Modicums future Legendary crosses

Yeah unfortunately that usually happens when you really want a male


Time to start doing some next year teases. When I find something great it will be sent to sebring for every one so hear is the dilemma I have.

This is my interest. No where near my collection. But i will say that hand written pck x hindu #9 is the most expensive. Its heirloom from some one and somewhere special that I must keep a secret. but when I say I won’t touch them until everything is perfect they are my diamonds. Its Pakistani chitral kush bred from 10000 x to hindu kush bred from 10000 they both were in landrace form when they were first worked and I know the line has been pure ever since…one day I’ll run these for OG


Very interesting selections ,looking forward to you creating some gems :gem: or maybe diamonds :diamonds: from that elite collection .

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That death by lemons and cookies reserve :heart_eyes: