MoBilly's greenroom: 4th grow & 1st ever seed run

Thanks @Hemp @Eagles009 @DougDawson and @Rabeats2093

I appreciate you guys so much! I’ve seen what you guys are capable of doing and it counts a lot to me that you like what I have going.
You guys are the only ones that ever see our grow. :slight_smile:


It’s a pleasure stopping by. Glad you tag because I’ve been busy and forgetting about a lot. But I usually get to the notifications.

I wonder. Is she stinky/sour like God berry or fruity like blueberry cookies? Maybe a mix or something totally different?


Some beautiful plants!


Hay MoBilly, Pretty work, I don’t know if I’ve commented in your thread before, so hope I’m not intruding :slight_smile:

You mentioned maybe not flushing… I don’t anymore, and just read a good thread here on mostly the why nots.

It’s the main reason I visit, or post on boards. I’m totally illegal, and crave the company, lol!


You’re going to think I’m nuts @Eagles009 , but she smells like very sweet berries that have been soaked in something similar (but not quite ((more chemicalish)) to a coal oil.
I love the berry but I’m not sure how that chemical smell comes in… :thinking:


Those are some kind words bud and really appreciated. I still consider myself a fairly new grower so it’s always nice to hear praise from folks like you who seem to just do an amazing job. :heart_eyes: Ok, back to trim jail I go.


Very interesting! I could definitely see the godberry scent being referred to as chemicalish. It was some stanky weed. Made you curl your nose up and snort if you took a big whiff of the jar. The blueberry cookies was okay smoke but annoyingly sweet so I made purple butter with that stuff. I’m not surprised by the color I guess looking back. Godberry was crazy pretty from red to purple to black. And the bb cookies was definitely the most colorful thing that got dusted.

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You got the sweet part down. :slight_smile: She may even be too sweet for me and I like sweet.


No need for a thanks brother I always tune in on a grower that’s tunning in on me … some great stories are told on here!

We r quite alike lifestyle wise …

Only I’m a little younger …guessing at least thirty years lol and I’m less experienced in life then you (green horn)

Hope all is well with you the woman and the farm have a good one !!

Till next time :seedling:


Yeah you know me… BUT I’ve got a plant going right now that smells like blueberry syrup and I kind of love it. It’s got the stickiest resin and the smell is sweet…but it’s layered and dank and pervasive. Opening my horizons to the sweet side a bit.

I’d say that plant you grew is a darn fine specimen for the first ever and still only seed to be grown out. Very cool. I appreciate that you not only grew it out but made it shine too.


You are always welcome to drop by Sir. Please feel free to jump right in anywhere. :slight_smile: Thanks for stopping by. :slight_smile:


What strain is this you are talking about again the Japanese maple :crazy_face:

To sweet common now !?

Sweetest I ever had was blackberry kush literally smelt all aspects the grind the smoke the taste a h.o. Got sickening quick but it was ohh so good lol


This is a cross between Godberry and Blue Cookies. @eagles was nice enough to gift me some seeds. This was the first one I popped. I’m definitely going back for more down the road a bit.


It’s a freedom of seeds godberry late flower nanner pollination of a dinafem blueberry cookies


Thank you Eagles009

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Actually @Eagles009 , I have liked all the sweet varieties that I have tried but recently I smoked some skunk. OH MY. I am a fan! Stank like crazy but all my troubles went away for a bit. lol
A good looong bit!


Let me know when you’re ready to pop more beans. I’ve got something you should grow if you’re feeling the stink :wink:


Mark that down brother! Don’t let this old hillbilly forget.
I tried some of the UFS the other night. I dried it too quick and too much but it was still a very nice evening.


Heck yeah! I’m always very relieved when the smoke test goes well. I’m not hurting but that’s a waste of months and space and plant count if it’s a bust!

I gotta water some plants. Poor things are mad at me again. Common theme lately.


Here is an idea about just how much growth I got after the flip.
And after
