MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 2)

Morning everyone.
So, Mo I take it you like the Chunky Junky?? Told you it was some top shelf reefer.
I’m a bit biased, but I think its some of the best I’ve smoked in a very long time.


Good morning @420noob @OhNo555 @JohnnyPotseed @Golfnutt @Oldjoints and everyone else in the OG universe!
I like that CJ @BigMike55 ! Next time I let her veg longer though. I want more CJ BUDS!!! :laughing:


Good morning @MoBilly . No power for 11 hours so far. Back on soon I hope. Line down in town.

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Dang @crownpoodle . I can’t put a like on that. We have an old generator that’s big enough to run my lights, the fridge and freezer but not much more.
Coal oil lamps are relaxing anyway. :+1:t4:


Morning again.
I just came back to Earth. Been gone for just a bit. Changed my mind and went with CJ today for Wake and Bake. Four hits. Three hits on the bong, then I hit the couch. Nice to be retired.


It’s been a long time since we lost power for more than an hour or so. I feel unprepared and don’t like it. Some fresh mantles on the top of the list.
You enjoy playing some tunes for the folks yesterday @MoBilly ?


I like that! lol


Yes it is. :+1:


Goodmorning @MoBilly and the green room gang!!


We had an absolute blast brother! The folks were singing along like we were just family gathered around the living room. Jokes! OMG man you never have lived until you sit amongst a bunch of old timers in a great mood.
It was such a blessing, I just can’t tell you.
We were asked to bring our music down there because a young man (~25 yrs) is going in for surgery next week. It’s to remove a tumor from his brain. He wanted music. We made some noise.
Here’s the thing; I mentioned jokes… This young man was the main jokester! And his hilarity was infectious and the whole room was cracking jokes between songs.
This young man went blind because of the tumor. Okay. Someone asks if we know a song. “Yeah, we can sing that” I said. Then I hear Bucky say “I don’t know that one, can someone hand me a hymnal?”! Silence… then the room burst out in laughter!
To face what he is and still have that kind of genuine joy in his heart and just being in the moment with friends having a wonderful time…
You might think I do well by going out and doing this. My friend, I receive more than ever I give.


Good morning @Terpsnpurps and @mota !
Hope your day is extra special today.


One more time I’m outta likes.

Good morning, @MoBilly and all!

Mrs. mota has been outta town for the past few days visiting a high school friend who lives in Door County, WI. She gets home tomorrow evening, so today is special in that it’s my last full day with her gone. Generally speaking, I don’t much care for her being gone. During the day is okay, it’s like she’s at work, at least on weekdays. (She’s 15 years my junior, so she still works.) Nights are different. I believe the technical term for nights is they suck. Going to bed and waking up alone? :-1:

In my not particularly humble opinion, that is the key to success in life. Chance favors the prepared mind. If a person is truly living in the moment, they’re prepared.

Again IMNSHO, that having a wonderful time with friends… That’s living proof of living in the moment!

No dirt napping makes it pretty special! :+1:

My hope for your day is the same. Extra special.


When Eva went down to Fla for 10 days it was the longest we’d been apart in a great many years.
It truly sucked.
:100: %


Heading to the dentist. Catch y’all later.

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Hmmm Lucky boy.
I’m getting my teeth fixed starting in Sept.


I ain’t got but these two canines im my mouth lol easy clean


This is just for a filling. We’re here and I only see two people in the waiting area. I might just be out of here pretty quickly.


Disappearing likes lol here ya go brother


Haha I’m following you and I see the problem… your like storage has sprung a leak… shit is going everywhere! :laughing: :rofl: :heart:








lol yeah rhem likes just be going out all ovee the place… trying to pollinate!

