MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 2)

This was is my first grow an will be my first cure so I kinda wanna do it right now cutting corners etc

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any time youre curious about something you want to read elaborate discussions onā€¦ just type key words in the search barā€¦ and tons of posts will come up

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curing in groves is not cutting cornersā€¦ it works well so i hear ā€¦ there are several ways and methods of curingā€¦


Ya no I never said that it was I just meant like drying out over a heater in a shoe box etc lol

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Iā€™ve never even heard nor seen any of these grove bags before lol

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She is truly my best friend and I was feeling lost, worried, and lonely without her! :blush::wink::sunglasses::v:


how does your plant smell now? think of this and you want to get all that green grass smell out and keep the funk and terps as they say - conceptualize it

go smell your plant - trust me -remember that smell the whole dry

try smelling it now and then a few weeks when all dry and then in the cure

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Thatā€™s what happens when ur better half ur best friend ur person is in the hospital ur not u ur normal whole self ur missing something if that makes sense anywho glad shes back at home getting somewhat back normal day by day its a long process but worth it anywho glad u guys are back together under one roof have a great day friend

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My buddy always kept some schwag around for people who would come over that he wasnā€™t real fond of :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Oh shit thats not a bad idea lmfao :joy::joy:

you wanna scare me away as a houseguest give me edibles Iā€™ll smoke all your schwag I like schwag too - edibles Iā€™m going exploring I honestly hate them but make strong ones


Lmfao thatā€™s funny shit

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your weed looks great but Mo billyā€™s is better did you get Blue Tara seeds? yet cummings420? thatā€™s what theyā€™re all growing it seems to be good I have one in veg that and some other stuff the chunky - you should grow together - whats your next round?

i might be able to send you 5 if you pop them

i want to hoard them for myself, but you should grow them too


Yes! This right here! After I found those bags I was amazed at the difference! I still have a bit of a time choosing when to stop the drying process. Iā€™ve over dried more than a couple of times.


I started a thread on it

I think youā€™ll find all you need to know about them on there.


The humidity in your drying room is very important. Do not neglect that part. You want a slow dry. Figure to try and keep the humidity ~ 53% in that room and have some air movement. Not directed at the buds but just moving the air around some.
Then do the stem test. When you can bend a smaller stem and it breaks instead of bending, bag them. I have also had to take some of the smaller buds off earlier than that because it was obvious that they had dried enough. Those Iā€™ll bag with a moisture meter in with them to make sure they are dry enough. If not, Iā€™ll leave the buds out for a little bit and then re-bag them.

Thatā€™s how Iā€™ve been doing it and my weed tastes like something worth smoking now. lol


No on the blue Tara :sob::sob: itā€™s look fire Iā€™m all tapped out for a bit in helping JP I know itā€™s wasnā€™t much but that all I can do as saving up for down payment on house we trying to buy we just got all our paperwork work finished so waiting to hear back :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers: for LUCK


Would love to try that Blue Tara though for sure

Awesome I will be on this thread ALOT from here on our lol thank u @MoBilly

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Always a pleasure. :slight_smile:

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