Someone talk to me about feeding

Ok, I am still super new to this. Have a little garden going since October and it has been an awesome learning experience!
Still plugging away and trying to learn from my mistakes. My biggest question right now is feeding, nutrients, fertilizers, etc.
What to feed, when to feed, how often, when do I know it’s enough or too much.
I have been having major issues with yellowing leaves, which I assume is nitrogen deficiency. Added a bit of Alaska fish fert and didn’t seem to help much. Plants are alive and mostly healthy, but I know they could be much better.
I am concerned about what to feed during flowering…I am still in veg.



Used fish ferts, teas, etc for a number of years. Last year I took the plunge and tried this way and no looking back. Great results and easy to use. But thats just my opinion which is exactly what you paid for it.


I’ve seen and done a lot in the course of almost 30 year’s cultivating…as far as synthetic/chemical nutrients goes it doesn’t get much better in quality materials and price point than JR Peters.(Jacks 3-2-1, clone, boosters, and finishing) Every product I’ve tried has been top shelf…I’d put it up against ANYTHING on the market today!

These were grow with Jacks…I think the results speak for themselves!

If you have any questions feel free to ask either here or via PM. :slight_smile:



Some things will be learned over time by observing your plants. So next grow, your yellow leaves in veg told you you might need some more nitrogen (assuming this is correct) in your soil.
Just read the instructions on your ferts, and then start at the low end of their range, or half the full strength. Go easy, and increase slowly so you don’t burn or stress your plants. Find a good soil mix that works for you.
Keep in mind that even a screwed up grow will produce some nice buds as long as you don’t totally screw it up. So just observe, read on this forum, be patient, know that it might take a while until you are able to nail a grow without any issues all the way through.


In all honesty, I feel like nutrients are exactly like cars; some are Ford-people, some are Chevy-people, but either one can get you to work on time.


I’ll put in another vote for jacks 321, which is the two bags Alaska showed you A and B plus epsom salt. Easy, effective, cheap. Easiest nute / medium combo ime = coco plus 321. Same feed whole life cycle. Happy green plants.

Also grown with 321


Could you give us some more information about your grow?

Medium used
Container size


On Jacks. There’s different ones. I got Jack’s. The only ones I saw was tubs 20-20-20 and 10-30-20. Bloom. I got the wrong stuff didn’t I?


You didn’t get 321. I am not educated on their other products but I know an old member here who left, dequillo, was fond of their non 321 products



20/20/20 for veg

Then top up Rez with abit of extra n in stretch

1/3/2 for w3-5

Then top up Rez with pk 13/14 w5-8

Then get a 5/12/30 for finish

Chop : )

If using calmag , get calmagic as it has least n in it so won’t affect ratio as much

For stretch use 20/20/20 but with a calmag that is higher in n


That’s who I was talking to when I got em. Miss dequilo. He was saying 1/4tsp per gal only if they say they want it. I haven’t tried em yet. Got gallons of tps to use up first.


Yeah he was the first regular around here who came to my grow page and made me feel welcome. Perhaps I don’t even hang around these parts without him and maybe a couple others I talked to early on.


Another vote for Jacks :smiley: :+1:

I saw him on another forum the other day.
I didnt know him so we didnt speak


And I also vote for Jack’s lol

Very cool guy :sunglasses:
Funny too!


He was the first to welcome me here.
Cant believe he was on that forum lol.
Probably not for long

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Good to hear he’s still doing his thing.


My vote is for Jack’s also. These were grown all Jack’s also.

I haven’t used anything but.


Wait what!? Dequilo’s alive!? I haven’t heard from him in like 8 months…

Jacks is good stuff but I have issues using it. What’s worked best for me is solution grade gypsum at 1-2grams per gallon and maxibloom at 4-5grams per gallon. From first node to finish.