Any1 from michigan?

ISO trusted source from michigan! bull type of source…

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There’s a bunch of us on here from the mitten. What are you looking for in particular?


Michigan here - what are you looking for?


Real deal clones

Anything in particular clone wise? Pretty much everything popular is here if you know where to look.

Not from michigan.

My state isnt as kosher. Im looking for gg4 forum cut gsc mac1 the real deal cuts. Anyone up for a trade

What’s Michigan got to do with it then? You can get cuts from anywhere. (happens to be in Michigan)


They ship to illegal states? Highly doubt that!! They arent going to want to lose their license. Its their livelihood…my point here is if…nevermind…just forget i asked. I pm’d a poster from this thread snd offered to pay 3-400 to him/her just for getting it for me…2 days no response the loss is theirs. Offer to pay what the clone is sold for to get it for me, meet in person type of deal it just became to much paranoia for one guy…everyone has their reasons

Ediif possible delete thread please! Thanks

sounds sketchy to me

They ship anywhere in the USA. Do, or don’t, but you’re gonna have more trouble getting strangers to meet up in person than you are buying clones from online dealers.

I understand the apprehension, but this is safer than driving a clone back over the Indiana border. A plant cutting inside a bag in a box doesn’t arouse suspicion. It’s how everything moves around.

In fact, unrooted cutting are federally legal now since they are sub 0.3% THC. Just sayin’…


Since you’re one of the more experienced hands here, I’ve been meaning to find out exactly when does a plant start to produce cannibinoids?
I know they can do testing that predicts future thc/cbd levels. But would a clone (rooted or not) still not test positive for THC?
I had also heard since way back, that a plant needed to be at least 60 days old before you could/should flower it. Does that still hold true for regular seeds as well as auto?

There’s a lot of debate about that. Some people think there’s an amount up to 1% in veg plants but I have doubts. I doubt anyone at the post office has a GCMS lab to differentiate CBD flower from regular. Way I figure it, THC is produced in capitate trichomes, and the plant doesn’t produce those until at least a weeks or two into flower. Young plants do have trichomes, but not the cannabinoid bearing capitate ones. Or if they do, so few as to not matter.

That’s not true, you can flower a week old seedling, they’ll just produce very little bud (unless it’s a longer flowering narrowleaf, those you can run 12/12 from seed and still end up with an enormous plant). Shorter the flower time, the longer the veg time.

Of course I’d only send THC free hemp.


Excellent point about the trichomes.

I can’t remember if the 2 month minimum was just for best results or if they thought there wasn’t any cannabinoids yet.
Things were primitive back then man!! :stuck_out_tongue:
At least we’re not still putting popsicle sticks through the stems. :rofl:

I wonder how much of a difference there would be in the % of thc or cbd is with a dry sample compared to a wet sample?
A lot of states aren’t even testing for misdemeanor cases anymore.
Even if things aren’t 100% ‘legal’, they’re getting ‘less illegal’. Almost de facto decrim. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve wondered about shipping pollen - I’m almost more leery of yellow powder than seeds.


Obviously the best scenario is one where the package didn’t get opened. I’m sure a wet sample has a relative content of even less. Once I see actual Cannabis hemp flower for sale in gas stations, I gotta think you’re probably fine in a legal state. If you live somewhere else, I wouldn’t have it sent to the grow.

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Strange!!! Came for info, obviously seeking answers, got responses from knowledgeable members, then blew then off with a “Highly doubt that!!”…why ask the damn question in the first place??? ALL, do stay safe/be well.


You should wait for 30 to 60 and sats up to 90 or more days to flower…you get the best flavors smells and high. Regardless whst anyone says. Ive heard long time breeders say this.lmfao

You cant send clones in the mail. Its illegal regardless…03% thc or less and you can send it in the mail…bs!!

Just like ive heard people tring to say the law says canabis sativa! Which cannabis is legally call can. Sat…

Those that have been busted have used the age old excuse oh i had canabis indica the states sativa…time and time again and again they and alot of others went to jail…regardless this plant is illegal in the eyes of the gov…i hate that it is…i hate that gov exists…sending seeds, clones, pollen is all illegal…regardless of what Vernal says…yes any licensed seller of legit hard to vome by clones will lose their license and everything they worked hard for…do you really think they want that no…my point here is any online site claiming they send clones to any state is just as bogus as the sites trying to sell weed through the mail…ridiculousness!!!

You sure sound like you’re complaining not to mention acting like a damn asshole. Take your disrespectful bullshit somewhere else boss


Yeah IDK what this guy’s problem is. I tried; waddaya gonna do.


Some peoples children man


Stating the facts/truth…like plato said those who speak the thruth are not liked…thats ok

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