MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 2)

OUTA likes for 28 minutes lmfao :joy::joy:


As it should be.

I cannot imagine how I would be. Fuck.

Iā€™m just really happy sheā€™s home! :+1:


This really depends on the rh of your drying area. In the summer with a humidifier I canā€™t get my sealed off bathroom over 30%rh so I canā€™t pull a week dry or itā€™ll b like dried oregano lol. I get about 3-4 days now I winter I can dry for a week with no problem. Got to make sure you donā€™t over dry cause grove bags won help there. That said I love grow bags get the rh right seal and good 2 go!

Good afternoon everyone! @mobilly you been holding out on your growing skills


Holy shit is that @MoBilly !?! It looks alot like him lmao!


PhotoShop is amazing! I donā€™t think this one was AI. It must have been done a while back. Itā€™s a good try though.


Good morning brother Mo, & all OG!


Good morning Mo, good morning OGā€™s. Happy hump day, letā€™s get this week over with and get to the weekend.:peace_symbol:


Good morning Mo and OG :coffee::coffee::coffee:


Good morning :sun_with_face: @MoBilly, @JohnnyPotseed, @BigMike55, @mota, @Golfnutt, @Greenfingers, & all the rest of the green room crew! Just stopping :stop_sign: in for a minute, got a busy day ahead of me! Have a GR8 day gang! :hugs::partying_face::wink::facepunch::+1::blush::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Morning Brother Mo and Coffee Crew.


Good morning @JohnnyPotseed @Greenfingers @Golfnutt @OhNo555 and @BigMike55 !
Good morning to all of OG!
Iā€™ll be busy today making a run up North to the livestock auction. Iā€™ve got to sell two of my young nannies to come up with some scratch.
We need to get new waterlines run from the well to all the homes on the property. Weā€™re trying to come up with the funds before Winter sets in too heavy.
That expense is going to be considerable to say the least. Just renting the digging equipment is so much more now than it was the last time we had to. That was only four years ago but the rental is just shy of twice what it was.
If our land had actual DIRT I could just rent a ditch witch but itā€™ll take a backhoe with a hammer attachment to bust through the rock in some places. Thatā€™ll mean extra hours rental as well because itā€™ll be slow going in places. The whole family is pitching in though so it will get done.

I thank Dad every day for buying this property so many years ago. I just wish he had been able to buy some bottom land near my uncleā€™s placeā€¦ I do love this land though and will happily grow old here. And then my ashes will be cast on the ground at my favorite spot by the spring when that time comes.

Anyway, donā€™t expect me to be on here much today. You all know I hate using the phone to post stuff.
Iā€™ll be around for a while though before we need to leave around 11 or so.


Good luck in the selling of a couple nannies, brother. Donā€™t go overdoing it in the work department! Sounds rough.

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The fun today will be at Evaā€™s aunts home. She has two billies to send to the auction with mine. One is the brother of Big John so heā€™s not going to be a handful. But the other is the father of those young billies and he has NEVER had a lead on him. There are no shoots to run him up to the trailer so Iā€™ll have to put a rope on the monster and lead him out and somehow convince him to walk the narrow ramp into the trailer.
I expect it to be an interesting endeavor to say the least. You saw pictures of the beast. lol
Heā€™s a powerful SOB.


Sorry to hear about your water line situation, but Good luck :four_leaf_clover: with your resolution for your problem brother! :facepunch::+1::wink::blush::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

Good morning brothas :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope all the lots going to the auction fetch a great price to help you get those waterlines and cover some rental costs.

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Thanks OhNo555. We found out just how shitty a job they did when putting in the lines (before we bought the property) when the phone company dug into a line that was only ~7" underground. We have always had problems with freezing lines when it got real cold. Now we know why. Itā€™s got to be fixed. Thereā€™s no other option now that we know just how bad it is.


Dont get in a head butting contest with him.


The nannies are only one thing Iā€™m going to have to sell. Iā€™ll probably have to sell my 17ā€™ flatbed trailer as well. It depends on just how long we have to rent that hoe for.


Dude!!! Did you see the dang horns on that billy!? THAT is not happening if at all avoidable!


He is an impressive guy. Still young and will put on some more muscle but dang. Heā€™s a solid animal for sure.