MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 2)

I thought you mistyped.
OH. My bad.


Yeah, thatā€™s it! What he said ^^^^^

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You guys kept me visiting too long and now itā€™s starting to rain! Iā€™ll never get those nasty green beans weeded!!

Thanks :+1:t3:!

Now ya just spitting hairsā€¦ oh I meant splitting hairs!


Too much!


Dang! Only a shower. Iā€™ll catch you all later today.

Have you ever seen this reality show american ninja warrior? Every sports competition should be like that.


My television hasnt been turned on since may. I have no TV or streaming service. I garden, smoke cannabis, play with dogs, be nice and flirt with the neighbors wives when the Husbands are out instead of passively watching TV.


There are times that I want to build a trebuchet to see just how far a big screen TV can fly. But I use it as a computer monitorā€¦ I have bad eyesight. lol


For me, in my real life, the only exception to that is if itā€™s overtly agreed to before hand and reserved for the bedroom. Itā€™s not for everyone, but it can add spice for those who enjoy those sorts of shenanigans. :slight_smile:

Other than that one small point, Iā€™m in complete agreement, hitting a woman is seriously not okay. I donā€™t think I could justify it, even if she agreed to participate (which clearly she did) in a martial arts competition.

As you correctly point out,

No shit.

As a 2 year varsity high school letterman in gymnastics six decades ago, Iā€™d have a crazy difficult time not watching. I lived without TV for better than 30 years, but always managed to catch the summer games.

I had heard there was some controversy about the opening ceremony, but I donā€™t watch any ceremonies other than the actual awarding of medals on the podium. I like watching the events. Itā€™s about the sport.

I didnā€™t hear a rant.


I just finished intensive packing of these bound for you, @mota. Postal service willing , you will get a taste of those tomatoes after all. Sorry to interrupt.


Thatā€™s the point. Itā€™s not anymore. Itā€™s about wiping out the records that women have set for years and should only be changed when another woman beats that record in a fair competition.
I understand your position though. I would be hard pressed to not watch something I had been deeply involved in during my life.
But as for me, I canā€™t bring myself to watch. After knowing the utter unfairness of the competition I just canā€™t bring myself to view it. Iā€™ll miss it a lot but if I watch it, I feel that Iā€™m condoning it in a way. Thatā€™s just my way of thinking. No judgement meant. The only ones Iā€™ve ever really tried to push into thinking a certain way were my kids. Even that didnā€™t work out like I had planned. :frowning:


Holy shit, brother, my mouth is watering! I donā€™t know what to sayā€¦ other than thank you! :yum:!


No interruption bro. Sorry I missed your post. lol
When I see something I deem as unfair I find it hard to hold back on my opinion. lol
Iā€™ll get off the soapbox now.

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Iā€™m on your side here, MO. When a lady that was a dude 10 months ago cracks someoneā€™s daughters skull in a boxing bout. Itā€™s tough for me to even think about. (It actually happened).


And even after knowing that happened they still allowed it to happen in the games. Thatā€™s criminally irresponsible at the very least.
I was raised to protect the weaker when they are pushed around by POSā€™s no matter what the sex of the individual. Iā€™ve stood down bullies that were pushing men half their size around. But this is about womankind. Standing by and not calling something this wrong out for what it is, is not how Iā€™m made.


That poor Italian girl that quit the fight said she had never been hit so hard in her life. Thatā€™s just scary and maddening.


Womenā€™s history is be written out by those who purport to know whatā€™s best. Itā€™s not just the Middle East where edifices of History are being erased.


They test for every chemical enhancement, yet they let someone with 22% muscle mass through trickery in the ring with someone with half that . If someone gets killed the tide will turn, maybe.


Exactly @MrHamilton . I canā€™t imagine the feeling of utter disheartenment she had to feel. To walk away from her dream in order that she wouldnā€™t be badly injuredā€¦ I just canā€™t imagine having something so unfairly stripped from me.