Mndlss' place

they doing great…happy chucking


They :eyes: look amazing
Filling in nicely and healthy looking

I also like sh[quote=“mndlss, post:318, topic:74946”]
Shiva99 - the least hungriest of the 3, my favorite

She is a beautiful lady


Viele Kinder! Schön, dass dein Zelt so voll ist. :ok_hand:


yo, was ist ds98 nochmal?
immer wenn ich “favorite cutting” lese → wirds interessant :yum:

btw, deine #7 der g45 s1 geht hier bald in blüte.
danke dir sehr für’s “an den kopf werfen” :grin:


Den hab ich aus testersamen von @DonGnosis. Hatte 2 cuts die sehr gut waren, nur den hab ich behalten. Ist bubba kush x nebulis kush.

Der Geruch und das high sind für mich richtig zur Zeit am besten, ist leicht zu growen, hat einen bombenertrag, extrem harzig. Man muß es allerdings erst ordentlich fermentieren, ich finde nach so 2 Monaten ist es perfekt.


ouphh, die sieht BOMBE aus :slight_smile:
da hängt ja ganz schön was dran, haha.

enjoy, my friend !


Hello guys and gals!

It’s been 3 weeks and we’re at flowering day 39/40 ish.

Cab 1

Somehow I upset the cherry trufflez because they started to look weird at around day 25, crispy leaves and such. I raised the lights a week ago and it seems they recover a bit. @santero what was the flowering time of these ladies? Because right now they look kind of done. Just a few white hairs which came after I raised the lights. The majority of the Resin is already milky. I spotted one nanner which I adress to the above mentioned issues. No more have popped up so far. The smell is not as expected, I can’t smell cherry but another dankness I can’t put my finger on right now.

The ssdd is coming along nicely after some issues at the start (probably the same as the trufflez) they give a nice aroma since a few days, kind of a tropical warm smell,i really like it and look forward to the finished buds. I don’t like the structure, it’s like the c99, lanky lol

The gelato clones perform as expected and have such a great cherry smell, no nanners yet. They’re in full bloom mode.

The ds98 is doing it’s thing, growing strong, smelling nice and stacking up. The smell is just great, if you like slightly gassy kush smells this is for you. I can’t wait to smoke a fresh batch lol

The blue Shiva99 lady is also awesome, hell of a yielder, great lemony, slightly creamy smell. This one I keep around for a bit. Next time she goes into the autopot.

Some Pics:

Cherry trufflez by @santero
back left, she looks the worst

Back right - not that bad but similar symptoms

Ssdd by @GCC.Bud

Nr. 1

Nr. 2

Gelato Nr. 7 - in a small pot (3liters)

Gelato Nr. 9 in a bigger pot


Shiva99 - blue lady

I will take detailed pictures of all of them come harvest time.

The update on the second cab comes a little later.



Looking real good bro.

You are right the SSDD structur reminds me to C99 too.

Hope you like her.

Best wishes.


barney’s → definetly more cherry-like, cuz
they bred for what they heard about it :wink: (lol)


the “trufflez #4” aka. beastie girl is a bit fincky lady (all of the trufflez were).
i think it was a bit to much nutes … they need almost nothing to thrive.
i should have told you, damn. that’s kinda my fault, ey ! sorry, bro :hushed:
also stressed her a bit first run and she threw some nanas her and there.
but second run was fine. dial her in, she is worth it.

US-fruity stuff is way less in your face fruity as we know here in EU, tbh.
(*sacrilege * … but yes, i said it, lol :rofl: ) the fuel/dank-part takes it away.

she is not full on cherry, she is like buttered pancakes with
a cherry hint and streetwalker perfume rolled in fuel/ogkush.

it will stay in my cabs for a few times again, but then also leave the stage
with the other trufflez-ladies … not because they are bad, but because i need the
room (hence me sharing them out, in case anyone wants to keep them around).


Looking great m8 :100: i really liked the ds98 great smoke!! That shiva99 looking really familiar to some of the Kinky cheese phenos ^^


Hey barriebro, thanks for chiming in! Yeah, I love that stuff lol

When I’m equipped again we can work something out regarding your situation :wink:


Thanx Broski, that sounds like a plan to me ^^


Were did you buyed the capsules wich you use(d) for sending seeds my friend? I have to send some pollen and those things are top notch


I received them from a member of overgrow, 1000 PCs lol

Siumir 100 x 1,5 ml Kunststoff Zentrifuge Reagenzgläser Reaktionsgefäß Probe Lagerung Vial mit Snap Cap, Konischer Boden


Thanx just ordered a batch


And they did a good job though the clone I send you is flowering right now, isn’t it? Do you get any aromas already?

I agree, too much nutes could be. The clone I kept as a mother doesn’t look that well too, I recently planted her and a few others in rather strong veg soil and she looks kind of stunned, there are 2-3 other strains which do as well. I’ll let them ‘walk it off’ and take some cuts again lol the bud structure is great, it looks just like golf balls on a stick, that’s my favorite. With better conditions I can see a denser structure with these kind of buds = perfect.

I think it’s the third or fourth time I post this picture of my favorite salmon river og pheno :sweat_smile: it had the same structure as I mentioned. Was a real gem, I could bite my ass not keeping her longer.


you are goning to have some nice buds to smoke brudi. looking good!

gelato #9 seems to like bigger shoes :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hello friends, I hope you’re well! I just noticed that I forgot the update of the second cab lol

Here’s a Pic of the tent when I made the other update

Some rather bad plant shots of the individual ladies in it:

Shiva99 - purple lady. She has the most open structure of all three and is the fastest pheno, she will be the first to cut down. She started to fade despite getting pretty high amounts of food so from now on it’s just pH’ed water for her. smells kind of muted berries with a skunk funk to it, not very loud actually but still good. Total opposite of the other two phenos.

Shiva99 - the green lady. She smells like creamy lemony goodness with a touch of something dark in the background, it’s pretty subtle, the main component is the creamy lemon. Reminds me a bit of lemon haze actually.

BNP - so lanky that they can’t support themselves. I used some rope and clips and plastic holders, she doesn’t giva sh*t and flops around lol. Has wonderful warm and sweet berry smell.

White fire - what a monster yielder. She really likes to put out biiig buds in short times. Unfortunately she has no pronounced smell to it, it smells ‘just like weed’ and that not very strong. It has an acceptable amount of resin and I’ll judge when I smoke her after some curing. I’ll definitely give her another go in a bigger pot. I think you can break records with her.

So in the meantime I needed to reorganize my stuff. I decided to chop one bnp and the worst looking cherry trufflez.

BNP - the odd thing is she has almost no hair, very few that were orange kind of like from the beginning. Smell is wonderful though and I keep her sister for another week in the tent.

Cherry trufflez - yeah, I fucked up with the nutes and you can see. Yield is shitty but the buds are rock hard, I mean you can throw one right of the plant on your buddies head and it will hurt lol smell is great, got stronger the last days. Funny thing is it reminds me of the smell of my favorite salmon river og pheno I posted a Pic of above. Lol can’t wait to try her. The sister plant which didn’t look as shitty will also get another week before getting chopped.

The bigger cab looks like this now:

The buds of all plants get pretty thick now, they stack really nice. Also resin and smell increases by the day.

Next Sunday I’ll make some individual shots of each plant.

So far, so good.


they look great from here!
Hairs? who needs hairs…that BNP got a nice top


looks great very nice colors :slight_smile: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: