Mom has alzheimers

My Mom who lives in another state now has been diagnosed with alzheimers disease. I’m not sure how this is going life but I already had a heart to heart with myself…if im no longer recognzed by mom…who.will i be?.
Can anyone point me to a source for lions mane mushroom spores?
Anyone else dealing with this?


Following this One for sure


Good luck my friend. My experience is you will NOT be forgotten, we as grandchildren it wasn’t the best but my grandmother never forgot my mom or my moms sister.


I dealt with it with my grandmother for 5 years before she eventually succumbed to this horrible disease.
I’m constantly learning about the disease as its supposedly hereditary and her daughter is my mother and I’m expecting it happening to her at some point.

This is an on and off thing. One day they don’t know who you are but the next day they recognise you as soon as you walk in the door.
My grandmother lost a lot of weight as she forgot how to eat properly. Most days she just sat still with her eyes closed and would only give a slight smile if she recognised a voice she remembered.
Some sufferers get violent and this is when stuff gets shitty to deal with. Most people are not prepared to be able to deal with that stage if it happens.
There is hope on the horizon -
Cannabis and the treatment of dementia


I just realized during a moment of introspection late last night that her definition of me was a huge part of my identity. I was always the fukup little brother and black sheep even after I was successful and somewhat together.
I think it’s lions mane that’s supposed to help with alzheimers…maybe other mushrooms too.
I eat healthy and tried to have oatmeal every day and fish at least once a week. Might as well add.mushrooms
Whats really sad is my ex wife is boinkers and my daughter is going through conservator process this year also just as me and her uncle are doing


Bro I was the black sheep in my grandmothers eyes. We never spoke for more than 10 years until I found out about her illness. While she sort of had a sound mind still I went and seen her and made amends as I knew I couldn’t hold against her something she no longer remembered.
I’ll keep checking back on your thread to see how things are going. What I will state though in my own eyes is at the moment there is no cure. You’ve just got to make the time remaining count as much as you can.



I’m not following this thread & I totally feel for you and your momma.

I’ve personally delt with this with my grandma & my only advise is this…

Tell her everything, EVERYTHING you want her to know, regardless of what it is, and do it NOW!

I’m NOT saying this for any reason other then, if at any point she’s unable to continue to know or recognize you. You won’t be able to tell her meaningful things. It will be too late & It will drive you insane…

I’m praying for you, her and all your family my friend :pray: :heart:

My grandmother forgot she had 5 kids, a husband and all her 9 grandchildren except ME, I was the last for her to forget, it completely broke me to say goodbye to my grandma, locked myself In my room for weeks tryin to cope with it.

I’m NOT saying this is what will happen in your situation at all and I’m praying for the best outcome for your family :pray: :heart:

Just say & do the things together you will regret later if you don’t.

Im praying :pray: :palms_up_together:


Thanks @CADMAN
I know what you are saying but I gotta decide if she needs to know what went on …but I get your point.


Good stuff :+1:


In my opinion and from some deep digging on this, I believe Alzheimer victims needs Magnesium and Calcium because the brain is using the Aluminum in response to low Cal Mag. I shit you not we are like the plant


Hey @Trowertripper I’m so sorry to hear the recent news and unfortunately I just lost my Dad at 66 years young Sept 1st and he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s 6 years ago and I was his at home caregiver for the last 2-3 years with the help of my sister because my mom was still teaching I can truly appreciate the way you’re feeling and all the questions in your mind and don’t mind or care about any sort of question or to just listen but please don’t let it consume you and I have been able to become a stronger person from it but by no means was something I wish on my worst enemy to go through but I have found out that IMO the best way to get by is having a good support system aka family friends and help so hope you don’t ever get overwhelmed but try to have a good day and I will be sending you good vibes and prayers!.. I’m Mr Fun-gi and I don’t have that print but lots of other ones… FU-Alzheimer’s!.. Please :pray:t2: feel free to message me for info, to ask me any questions or concerns and I just wanted to say that the one thing that was good for my Dad was music and it doesn’t affect the part of the brain until late stages and if she likes to listen to music or play it’s a great way to help her


I’m sorry to hear about your mom’s diagnosis. You’ll be you. Nobody gets to define us. I used to feel that way too. but we are defined by what we do… not our past. It has to be a bit scary considering Alzheimers can be hereditary but as others pointed out science is making some advances. Stay strong!


Basically we don’t have to be someone in the eyes of pur parents or Just because we could be,we actually MUST BE SOMEONE TO OURSELVES before being for anyone else.
Stay strong,I know well that disease and yes,It Is genetic.I am preparing my self to cope with It again once more in the coming years,and,I would like to know if there Is any evidence weed can help.Please do let me know if It is
Sorry to hear this,It really breaks you apart


My sincere condolences my friend.
I know it had to be extremely hard for you. I can’t imagine the pain. Lost my mom 4 yrs ago to cancer and it was relatively quick but I’m still processing. Grief sucks.


And Remember,if you Need to talk,
/Help,do not isolate yourself,go out and talk your Friends (close ones) about what and how you feel,It really Is Therapeutic.Do not close on yourself.Talk to anyone if you feel It,do not keep the rocks on your shoulders alone.


Exactly right I just got done with the demons that I brought on by secluding myself and it began to consume me and I finally have broken through the shell and talk about it everyday if I need to but please don’t hesitate to reach out and don’t be a dodo like me and I just got pissed at the world and I’m the end I was my own worst enemy but I’m ALWAYS here for anyone especially since I have dealt with it first hand and my Dad was my best friend so he still is and I still talk to him everyday and I just keep pushing forward to seeing what today brings and not tomorrow or yesterday so stay grounded and talk talk talk !.. Thanks for the words @Draig and I have a TRUE BROTHER in a mutual friend who has been absolutely amazing… Carty!


My grandmother had it, and I actually have a good memory from it, where she loved to look through her address book, and ask me who all the people were. Her daughters, husband, grandchildren etc. It was sad, but it was nice to be able to give her some comfort, because she definitely liked it, we could do all the names over and over.
Anyway, hang in there


My grandpa had it as well.
I never got to know him as the person he was, because he had it before I was even born.
He had no clue who I was, but I always talked to him anyways.


Thanks everyone…I’m Journaling and going to counseling some…and definitely reconsidering my current career path which demands so much.
I’m 63 and mom is 86


You have my deepest sympathies. Alzheimer is a devastating and horrible disease.