Other people's threads

When someone who created the thread asks you to stay out of it, please do so as to prevent further issue

I’m not trying to make this site a safe space, but a person’s threads are mostly self moderated and for a reason. It’s their space. Respect their space and respect common sense. If you aren’t getting along with someone don’t go into their threads and post passive aggressively or like their posts as it will just provoke the matter further.

Been alot of issues arising lately and part of it is identifying triggers and setting people off. This does not belong in an individuals grow threads.

Any infractions noticed should be brought to @TeamOG attention as flags please.


Much like this is an informational pin and not for bullshit


That should be self-evident! Word brother! :wink:


Edit: love you guys…


Moderating is often a lengthy, sometimes difficult, as well as a thankless job, but needed nonetheless. You are both the good guy and the bad guy at the same time.

As a moderator on a different grow site, I fully understand what it is to have to babysit certain members and try to keep things down to a dull roar at all times. It’s not easy to keep things peaceful once feathers get ruffled and insults start flying around.

It’s also not needed on a cannabis forum… we are all adults here… let’s act like it please! Knock the bullshit off and let’s get back to agreeing to disagree, if that’s what it takes to act civil towards each other! Apologizing, later, for words said doesn’t take the sting away… keep your negativity to yourself.

… or keep it up and face the Moderators Hammer and suffer the consequences you asked for!

I appreciate @LemonadeJoe and the @Overgrow crew for all they do to keep OG and it’s members safe and on the right track forward. Moderating on one of the busiest grow forums takes most of their free time and they should be thanked more often for their contributions!


Thank you @moderators for your tireless efforts!

With regard to “liking” someone’s posts, unless they’ve explicitly told me to stay out of their threads (which hasn’t happened yet) I use “liking” to let someone know there are no hard feelings after a charged exchange.

Passive agression is pervasive and ugly. It must be rooted out by the individual who is using it before it damages their ability to see good will in others.


I miss jet and colan