MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

Well, I call that funny, my wife not so much.


LOL, Most wives lack our ‘perfect’ sense of humor !


This thread may end up giving me a goose egg on the forehead.


Hell lol the wife stopped to see what I laughed at…I got popped on the back of the head!

Neat trick though, turning the dishwasher into a weedeater!


:rofl: I love that! Thanks for the laugh Johnny. :slight_smile:


Hey everyone. I’m putting insulation in my new tarp-tent. What I have for insulation is some 1" Styrofoam sheeting. I’ve got the white side and the metallic shiny side. Which would be better pointing in to the plants? I’m thinking the white side… but the shiny side has excellent reflection. Maybe too much? Hot spots…
Anyway. Ideas?


I’ve tried both and prefer the white towards the plants. Almost as much reflective with out hotspots.
The bubble/mylar ‘space blanket’ works better. A roll (4x100) used to be around $100, no idea price now.


Yeah @JohnnyPotseed , I think I remember reading that somewhere way back.


I didn’t pay much for mine. Panda Wrap I haven’t put up yet.



I will keep this in mind. Right now I just need to get this thing put together.
I had a recent upgrade to my plans. :wink: (more on that later) :partying_face:
I think I’ll just go with white toward the inside for now. :slight_smile:
Thanks all. :slight_smile:


I just took a couple of pictures of my Frankenstein clones. In case you don’t remember, I’m doing another reversal on one and making fem seeds with the other. This is a project for a certain friend. :wink:
This is the one I’m spraying with STS. She’s in a 5gal bag.
I topped her a little more than the one I am using for seeds.

And this one is the one I’ve been spraying with BBP (@BudBusterPro) and will be using for seeds. She’s in a 3gal bag. When I get her moved and settled in I’ll spread this one’s branches out because I’ll have plenty of room.
As, usual, you can see I let them veg a long time. Too many irons in the fire I guess. I like big beautiful plants anyway. As you can see, there’s a difference in the two plants. The BBP has an edge on the one I didn’t use it on. Granted, they were shaped differently by topping but the one definitely has an edge as far as vegetation goes.

One thing I neglected to mention throughout this thread is that I didn’t go with my normal Happy Frog with these clones I have going. I used
I’m not a great fan of this, by itself, because it doesn’t have the water retention that Happy Frog has. I have to water everyday, at least a little bump anyway, when normally my younger veg plants don’t need that. Now, of course, they go through a lot anyway. I just think Happy Frog keeps the medium from spiking to at too dry state between my normal watering cycles. A half and half mixture might be more to my liking. Of course, I am amending my soil as well so there’s that.
Anyway, there are my Frankies. I’ll post some pics of my ISS later.
Thanks again. :slight_smile:


Them gals are lovely cuz!

I’ve used/tried the Happy Frog and the Coco-Loco both, no complaints lol but still I prefer to use my own composted mix.


Thanks Johnny. :slight_smile:
Yeah, I plan on getting to that point as well. I have plenty of compost and manure to grow a jungle anyway, why not use it.


If you take the used Happy Frog and mix some compost & castings in, then let it sit 6 months to a year. Turn it every month at least. We turn ours every time we add spent mix to the bin, if nothing added for awhile, we turn it every couple weeks.

Not sure about the Coco-Loco, never added that to our compost bins. Been a long time since we bought a bag just to check it out.


Yeah but then you have to go by smell and texture to know when it is “ready” to use. I don’t have soil testers so my seeds will be the tester. Therein lays my hesitation. I don’t have my dads instinct for that kind of thing. I’ll learn though. Just you watch. lol


trust this cuz, it’ll be fine in 5-6 months the compost and goat crap will reconstitute things just grand in that time frame. Give that old spent Happy Frog new life! lol
Improve it, actually!

You’ll find within a year, you shouldn’t have to buy anything unless you just want to spend your money! lol

Especially if you add a few amendments along with the mix
Toss in a couple hundred or so wigglers too. They help things break down faster


So here’s a stupid question @JohnnyPotseed . My compost bin, like yours (lol), is outside and liable to get any sort of thing mixed in. Is the heat generated by decomposition enough to sterilize anything that I don’t want to bring into the house.
There’s also the chance of bugs… How do you, if at all, treat the reconstituted soil before bringing it in to the grow area?


Not a bit cuz, we keep the bin covered. Just shovel it onto & shake down through a fine screen to use. No bug problems here
We place the section of screen over a tote to collect what we shake. Toss anything that hasn’t broken down and won’t fit through the screen openings back into the bin.


I just keep a tarp over my fence wire bin. I guess I’ll have to modify my setup. It works fine for garden compost but I’ll have to put together a sealed compost bin.