Gumbino's 3x3 🔥💨

Exciting times in my little corner, upgrading my setup slightly to allow for a small dedicated Veg and Flower area. Just recieved my 3x3x6 tent finally so ill be setting this up and filling her right away thanks to the generocity of @99PerCent. I was gifted 6 clones and more seeds then I can germinate for a while. It was a rough journey for them but I put them in the veg closet at 79 degrees and 65% RH and they all are praying again.

Heres the line-up

Space Candy # 1

Larger Space Candy # 1


Ready to Flip Clones

JU X C99

JUK X HN - Has been Topped

Aready in my garden

RQS NL Auto (Little Sis)
15 days/1.5 gallons pure coco in smart pot. Last feed was 750 ec. About to start upping her feeding and initiate training so she can look like her big sister.

RQS NL Auto (Big Sis)
43 days/6 days in Flow/1 gallon coco with 20% perlite in smart pot - feeding 1.3 ec

She has a very dense under canopy, with your help I’d like to thin her out, just not sure how aggressive I can get with this auto cause she is my first.

THC Bomb 1
Desperately needs a transplant

THC Bomb 2
Desperately needs a transplant

Cherry Bomb 1
Desperately needs a transplant

Cherry Bomb 2
Desperately needs a transplant

All 4 of these dried out and had a Calcium DEF due to the small container and me having to work crazy hours. Looking a little better, once repotted im sure they will be kind.

Cab setup will become seedling and future clone cutting area for now. All plants currently in flower will be moved to the tent as will the 600w Hps. Pics to come once building is complete and lights on.

I would like your help in harvesting
What’s almost ready, its getting close so all input is welcome!



All right!

Let’s have a show!



That’s the plan man, going to need all the help I can get!

When you can, please elaborate on the soil mix and how I should feed. Also any experiences with the strains patterns and characteristics would be very helpful.



All but the GDP are in flower for the first time, so I am finding out about the plants just now.

You could run with a store bought soil, say Roots 707, and probably be just fine. You can mix up a batch it you want to gather the ingredients. Option B has more out front cost, but you get much more material in the end.

Don’t over-water and relax.



@99PerCent whats the ao x xj?

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Agent Orange x (XJ13 x Penny Wise)

It has potential as a cross…


It’s got great structure that’s 4sure!


I am chasing down the pheno you see here. It was the first female I grew out and the flavors were killing.

Another buddy of mine just dropped 6 seeds and I am hoping (I doubt he is) that he gets 2 males from the pack. I want to store some to cross with. I have 2 phenos going now and both seem good, one slightly sweeter. See how they finish.



You got me hooked @GumbyBuds , I’m pulling up a chair :grin:


@Roux Glad to have ya man, I need help keeping things as nice looking as @99PerCent has em now… Lets hope I’m not doomed


Shoot, between @99PerCent and everyone here. Your going to be growing some wicked buds! No shortage of great help here. We got you!


Roux So true, so many great growers and people - most willing to chime in and help the beginner like myself, that’s a rarity

I will eventually be running a top feed drip system in the tent for waterings, I just have to figure out how to accomplish this with coco and soil as I will have both… Maybe soil will be hand watered with a different mix…


Stoked for you man. Looking fantastic and your plan is on point. Clones from @99PerCent ? Whaaaaaatttt? Pure awesomeness right there. That makes me more happy for you. And that velvet, well my friend, you may have just inadvertently created yourself a new title. The velvet emperor. :scorpion:

Right on brother!


Got my bucket and ready for the show! :movie_camera: :popcorn:

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Hey man its crazy how giving you all are!!! People who are against cannabis legalization just need to lurk on OG for a while and they will see what its potential really is - the ability to bring strangers together and create bonds that are not the typical “what can you do for me”; but more like what can I do for you, let me help you on your way to success. The world needs to take notes

Next round I’m running a batch of your gifted seeds @Kalgrae and something from @99PerCent, just dont know what yet. The more my abilities as a gardener increase the more I’m looking forward to it. Can’t wait to see how everyone running them make out.

I have some sealed gifted packs that I want to grow as well, but I’m going to learn how to keep the girls happy first so I dont screw up seeds I can’t afford to replace

And haha, I like it - the velvet was a nice touch eh?

And as hectic and busy as I may be I will make time to update this when I can, I promise :grin:


I will say, this plant is the best I have done on my own… Compared to my first few plants I’d say its much better… I peeked my head in and she was praying :pray: :grin:

When I’m out of work later the deconstruction of the cab and construction of the tent commence!


Love the velvet portrait studio!!! That’s what the plants deserve. Looks like your soil mix is working really well so far.

those are some nice TGA genetics, the “XJ-13 X Pennywise” were TGA freebies, supposed to be (Jack Herer X G13) X Pennywise.


Isn’t he the most generous, helpful and selfless guy . He got me going too. I am thinking about getting another tent too :wink: I just have to sell my extra parrot cages to have $$ and room for it.:money_with_wings:


I don’t think the pot size is the issue.


I agree, I was referring to watering because the little pots dry out on me when I can’t get to them…

Distilled water - I ph at 5.8 , using megacrop at 2.5 grams per gallon which gives me like 300ppm (can’t remember) before I add calimagic

I’m giving them enough CA and MG so I don’t see how I could be deficient in either… So I’m guessing it was the dry spell that hindered them…

Unless im missing something, any ideas?

The roots on these things are packed… I added a roots organic product and they seem to like it. They filled the little cups with roots before the 2nd node