MoBilly's greenroom: 4th grow & 1st ever seed run

Yeah BigMike, I had hopes that she would be much like that. I still like how she turned out but it would be nice to have something like yours with the same color.


Well, just like that.

and everything falls apart with my UFS #18 seed run.

I thought a couple of days ago that my RBC x Conspiracy Kush had begun to look like a nanner was popping out of this bud so I isolated her and looked her over as best I could. Today she showed clearly. In addition, I found three others that were more developed. I’m sure I didn’t dodge that bullet.

Therefore I can’t say without doubt that … yeah, you know the line.

I am disappointed that the UFS #18 is a bust for now. I still have some seeds and next time I might have more success. There will be a next time.
It looks like I am going to do a straight clone run on those GDP’s for now.
:crossed_fingers: That it works out.

Truly, this has been a kick in the nads after loosing those clones the other day but I know it’s a learning experience and maybe I can tighten up my game even more so this doesn’t become a habit.


She was such a pretty thing too.
I guess your pride won’t be hurt by this harvest @cannabissequoia

Anyway. I’m gonna get a little extra medicated right now.
I have good things on the way, though, so there’s that to look forward to. Updates to come. :slight_smile:

:pray: peace y’all.


Man! If it wasnt for bad luck, you would have no luck.
Sorry about your Shemale. Its a kick in the cajones but, at least you caught it before a full-on splooge-fest.


Next run will be better. I’m having problems also. The weather is changing to much. I’ll be ok. There’s always a good doctor around. Lol


At least you caught it early, diligence pays off. Glad you’ve still got more of these tucked away.


That is very true some people don’t even look.


Yeah. I know @BigMike55 . I was two days away from using the UFS pollen on that girl. I decided to wait when I saw a yellowish (what I thought was a pistol) coming out of that bud. The next day I was dang sure and the third day she got chopped because I saw others.

And you are right bro. I still have all the seeds and pollen to try again, which I intend to do.

At one time @BasementBeans , I was going to invest in an auto watering system. After discussing options with @Eagles009 I decided against it. He pointed out that my watering days are, normally, the times that I get to inspect my plants more thoroughly. I take my time and slow water letting it soak in evenly. While I’m waiting for one pour to soak in, I’m scanning the plant for problems.
I may not have been so lucky had I let an auto system rob me of my quite time with the girls. :slight_smile:


Hmmm. That is exactly how I water. I put a couple cups of water or nutes on the surface of the soil and let it soak in while I go on a bug hunt. Then water more thoroughly.


Couldn’t agree more, I feel like if I had an auto watering setup I’d get complacent and run into trouble. Glad you caught this in time and kept everything else on track!


Damn, sorry bro. That is a kick for sure. Fkn nanners. Why do they exist :sob::rage:. Like mosquitos…and fungus gnats


Mites. Fungus gnats. Pm. And bananas. Fuck em all


I’m wondering if I might have over worked the RCB x Ck when I took all that stretch growth and flattened her out into a table top.
Everything else has been on point as far as humidity and temps. Well, it did get danged hot in there when the air went out. They had one day of over 95 degree temps and then two days in the upper 80’s before I got the new one installed.


Out of those two options I would think heat. But I’ve trained quite a few very hard and spent half the summer with a failing AC. I got 90s daily for weeks. Never had a problem from either of those at the extreme. Sometimes it is just the plant brother. I watched two runs of pinkleberry do it. Once I blamed the conditions. After the second time it was clearly the plants.


Well, at least the trichomes on her were mostly cloudy. I didn’t see any amber at all but it will do something I’m sure.


:100: % agreement Legs!

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I just wanted to drop a few pics of this God’s Sky! It’s hard to see the buds under the trichomes that have been taking over the last few days.
I know pictures of buds show clearer if they have a dark backdrop so I took her in the living room and took the pics in front of my jacket.
What do y’all think? :slight_smile:

I am very much looking forward to trying this out. The Swakhammer is killing it too but I wanted to just show off this beauty on this post. :slight_smile:


so many guys find a killer keeper early on and let it go. don’t be that guy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

that’s girl’s a star.


Hat’s off to you, my friend. You did a frickin SPECTACULAR job!


Looking dank brother. Did you mention what she smells like by chance?


That’s a beautiful plant