Mom is in hospital who was recently diagnosed with alzheimers fell and broke her hip
I have been. Staying night in her hospital she ger agitated and combative. She now has pneumonia also. I’m in Missouri and taking off work until she gets into a care facility


Damn man, I hope things go as best as they can and she recovers quickly :heart:


Alzheimer’s fucking SUCKS!!! I truly feel for you. When your family forgets who you are, it’s heartbreaking. I’ll smoke for you and your mom today.


Hang-in there. You are doing the best thing possible… Best Wishes


Damn, Trowertripper, I had to go play Bridge of Sigh’s, and cry some, for you and your Ma.
Brings back my time of the 9 months of horror, staying with my mom as she slowly faded from earth. It was not Alzheimer’s for her/me/us.
A waking nightmare for every second of that time.
I so wish I had words to help you, but as you know, one foot in front of the other. Damn this so harsh!
Stay strong man!!


I’m so sorry to hear this man, that’s really hard to deal with. My mom had early stage Alzheimers when she died recently and it was tough to deal with for everyone, I hope you’ve got support not just from us


Thoughts and prayers are with you and yours today @Trowertripper have seen the effects first hand and wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. God I pray we find a cure for this horrible disease taking our elderly from us much too early :cry: much love my friend


Sorry to hear this bud.
Praying that your mother gets well soon and ur able to get on with things as usual…
Stay strong :green_heart::herb:


As someone who spent the past year in & out of hospitals & worrying about my family members please allow me to send you some positive vibes/love! :peace_symbol: :heart: :pray: :two_hearts:

Putting your life on hold to be a calming/loving presence for your mom :100: Wishing you all the best, if you ever just need someone to talk to, hit me up!


I’m very sorry to hear about this situation. @Trowertripper

I know these types of things are incredibly difficult. You know your OG family is wishing you the best and sending you and your mom strengthening healing vibes.

Hopefully she recovers well and I know with you making sure she has someone with her to care and ensure she gets everything she needs, it’s much better for her than being in that kind of environment by herself.

Much love, and best wishes!!


As many have already said, Alzheimer’s sucks! It is horrifying when your mom or dad doesn’t recognize their own child. It’s so difficult to not take it personally, or at least it was for me. Just keep reminding yourself, that is the person who raised and loved me, who fed and clothed me, and who gave me the opportunity for life itself. Love them for a life well lived. You are the living proof that that life was indeed well lived.

I’m so sorry to hear about your mom. I’m sending you and your mom positive loving vibes.


Best of luck, man. I feel for you and your mom. Went down that road with my grandmother, and it’s a tough road to hoe. Try to keep your chin up. You will get through it.


Sorry dude for real, hang in there. You must be strong where she cannot


Best of luck man and positive vibes! I have dealt with a grandparent and a close family friend and their alzheimer’s journey. I know it is tough, but channelling high vibrational energy your way.


I will keep her in my Prayers my friend


Please allow me to cast Positive Thoughts in your direction. Stay strong, I went to similar with my Biological Father. It’s not a pleasant Illness, by any means. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Positive vibes out to you, y’all are in my thoughts.


Sorry my friend I can’t fathom what that is like. I lost my Mom to cancer a couple years ago, and it was devastating but alzheimers plus a break and pneumonia! It is almost worse for you and the family because your Mom doesn’t understand what’s happening. Hang in there. Do whatever you can for her, but remember to take care if yourself as well. You can’t be there for her if you get burned out or sick from exhaustion.


Sorry to hear this @Trowertripper, I’ve been down the Alzheimer’s trail before, and it truly sucks. It’s not something I wish on anyone. Stay strong, and keep your head up.
I lost my dad 3 years ago to a fall, caused a Brain bleed that was unfixable due to his heart condition. Blood thinners made it so they couldn’t do surgery due to him bleeding out, and stopping the blood thinners, his heart wouldn’t take it, we were stuck between a rock and hard place.
Enjoy every precious second you can with your mom, don’t get discouraged, and take things she might say with a grain of salt.
:pray: prayers sent for you and your family on this road ahead


Prayers to you and your loved ones! We’ll wishes to everyone. Blessed are we.