Mom in hospital again. Dammit

Here’s to any uneventful recovery.


The courr went well.
@Foreigner my brother can be one as well but I’m trying to just forget the past and work towards a solution best
I have always been the black.sheep.
Mom slept well last.night. thanks be to god…


I’m glad, sleep is important.

Didn’t mean to go hijack your thread with my problems I just see the future.

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Oh yea…I get it. A lot of this came about just like I thought it would…the only thing I can control is my reactions
Mom fought against letting us know her business and brother was the “golden one” so he never asked questions.
Now he is finding out things that I knew long ago.
There are court procedures and laws and protocols and responsibilities in life.

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My parents are extremely proactive about their affairs which gives me comfort but it’s still not going to be very nice. I’ve at least got one sibling who will be helpful. And more importantly, there.

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Mom and dad thought thye had it all covered but did not and didnt share location of all the assets with me…turns out they only shared SOME information with my brother.
He wanted to just sell stuff for the nursing home. Doesn’t work that way. Lol.
Not without power of attorney or conservatorShip
Mom wasn’t letting that go until she was so.far.gone it was obvious she couldn’t do it anymore and her attorney signed on to the transfer.


I have been fully advised on the will and power of attorney if it comes to that.

They are reading books about dying which makes me uncomfortable. But it’s natural I guess.

Everything is spelled out very clearly likely because the siblings don’t get along so we all know where we stand.

Don’t mean it’s still not going to be a fight, which it will, but the details are mostly sorted.


Mom’s doing fairly well physically
She has lost ground mentally
Hopefully will.regain once back in her familiar things and eating more regualrly aNd not in pain.