MMS 2024 Outdoor Grow Show

Yes it’s a rooftop grow. @mota


Looking good, there getting nice and big.


Yessir, I’m sure they’d be 5-7ft tall by now if I didn’t LST them to keep them short and bushy. Some might still get that tall with the amount of season left, I may have to bend again :disappointed:. I mostly do it for security purposes, makes them harder to see from the street (even though I can see them anyway just not as much while bent). @Gho13


It’s a battle outdoors. Could prob see this grow on Google Earth… lol. Ya got green poppin everywhere. Great looking garden.


Thanks for the tag. Beautiful garden for sure. Pinky is pretty. I’m sorry you can’t afford kurstaki :frowning: Good luck!

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Very nice update brotha!

I heard Neem oil diluted with water might help mitigate the amount of caterpillars able to crawl on the plant. Hope you’re able to find a pocket friendly solution.

Also be very safe brotha with the nasty Hurricane out down there. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Thanks and I’m all hunkered in and ready for it, should it come. Looks wonderful outside right now. @InTheWoods


If it’s not too windy, place a bird shelter close to the plants with a jug of water elevated (2 feets). It accomplish miracles, specially in autumn ^^ I wish i could grow that much in my garden, I’ve big sympathy for the sativa that kick hard anthocyanine too ^^ This early in floral spots is a banger, worth some seeds.


Thanks for tagging me…love all the pictures, everything looks great and super healthy… Thanks for taking me along on your journey


Your plants are looking great despite the challenges.

Thanks for the advice, I’ll have to look into giving that a try. Might can rig something up with what’s around here. @Fuel
Appreciate you @percyryan66 and @CurrentMinimum8151 for coming to check me out. I’ll start describing smells in the next few updates. Have alot of them to go thru and then remember or better yet write down.


Hey when do you plan on your harvest happening !
So i can plan my holidays around it and i will come and sample the good stuff on location ! I think we should plan an OG harvest a couple of us grower from around the usa and Canada can come down and help with the harvest ! Hahah


If I had to guess I’d say around Oct.-Nov. for the majority, some might be done before then but since they’re mostly sativa dominant I’m expecting a long season. Which is why I’m hoping to get some decent indicas or quick flowering hybrids sent here in the mail from some of you kind souls 🥹…
The OG fam is always welcome here for a toke. @Thetravler


Great looking :eyes: grow show, can’t wait to see the finish! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


You’re not the only one :laughing: thanks for stopping by @OhNo555


Your plan of action sounds awesome!!! Let’s do it​:fire::fire::fire::100:

I[quote=“ManyManySpliffs, post:70, topic:150001”]
Any ideas I’m open to suggestions.

Id throw down a mulch layer. Don’t have alfalfa you can get at a feed store there? Bales are pretty cheap, here anyhow. The predatory mites always seem to flock to it when I use it. Plus it’ll help keep moisture in, and it’s full of good stuff for the plants. Worms love it too.


Great looking plants! Now that’s what I call a photo

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We might have alfalfa @Ottafish but like with the perlite I desperately need, just can’t afford it here. So have to improvise with what I got or can get my hands on for free. Thanks @420noob for stopping by.


Looks like some leaves got sunburned when you put them in the ground outside and since then they died and some sort of mold is growing on them now. Those things you see are some kind of fungus getting ready to release spores.
Can you afford some diatomaceous earth for those caterpillars? It’s pretty cheap stuff but if it’s your rainy season you do have to apply it again after rains. You think it would take some time for the caterpillars to find the plants again if you wipe them out. Boy that must have been some effort getting all that soil onto the roof! My back hurts thinking about it lol.
Are you separating out potential landraces from the hybrids? Any of the old stuff isn’t going to start flowering until August/September. Anything flowering now is a hybrid😉. I definitely see some sativas in there. Warms my heart knowing they still exist down there.