What's your FLIP (S.O.P)?

What’s your standard operating procedure for the flip?

My plan today was to water, switch timer to 12/12 & right at 9pm (Lights out) do a quick Spinosad spray all over/under plant. I have seen zero bugs but I figure, why not IPM just incase.

Is there any benefit in going from 18/6, to 15/9 …to 12/12 over a couple days?

You do anything specific? Any last IPM etc.

P.s. here’s the ladies, ones way bigger than the others.


I check lux level and increase the light some for the shorter day’s DLI difference and just set the timer to 12/12. I ran 16/8 veg cycle this time but I don’t do anything different like 24 hours of dark before hand. I’ve tried a bunch of online tricks people have shared over the years but just switching the timer and being patient seems to work best for me.


I’ve been getting into the habit of hitting them with Safers Sulpher spray one week before I flip and one last time a week into flip before They pop pistils to avoid overspray.I do it even though I haven’t seen PM in a long time as an IPM with keeping my humidity at under 40 percent as soon as I flip light gets turned up from 28 percent to 40 two weeks later it’s going to 60 percent weeks later when I see tricomes it goes to 80 percent .Tent is sprayed down with plant taken out.I go over and snide if tent with a mold and mildew remover spray and wipe down the top of it and let completely dry out to catch any spores I missed.It keeps PM in check for me.


I switch from 18/6 to 12/12 and raise the lamps power and height above the canopy gradually over a period of 5days, then gradually change from veg to bloom nutes.


I usually do a light defoliation/take cuttings for next round of clones. Spray everything down with safers and potassium bicarbonate. And then one more time at 1 week. Then no more spraying for the rest of flower.

Usually during veg I get the lights up to 80% intensity. Then first two weeks transition to 100% intensity. And let the plants grow into the lights from there.


I just do a hard flip. Always have. I also run my light period on at night. The heat that the fan blowing on the drivers produces helps to keep the temps up. Especially this time of year.


Ok so just go ahead & take my humidifier out tonight?


Humidifier not needed for flower. Maybe a dehumidifier :wink:

Arrives Thursday


Yeah, I live in a very dry climate. Figured no need for a dehumidifier. Then the first grow, tons of big buds, and the RH spiked to like 75%! It caught be way off guard. It’s amazing how much humidity can be created by all the flowers.


Keep your humidity down if you can in flower.Once PM explodes in your buds it’s cut to cure.

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I just change the schedule, that’s about it. Had my plants vegging under 24hr light and went straight to 12/12. Plants don’t seem to have any issues with it.


Get into good habit if watering to do it one hour after lights on when plants just fully awake and can handle it , plus they got all day to use up some fluid befor nite so they not sitting in as much wet feet at lights out : )
I’m too excited and buzzing when time too flip so I just go straight to 12/12 : )


Alright I will wait till morning to water then. I gotta remember never water in evening!

I’ll dose them with this though…

Cool thanks @DougDawson I’ll just go right to 12/12 :+1:

@CapnCannabis @blowdout2269 alright no humidity got it covered!


New toy?
@Gonzo - What model dehumidifier?

good info / tip Capn. you can never over do the ipm. we all know what happens when we dont do it, lol.

i like the info on the lights, are you using leds?

the normal power charges with out lights is out of sight up here. so out of this world with grow lights on. it would cost less to buy weed than growing indoor. no fun in that.

been studying on leds and will have to get them if i have any hopes of indoor growing. the way things are going up & up. so thanks for the info.


I’m using a hyphoton flux 4000 and a Sonlipo light right now all full spectrum LED.The Sonlipo light has a much whiter light the Hyphoton flux has an a sunrise sunset function that goes from the lowest setting ramping up to the highest setting you have set then goes to the Highest setting you set down back to the lowest.It’s built into the unit with the push of a button no need for an expensive control box all my seedlings and Veg plants absolutely love it.I’ve been experimenting with increasing the light and they are liking the increase in intervals As the flowering progresses The light I use is for a 6x6 tent I’m in a 4x4 tent that light just squeaks in there.I’ve never had to run it full blast it’s for a much bigger footprint.Saves life on the leds too I’m at 28 percent in Veg and honestly if run it higher they get pissed and are pointing right up at the light then the stress issues pop up.I keep it at an even 28 percent and my tent fills itself up.I miss the heat of my old metal Halide and HPS lights but without the heat stress my yeilds are much bigger and better quality.Only thing I’m still working on is the density The old bulbs made those buds like Little Rock’s.It’s getting better with every grow I’m working out the soil recipe as we speak and I have been getting chunky nugs again


My lights running with 5 fans is only an extra 56 bucks to my light bill and I have had a constant grow going for 2 years now.Those lights cost me a little bit but I got it back in savings three fold


Not sure the model # @blowdout2269 it was a hand-me-down.

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Oh, I’ve got a hand-me-down as well. I’m looking to upgrade, but am also trying to keep the power consumption low. Most are around 750 watts. Though I’ve found a few that run around 500. This is a major selling point for me. That’s why I am curious.

Nevermind @blowdout2269 the one I’ve got is 770. Watts. Way more than you’re looking for.

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