MMS 2024 Outdoor Grow Show

Yessir was definitely separating the old stuff from the newer hybrids, you got a good eye :+1:t5:. Didn’t think my picture quality was good enough to see all of that. Which is why I was telling Thetravlr some stuff would be ready early and the rest way later in the season. I know I have a few landrace strains going for sure, have those tagged. Starting to wonder if I might need to move a few with all this talk of a hurricane, but it’s super chill out here right now. A little cloudy, cool but the sun out. I feel like it’s going to be a decent day, but you never know. One minute calm, next minute down pour outta nowhere. :man_shrugging:t5:


Quick update, decided to check on guerilla spot before storm hit and take some pics. Everyone looked alright, except one that had some minor damage by my tallest but it’ll pull thru. I still have one or two more I might squeeze in over there. Here are the pics.

While I was out decided to take a few pics of the other stuff I have going, some peppers, sorrel, yam, pumpkin, watermelon, etc… sorry about the way the bed looks, my lil cousin and his mom keeps throwing stuff in there to compost even though I’ve said not to. I already have a compost spot, they just being lazy to walk around the front-side of the house smh.


Ohh and I took a couple whiffs up-close of the more far along stuff. All I smell is earthy, hashy aromas no chem, diesel like I prefer. Now Pinky has an interesting smell, complex like an anise maybe sandalwood aroma. Can’t really lock it down yet. Hopefully some will change and get more pronounced later on. Well that’s all for now, have a good one… ~MMS


Hope you doing well after the hurricane brotha!


Thanks, I’m doing alright as can be considering the circumstances. Power been gone on most of the island since the hurricane hit, well in my area for sure. Just got it back this afternoon. Trying to get things back on track as soon as possible. Have a bunch of catching up to do and updating of the garden. Want the phone to charge a bit more and then can finally go take some updated pics of the garden. @InTheWoods


Well here’s my update as promised. I didn’t take as many pics as I wanted, it started getting too hot too early. I took couple a close-ups of the few flowering to show there progress. 3-4 should be ready in the next few weeks, if not sooner. Took a few whiffs and noticed most of the earthy/hashy aromas are now a chocolate aroma. So those few must be from the same strain. Pinky is in a league of her own, smell on her has changed also but can’t quite pin down what it is. Smells familiar though. She’s definitely a true Sativa from examining her leaf structure, hopefully I’ll get a few seeds from her for you guys. The plants took a beating during the hurricane. A friend asked if I moved them (no way was I about to move 64 plants and some couldn’t be moved even if I wanted to :laughing:). I figure if they can withstand that storm, they can handle anything. Surprisingly all survived except 2-3 seedlings that wasn’t big enough to stand firm. I had some almost get ripped from the soil and the roots showing for most as they lean. It kinda worked out in my favor, becase it LST’d a few I wasn’t planning on. Well here are the pics.

Sorry for pics not being the best quality. Just heard a loud bang on the roof, went to check and my new zinc protection screen i built to keep out wondering eyes blew over and fell on two of my ladies. One doesn’t look like she going to make it, no matter how much tape I use. I could probably cut her in half at the wound and she might continue just will be way smaller. Not sure what I want to do with her yet. Left it as is, still hot out there. Happy growing everyone!

@mota @MissinBissin @OhNo555 @420noob @percyryan66 @JAWS @InTheWoods @Indicana_Jones @JustANobody @Thetravler @Budderton @Billybob @firehead @FieldEffect @luxton @LunarLeaf @SF0 @Pigeonman @Foreigner @THCeed @Organical


Everything looks awesome…thanks for sharing and for the shout out


Your plants loved through a hurricane, that’s pretty damn impressive… And, I bet nature did a little defoliation for you too, bonus! :grin::joy::metal:

Looking great bud, keep it up :metal:


Nice update! Glad to hear you’re doing well brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

The ultimate training session :grin:

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Yeah they all just about got knocked over, but I appreciated the training it did to about 3 of them that I wasn’t going to. They should be super ganj after making it thru a hurricane like that, it knocked down big trees and rooftops are gone lol. @InTheWoods @luxton

Appreciate you coming by @percyryan66 just working with what I got and making the best of it. That’s all we can do in life. K+ to all, I’m outta likes…


Just did a quick spray for bugs to all my plants and fed them some compost/LABS tea. They all seem to be doing alright and getting closer to that time. Going to have to start setting up my harvest area soon. Loving that chocolate aroma they’re giving off. We used to smoke a weed back when I was younger living in NYC called Chocolate. I wonder if it’s a similar strain, would definitely explain the name lol. Anyway, took a few more quick close-up pics. Tried to get some good angles on these Sativas, but the sunlight usually a problem. Enjoy…

Happy Growing Everyone!


I’ve decided to do away with the GoFundMe for help with the Hurricane problems, too many scammers on there now and it makes it impossible for people who actually need help to get it. So if anyone would like to help donate towards me getting back on track my PayPal is @Seriyah1005, my Chime is $Seriyah1005 (if anyone’s wondering Seriyah is my babygirls name) and my Venmo

I appreciate any and all help no matter how little, it all adds up. Take care everyone and stay safe…


Amazing looking plants huge undertaking. Hope you get help for hurricane damage.

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Thanks @420noob I’m a try to take some pics in the evening as the sun going down versus early morning like I usually do. See if that will help me take better quality pics, because the pics don’t do some of them justice, as I’m here looking over them :laughing:


Well I try to keep my promises, took some pics this evening and they actually look better. Hopefully the quality doesn’t diminish some during upload. I tried to take two close-ups of each flowering plant, only left out the really early flowering ones. Plus I think I took extras of Pinky but she’s my fave. Enjoy!

Total of 55 pics. Oh and for those with good eye and seen the ice in the pots, I just started that this evening. Since Jamaica doesn’t get too cold, I’m a try this method out and see if it’ll work to bring out some extra purps/colors out of these ladies. So I’m going to start freezing lots of ice, my freezer empty anyway cause of the hurricane :laughing: might as well put it to use. Thanks for stopping by.

*Edit: forgot the two close-ups of that boy I found, he had to go bringing my numbers down yet again. I’ll do a full recount in the morning and take pics of my guerilla location.

@mota @MissinBissin @OhNo555 @420noob @percyryan66 @JAWS @InTheWoods @Indicana_Jones @JustANobody @Thetravler @Budderton @Billybob @firehead @FieldEffect @luxton @LunarLeaf @SF0 @Pigeonman @Foreigner @THCeed @Organical @George @Upstate @Mad_Barry @NDNCHILD @anonymous4289 @JohnnyPotseed @DougDawson @US3RNAM3


Looking good brother!
Glad you’re doing semi-okay since the hurricane; I hope everything gets back to normal for you soon :love_you_gesture: :seedling: :green_heart:


Looks great!

Sorry to hear about the hurricane damage :confused:

I’d imagine the ice would make them happy, was going to ask about that scrolling through the pictures :grinning:


They’re looking great bud, especially considering what they just went through! Some great colours coming out too :ok_hand:

I hadn’t heard of that ice trick before, that’s cool, I might have to give it a shot

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Looking great matey.loving the look of the sativas

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Sometimes the shock will make them hermie on you. This is how you make seeds through rodilization.
Shocking them with ice water.


Oh really, that’s good to know!! Lol, I’m glad you said that (and I read it) before I went for it :grin::metal:. Thanks :grin:

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