Monopotassium phosphate

Any of you guys use this in flower ?
Wondering how much per gallon of water ?

Plants are pretty good size 6 to 7 foot and planted in the ground. This will be used by itself , no other nutrients. Thanks

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I also do not have an answer to your question.

But…heres what the Google machine turned up:

Best of luck!
Love to hear how it turns out.

At full strength, I use about 2.4 grams, per gallon of MPK, but, say in an 8 weeks flowering strain, I would only use it in weeks 3-4, cut it out, and then boost Epsom Salts in weeks 5-6. Its a myth, to cut out nitrogen in flowering. All Nitrogen is to a Plant, is the same thing as Protein, in a human. Humans eat things like eggs, chicken, beans, rice, for protein, and our bodies turn it into Nitrogen. Protein, is responsible for every cellular process, and the making of hormones, cell division, immunity. When a plat is growing the most it ever will, and prooducing more hormones, terpenes, and 100s, if not 1000s of other chemicals, it makes no sense, to drop Nitrogen, just as long as everything else is in the best possible ratios. In week 7 I cut back ALL fert 25%, and week 8, I cut another 25%. I use 15.5-0-0-4-18-38, Epsom Salts, and MPK, for 2 weeks, in an 8 weeks flowering strain.

Back in the 80s, we used
0-0-52, or 0-0-60
We bought each chemical separately, and mixed them together, along with Lime.

Also to me, the 0-0-52, is preferable, because it contains a good deal of Sulfur, so you are really getting 2 fertilizers in one. Potassium, and Sulfur. 0-0-52, is more expensive.
0-0-52 is Potassium Sulfate
0-0-60 is Muriate of Potash.

Potassium chloride is referred to as “muriate (meaning chloride) of potash” or MOP, while potassium sulfate is sometimes called “sulfate of potash” or SOP. 2,3 The biggest differences between MOP and SOP are from the anion accompanying the potassium.

Potassium Fertilizers: Muriate of Potash or Sulfate of Potash?


Potassium Fertilizers: Muriate of Potash or Sulfate of Potash? | eKonomics …

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