MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 2)

Lol… “like pollen”… hilarious!!!


Thanks @Oldjoints for the info. I might have not mentioned I live in high desert so temps have been 110°+ for last 2 months. The 2 really bad ones have been out all summer. The nice tall one has been out all summer but shows not as muct of that damage just a bit of leaves dying in the center bottom of plant.

Sucks @crownpoodle even with the coastal breeze it’s still gotta be hot. I feel for ya brother.
@mobilly glad you had a great time! Seems like most people who play music have fun doing it. Having good people around definitely helps.
@johnnypotseed glad you are doing better.

Happy afternoon everyone.


100 degree averages and 8 percent humidity is he’ll on Cannabis. I’m surprised you do as well as you do out there.


Lol I don’t share a lot of failures with y’all :shushing_face:. I get a lot of help from very knowledgeable members who live in similar conditions. It makes it harder to tell if issues are from heat or something on my end.


We have been getting similar temps here. My plants are doing fine.


what size pots these are 3 or 5 gal for the most part? I’m just trying to figure this out. Also been getting 15-25mph winds with very little rh. My girl in the ground looks way better.


I plant directly into the ground. This allows them to get as big as they want. IMHO the main reason to grow OD is for more yield and a much cheaper grow. To help with winds you can put them in 4 ft tomatoe cages as i have done or simple support sticks.


I’d love to be able to grow monsters outside but a few issues. The legality of me growing is a grey area at best with the laws here. Also I live next to federal land with a lot of people around the property a lot so I don’t want to make myself a bigger target for thieves. I’m just trying to get a good stash so I can do some breeding projects without the fear of running out of smoke like I have been for a few days. Tomatoes cages and stakes have helped a lot there is some in the pics I believe. Thanks for sharing your knowledge will keep an eye on the amount of nitrogen I use.


I can understand that.


Here are a few of mine from a couple of years ago:

image IMG_0740 image


Those look nice. I wish I could do that outside.


This brings joy to my heart, knowing you bring joy to others. That is awesome! My daughter Camille’s family started going to a nondenominational church in January. They’d had to deal with some rough stuff. Nice group of folks. We go when we can. The church really had something for everyone. Then they found out my son-in-law Zander is a drummer. His dad Jeff is now the bass player. Jeff’s true instrument is his voice! Just booms, but not overbearing. Music is a huge part of worship here. No hymnal or repeat after me. I’m not criticizing approach. It served me well.
I like how being there makes me feel. I’ll take that anytime…feeling better. I also like the brunch my daughter insists we stay and eat. Always worth staying. We’ve gotten to being Tupperware for dinners. They throw DOWN!


That’s funny. Bucky was asking for a hymnal. We don’t use them AND he’s blind!
He’s a funny guy. When we were leaving a guy walked up to him and said “Give me a fist bump”. He said “Be careful asking a blind man to fist bump. You may end up with a black eye.” !
I gotta say the kid is funny. lol

Music is what brought me back around to church. I went when I live with family but Mom and Dad didn’t go much until later in life. I loved gospel music and when I tried out the little church we went to for a very long time, it was more the music that had me coming back, not necessarily the preaching. Most of the preachers around here still bring the word hot and loud at times. Nobody but the very old and very young can sleep during services. lol
I’m happy your clan has found a good place. Being involved in the music is a great way to be part of the service. It also tends to help a person stick to it because they feel more a part of the whole and folks get to depend on your being there.
I’ve led the church in song at our church for several years.


Goodnight morning brother Mo and all OG!


Good morning @MoBilly, good morning OG’s. Two fer Tuesday, smoke em if ya got em.:peace_symbol:


Good morning @MoBilly and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope everyone’s coffee is deliciously smooth and strong

Make sure he still has his fingers before the next fast set haha. Sounds like you had great time brotha!


Good morning Mo and OG :coffee::coffee::coffee:


Good morning :sunny: @MoBilly, @JohnnyPotseed, @BigMike55, @Hemp, @Greenfingers, @Oldjoints, @crownpoodle, @420noob, @Golfnutt, @InTheWoods, and all the rest of the green room crew! :blush::wink::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::partying_face::v:


Good morning @JohnnyPotseed @Greenfingers @InTheWoods @Golfnutt & @OhNo555 !


So how ya feeling this morning, my friend?