Has something like this happened to you,?

My mother passed in my arms when I was young. Now I’m older, and I am at peace with it thinking and now knowing at least for myself I will see her again. I hope.

I was on my deck having coffee and I was thinking how strong my father was to be able to see his true love one day again. And how well he deals with her passing.

Then I spoke outloud and voiced that someday somehow I hope to see her again.
My mind went silent, and I heard her real voice tell me she would see me again someday. I honestly forgot what she sounded like it’s been so long.

I’m quite shook up and now feel like what I have been wondering for 20 years is true, this whole time I have been talking to her, she can hear me. This is the first time she spoke back. This is life changing for me.

It was out of no where, and I just don’t know what to think.

Please give me any input, experiences thoughts.

Stay kind,


Sometimes that happens…

Just them letting you know it’s gonna be fine and not to dwell…

She’s happy, you should be too… one day you’ll get to be happy together again. Just hope for a hell of a wait til then.

I had a buddy take his life earlier this year and in the midst of me screaming questions at nobody he answered me and said “nothing anybody could have done”, that was all… since then I’ve found it a bit easier to handle but it fucked me up when it happened.

Good vibes brother.


Thanks for that man. I hope for a hell of a wait. This is altered my whole mind set. I feel at ease now. I’m out of likes. So don’t be bothered by that, anyone and also you who don’t get them from me for some time lol.


I just spent the morning estate planning with my parents which I’d related I think.


Ofcourse, perhaps only now were you ready to hear her, surrendering and letting go, and appreciating gets you in that frequency.

After quite a few very intense experiences I am now sure about reincarnation and the eternal nature of our souls.


Perhaps,. All I know is it was in no doubt a experience that I have never had. She passed with the trees and bushes telling her things were going to be ok, talking to her. This was amazing. I don’t know what happened or changed. But I haven’t heard that voice like I did like that for so many years. That was the best moment in my life. I have the chills still.


I think we see just the tip of the iceberg with our existence in the third dimension.


What do you mean?


Thanks for sharing --many folk wouldn’t Hey !! check out “GAIA.COM” need to check out all the sublect manner on it _ by the sounds of it you will like this site. don’t feel shook-up but fill Blessed that it happen to you. Yea ! has some very interesting things happen to me also


There’s so much unknown out there. This proved to myself that there actually Is something out there. We just have to wait. It’s a journey.


I honestly feel like our souls live forever and ever.
Whether or not people believe in God is up to them… but our souls are indestructible for a reason. I had several experiences proving there is a god… and the God particularly in the pentecostal Christian religion…
I have spoken in tongues… and I have also interpreted a speaking of tongues in the church … although I was too embarrassed to actually stand and speak the words popping in my head… someone else after I decided not to speak it outloud stood and spoke every single word … word for word… the entirety of what was being forced into my mind… there’s just no other way to me… that could have happened… unless it was god


Ya, no problem. It happened and I feel og as a second family. I have shared other stuff like this, but I wanted to know if anyone else has had or heard of this. I couldn’t believe it.


I talk to my brother alot, and I can hear him clear as a bell. I don’t question it, and I need no proof. Sending good vibes your way.


Thanks for this bud, I’m happy to hear and read all of this stuff that has happened to all of you, as well as takes on it. I’m blessed to have had that moment.


Btw I’m out of likes. So sorry about that lol


Hey ! have an Idea – take mushrooms and then you can talk to them and even God !!!

1 Like

Ehh. I’m fine for a while on tripping.


It’s also called “channeling”;

You can sit down, breathe deeply and slowly from your gut, meditate, relax, ingest some herb, and state the intent to receive messages from benevolent beings. Then take a pen and paper and let it flow.
And feel free to share it.

Doesn’t matter what anyone thinks, if it’s important to you, that’s what matters. Stay curious.


It seems to me we put barriers in front of ourselves… then either out of moments of weakness or moments of clarity… one day we break it down and are more open with our mind altogether… then after that… seems to be something we can sort of exercise to make stronger and more prominent . I’ll bet you have it happen more now


Well, I will be very happy to have it happen more. This was life changing.