MMS 2024 Outdoor Grow Show

I set this thread to “watching”. :+1:t4:


Wow, you have such a wonderful grow, well done!


Hey bud, today I’m viewing from my desktop and the pics look so much better…in addition to soap,vinegar and water you might want look into Alum (potassium aluminum sulphate) especially for aphids.
Your terrace is getting the full benefit of the earth’s rotation and the Jamaican Sun :slightly_smiling_face:

Will get you something from here shortly…
This homemade recipe using Alum with turmeric could be useful for you.
Thanks for tagging me I love looking at flowering landraces.
:v:& :green_heart:


Thanks @globalhead I’ll have to look into this more. I have tumeric (what Jamaican you know without curry :laughing:). I have heard about it being useful before but because I know how badly it stains, didn’t want to risk getting any on my plants. Have you tried it before and am I worrying for nothing about it staining the plant. I’d hate to see yellow everywhere and it not be able to wash off, plus taste would be another thing I worry about with this. I’d really have to look into it and maybe try it on 2-3 branches first before hitting everything with it. Appreciate the tip though and you swinging by.


I’m always happy to see your updates. Your garden is looking absolutely beautiful!


I have used it in soil for white mold, the stain should go after a while and won’t affect the taste I’m guessing.
Try it …you can use the Alum without turmeric…read the patent application :slightly_smiling_face:

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Fuck Man we need to get u some Corinto

You need to get some of that Corinto ( in your hood…they love altitude.

I’d like to see them growing there.



Such a nice grow. Congrats on the chop buddy!

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Thanks @resimax @Trimeresurus @Panamajock @globalhead @InTheWoods appreciate all of you swinging by, but I’m all outta likes at the moment. K+

@resimax chopping is cool, but the wait until you can smoke it is killer :joy: I don’t ever want to have to see another person for weed after this harvest.


Ain’t that the truth! I accidentally spilled my tray the other day with about three joints worth of ground up weed on it. I never thought there would be a time I’d just shrug my shoulders and pull some more out of the bag. Now that I’m growing my own, I’ve got more weed than I could chain smoke in a year.


Yeah @MoBilly I’d have a heart attack if that happened to me right about now, in 2-3wks time that’ll change lol. Should be having perpetual harvests from here on out with our climate, atleast that’s what I’m shooting for. Especially with all the beans coming in from all you guys, some have been started already and the rest immediately after all these get pulled. Then start the process all over again.


Hey you :slight_smile:

I will ride with you for a while I guess… thanks for sharing.

Keeping up the green vibe


Every time I harvest I throw out old P’s in the compost, and I don’t even mess with lower fluff anymore. I put a bunch of that in the compost every run. Forget about scraping resin hits, rationing for small bowls or pinners, or looking for that nug you dropped.


I’m able to stay just ahead of consumption by my wife and I. But this summer I’m pretty sure I’ll harvest two pounds. That’s probably a five year supply for us. I’ve got other family members who can hoover it up. That’s how I bribe my granddaughter to come visit. :joy: (She’s an adult!) :older_man:

Pretty stoked and growing in the greenhouse as long as I’ve got one.


Yeah that’s pretty good. @rasterman I’ve had times where I gone through a pound a week, but that was years ago here and the herb wasn’t that good (I was purchasing it). This season I should have my biggest harvest to date. I got 4-5 plants that are each going to yield a pound or more easily once finished. That doesn’t include the 5 hanging right now and 60+ others still finishing up. Didn’t quite hit my 150 mark but I’m going to next go round. This round should be finishing up in stages, with a couple getting chopped every few weeks here on out. I got external pressures trying to get me to remove everything all at once but I’m not going for that. I worked too hard to get here, refuse to mess up any because of someone else. If you ain’t police might as well leave me alone :laughing:


That’s a lot of growing! :seedling:


Damn brother looks like some exciting times and some mighty fine looking plants.
Looking at your hanging plants there reminds me of last fall. Had I think 6 or 7 wires across a bedroom filled and thought that was a lot. You’re gonna be busy!


Good morning and Happy harvest :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Great job brotha, you’ll be smoking them in no time!

Hope you have a great week!


Nice plants! Got this thread marked now.


@GREANDAL those Jamaican landrace beans are on the way. Hope my first mailout makes it to you safely.

I was greeted with 5 envelopes with goodies when I went to send those out. One of them I’m not 100% on who sent it, so if you recognize it let me know. Thanks…

@Hashpants @LzBoy @firehead @Tracker @MissinBissin @BobbyBudz @resimax @HarborGrows @DefNSmokn @Budderton

If you don’t see yours amongst these it hasn’t arrived yet, sorry. Or if I tagged the wrong person.