MMS 2024 Outdoor Grow Show

Thanks for tag @ManyManySpliffs , flowers are coming along nicely…great stacking…your going to have a bunch of nice colas…thanks for sharing them all…definitely pleasant to look at…and good morning to you and everyone else!!!


That’s why I’m only doing it on the ones that’s close to finishing. @THCeed

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Sorry, I’m just getting back on after the Wi-Fi being down for a few days. It’s still like a third world country here in 2024, I’m alittle embarrassed. Took a few pics of the guerilla location couple days ago, will take a few pics of everything in the next few days. After I post these pics going to feed some compost tea, mixed with blackstrap molasses. Then layout my ice, already starting to see some purpling in a few ladies that didn’t have it before I started. Thanks for stopping by…

After I take care of these ladies, have alot of catching up to do on here again smh…


Beautiful…thanks for sharing your healthy lookin plants

I ran across this the on Sunday, thought it might bring a bit of a smile in your current situation :blush::metal:


Hope you’re doing ok bud :metal:


Doing alright as can be considering the situation. Thanks @luxton

Decided to go ahead and do an update this morning, before the Wi-Fi or something else decides to go out smh. I mainly only took close-ups of the ones that are getting ice in the evenings, to show that they’re starting to get more colorful (not the buds, mainly leafs at this point but it’s a start). The first few pics I took a semi-distant shot first then a close-up on the bud for that same plant. Pinky doesn’t get ice in the evenings but I had to take pics of her anyway (I just love her sooo :blush: ). Well enjoy the show, more to come shortly. Ohh and I’m considering chopping one of them this evening (none in the pictures), getting that itch lol. Picture #3 and 4 I have more questions on at the end.

I have one lady getting ice that was already somewhat purple in the buds. Trying to see whatelse I can coax outta her but she doesn’t look like bud I’m used to seeing (she has no pistils anywhere on her). She has all small tight unusual looking nugs, I think she might be something special in the making. @Upstate

Can someone with more strain knowledge maybe tell me what she is. @Mad_Barry @George @Rhai88 @JustANobody @ShiskaberrySavior @Panamajock @rasterman @US3RNAM3 @mota @MoBilly @JohnnyPotseed @DougDawson @Foreigner @Hashpants @Tracker @Trimeresurus


Looks like you are getting a nice fade going with the ice nice.

Lookin really good man, very good :metal::metal:

Happy to hear you’re still hanging on there!!!

I love the way the leaves grow out from the buds like that. I’ve been known to do a very rough trim on buds like that and they’re doobie-ready! :smoking:

I don’t think I’ve ever grown anything quite like that before. It looks similar to something I saw on the the Real Seed Company site. I went over there and poked around, but couldn’t find what I was thinking of. :pray:

It’s a pretty cool looking plant. Was it just a random seed?

Except these Mega Maids. That’s what it looks like to me.

So it’s not AK-47. I’m told Mega Maid isn’t either. :joy: (At least that’s the story.)


I’m looking at it and now I’m not sure. It’s really hot and stoned out there in the greenhouse. :joy: Mega Maid doesn’t stretch (at least for me), so maybe that’s a clue.

I couldn’t say just by the looks of it

Yes it was just a random bagseed, until you guys stuff start coming in. @rasterman that one is itching to be chopped as well, but I wanna give her more time to see what all she’ll do. I know she won’t get any bigger but hopefully more potent with time. At the least chop a side branch to test next week and go from there.

Yea they’re starting to get a nice fade with the ice. @420noob Should almost be time for me to start breaking up those big blocks of ice I got frozen, making good use of an empty freezer :laughing:.

Appreciate everyone that stopped by, I’m all outta likes K+ to you all for now…


Well harvest pics of 3 plants hanging, the one I actually wanted to chop I didn’t (maybe I will in a day or two). Been washing them most of this morning to get those bugs off and it’s certainly not an easy process. I pretty much gave up after awhile, not letting bugs invade like that again. Damn aphids are a pain. Smoke report, etc in about 3wks.

Thanks for stopping by…


Decided to take a few updated pics just now after giving everyone a insect spray down, some got a feeding. 3-4 of them should be coming down in the morning. Was going to take them tonight after the spray down but didn’t feel like doing the bud washing this evening. Plus an extra night never hurt. Enjoy the pics. Smoke and smell reports coming up in the latter weeks.

These 3 are for sure on the chopping block in the next day or two. All depends on how lazy I feel, don’t like all that bud washing I’m a have to do. Never had to deal with bug problems this bad.


Good morning OG’ers. I decided to chop only two this morning instead of the 3-4 I originally planned to do. The last one was too infested with aphids and would require a double washing, so it’ll have to wait til later or maybe tomorrow. These pics came out better than the last set. Took close-ups of the ones I chopped. The two close-up pics that have ladybugs in the picture is the one that didn’t get chopped for having too many aphids. I kept removing the ladybugs to other plants and they kept coming back it seemed. So that plant may have bought an extra day or two. It’s definitely ready though. The chocolate/hashy aroma they were giving before has changed in most. It’s heavenly just walking thru the garden :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Oh and I always take close-ups of Pinky but she wasn’t chopped yet. She won’t be for a few weeks, need her and her sister to go all the way. These last three pics are of the plants hanging now to dry, have 3 that were cut a few days ago hanging close to the door and the 2 that were chopped this morning is on the other side by my mirror. So a total of 5 plants waiting to be sampled out of the 60+ I have left going right now. These are some of the smaller ones to be honest. Have atleast 4 or 5 big ones that should yield a pound or more each. Looking forward to a nice harvest but not looking forward to all this bud washing, trimming, etc…

Thanks for stopping by and following along on this long journey, that’s far from over.

@Emeraldgreen @THCeed @Upstate @Mad_Barry @Hashpants @JustANobody @MissinBissin @Panamajock @US3RNAM3 @resimax @Mrgreenthumb @JohnnyPotseed @MoBilly @Mordecai @mota @DougDawson @globalhead @Trimeresurus @Tejas @Tracker @FieldEffect @Fuel @stanknugzz77 @hammerheadgenetics


Outstanding grow :slight_smile:


I really like Pinky :sunglasses:

Looking good overall bummer about the aphids. They are little bastards for sure.

How do you do your wash? I’ve been doing diluted peroxide with good results


For my wash I use a bucket filled with plain water. Before it gets dipped in the bucket of water though I spray them heavily with a soap, vinegar, water solution. Once I see no more moving around after the spraying then I rinse in the water, shake then hang. This plant looks like I’m going to have to spray it down more than once and then rinse in the water. I’ll probably spray them this evening and check them again in the morning. Oh and I really like Pinky also, hope she turns out to be something special @FieldEffect

Thanks for stopping by @MoBilly


Wow, things really got big. Beautiful grow!