MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 2)

Thank you for that my friend. I would never want to hurt a relationship because I can’t voice my frustration without seeming uncaring about others feelings.


Oh my God man… this shit made me just about spit my coffee everywhere… absolutely hilarious! :laughing: :joy:

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Yeah. We keep him around for just those moments!

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Yup Joe Rogan talked about exactly this shit… dude wasn’t good enough to be a champ in the mens… so gets a sex change and starts beating on women… it’s bullshit … and a complete disgrace to the ufc or any prize fighting… we should be kicking the shit out of these lame ass dudes who do this… even though they no longer have a penis lol… genetically they are still a man and they are still fighting a woman… disgusting and pathetic


Ideological purity is killing our world . We need to put THAT genie back in the bottle .


There are actually two of them that dna tests revealed male chromosomes, one from China and one from Algeria. They are banned by the IBC but the IOC allowed them to compete.

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Either they’ll change the rules for next time, or all the events will have men in them in eight years if they’re still around. How else can countries compete?

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Well, I’m off to make some music with friends. Y’all be kind to one another.
Thanks for listening to my frustration.
Good to know I’m not the only one that thinks this way.


Dam I missed a lot today, cats :cat2:, balls, shaving :razor:! LMAO :joy: 🫨 :grimacing:




My god that Chunky junky looks soooooooooooooooooooo covered in trichomes it’s ridiculous bro… son of a !!!


Ikr!? I can hardly wait :grin:!

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I’m so jealous right now!!

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Good night all. I’m headed get some zzzzzzzzzzz’s.

Good night broski 🪴 :seedling: :herb:

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I actually find that change happens way to slow. Feels like we’re stuck in the past.

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Good morning Mo and OG :coffee::coffee::coffee:

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Good morning @MoBilly and friends! I hope yall are having a great day so far!


Good morning brother Mo, & all OG!


Good morning brothas :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope everyone has a great day!

I always love the old tools from times past. The pitchfork I use is a old heavy duty 4 prong flat pitchfork. I’d say its from the 20s or 30s. I bought a new one with more prongs but it doesn’t work as well as the antique one. That saying of they don’t make them like they used to, is very true.

Thats awesome!

Very cool, I didn’t know what a teter was. Imagine being on that year in and year out. Hard work all around.

Yea its very common up here.


Good morning @Terpsnpurps @JoeCrowe @Golfnutt @HighTilliDie @JohnnyPotseed and @InTheWoods !

Good morning to all you fine folks out there today!