Mixing Silicon / PK etc.. Help needed

I sometimes use chempak like @ifish suggested.
Maybe have a look at their products as growing works out super cheap using them.

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appreciate the input, il check it out!

I don’t run coco but I think you’re supposed to mix the silica in first, then all the alkalin stuff like calcium and magnesium, let dissolve and settle, THEN you PH down and add all the other stuff.


Thanks for your input. The last thing you do is adjust the pH. Some companies use chelated nutrients and adjusting ph isn’t needed.
These cannabis companies make stuff ultra complicated so you’ll buy stuff that’s not really required. It’s marketing to take your cash.
I can grow some mega plants without all that stuff.


yeahh man… that was exactly what i was thinking… making shit complicated so you diagnose further and further and spend more and more when it isnt needed!

reminds me of going to the doctors when all we needed to do was eat a little healthier ( apple a day and all that jazz )

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Interesting, so you’re saying don’t PH at all? I know that works with soil because it has so many buffers. But coco?

Again, I don’t run coco or synthetic nutes so this is not wheelhouse. But now you me curious.

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If you use a nutrient company that use CHELATED nutrients no ph is needed.
Hope this helps.


That’s the order I run my canna stuff, the rhizo can really be added whenever but silica first, cal mag last always for me