
I hope he is OK🤔

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Yeah right, last time we saw @MiG , he was sending pictures of the beach on the Canary Islands or something, probably just busy with his vacation. LOL. I’m worried about @Stonervet68, he was leaving his house and going into town because of bad weather and we haven’t heard of him…

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Theres a few guys i miss on here.

That shits a felony to possess/sell any amount In the U.S now. The people making it in China just change one molecule so it’s not technically the same as the previous illegal chemical, then ty to sell as much as possible in the short time before they outlaw the “new” compound and so on and so forth. Haven’t seen any of that fake weed shit in my state anywhere in about 4 or 5 years now, the last people I met said they have to search everywhere for dealers selling it and they love it. That shit was fucking horrible and I only tried it because I was on probation, worst mistake ever!! Lol


Unfortuneatley it is rife in the UK, they sell it for 25% of the price of real canabis, the prisons are flooded with it as they get it past the dogs so easily. It used to be a legal high here in the UK but as you say as soon as one gets banned they just change 1 molecule. I also understand it doesnt show up on prison drug tests (urine samples)

It got so bad here they decided to Ban all legal highs and make them illegal to posses, maufacture, and sell, but it has not stopped it.

If you look on the BBC world news chanell and search for the people turned to statues in Manchester UK, literally they are taking a few tokes and turn into statues outside shops doorways etc, the ambulance service and police are over run having to look after the people who have smoked it as they are literally frozen to the spot and generally get robbed by kids etc One funny one thats not really funny but it tickled me was a kid went up to a guy who had obviously smoked spice as he was frozen to the spot on a summers day in Piccadily gardens and pulled his trousers down, it was shown on the bbc news.

I find it hilarious they still choose to smoke it knowing what its going to do to them.

Well I’ve seen some people on intervention and a documentary about it, the people have severe physical withdrawals and the dude they were talking to was squirming around and acting so weird and in pain. It had just scrambled his brain and you could see the ticks and shit he had even after he smoked. I don’t remember exactly what they said but they were showing scans of his brain and how it was even more fucked up than heroine and meth addicts and was effecting parts of the brain those drugs don’t even harm. I’m an addict from opiates and have been off them for almost 5 years so I know horribly it fucks you up and that shit looked even worse!!


Sorry to hear that about the opiods, I myself had a very bad experience with tramadol after a severe car accident.

A 44 ton articulated truck smashed into the back of me at the end of a motorway slip road while I was waiting to join the roundabout, I was stationary in my audi TT at the time. It left me with needing several operations and life changing injuries. The docotros and surgeons had me on a cocktail of opiates including tramadol, amitryptiline, co-codamol, and diazepam, and morphene. I was a space cadet for about 3 years in which time it ruined my families life and mine.

Fortunealty I had a moment where I saw the light and did a cold turkey against all medical advice but I came through it, and lived to tell the tale. Never again will I accept any form of opiod mediacation prescription or otherwise. They will have to fight my dogs before they can get it into my body against my will.

I miss @MiG
He has been missing for some time now.

He had a unique perspective which I enjoyed.


I enjoyed his spanish, so different from mine, and yet he was great! Hope everything is ok tho.

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Seems to be a bit of concern for the missing MiG.

Does MiG stand for Missing In Growroom ?

I hope he is ok where ever he may be.

Hello everyone, i’m very pleased to say I’ve made contact with @MiG, he’s ok; we really didn’t get into why he hasn’t been here, but i got a pretty good idea. Some of you might too, i told him to ignore the people he doesn’t like and just be friends to the people that are good. @Stonervet68 continues to be MIA, but i’m sure they will come back. Or at least i hope they do. Thanks.
