Bloom Nutes for Soil Grow

Curious what a good bloom Nutes is for a smallish scale soil grow. I’m probably just going to use something silly like miracle grow for veg and stretch after flip, but want a good and available bloom supplement. Suggestions?


Oh man lots of options for sure. Some like Jack bloom or Schultz.
I like Peters bloom 10-50-10. Had a pail for a few years now.
I heard fox farm cha ching is good. Just more$$


Some say 0-7-5…some 0-50-10. These numbers are just examples. I’m assuming the higher numbers are just more concentrated. I have a decent green thumb and will err on the side of caution at first. Im sure OG can provide enough insight on how to apply. One of my many mistakes when I was younger was not using bloom nutes to get full, ripe bud structure.


in soil-less I like jack’s 10-30-20 pretty inexpensive

and a pail will last forever :wink:



Have a look at @GreenleafNutrients they have a few different nutrients and I have been using the megacrop for veg and a couple of weeks into bloom, and i would then give them some MPK ( MonosodiumPhosphate.) and Epsom Salts - i have their Part A ( bloom nute.) but i haven’t used it yet…
Good luck …
Happy growing mate,


I’ve been having some success with the dyna grow line of nutes recently. Pretty decent ratios for veg, and bloom, and cheap to boot.


I use general hydroponics brand maxi series powder nutes for soil and hydro. , maxi grow, maxi bloom and kool bloom booster. Have had some really good results and the price is right.


And I love my roots organics nutes. Try the terp tea bloom. You can make it into tea, just mix and feed, or scratch it in as an amendment and just water. Really versatile. Make sure you use calmag with your nutes too


Check out Urban Farms floral bloom and Texas tomato flower. 1-part

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Just maxibloom…it’s straight up lucas formula in a bag. Add silica.


I’ve used miracle grow before and it worked just fine.

For my indoor I use pure blend pro.

I’ve also used DNF and that was good too.

There are many options

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Supreme growers soil blast also does wonders used as a tea when watering

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I use dyna

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That’s kinda what I’m shooting for is something to use as a tea

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At what rates do you use it in veg. And do you use it throughout your grows.
I have a bunch of this stuff just sitting here, I’d love to learn how to use it.

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I usually just watch my ppms and read the plants. 0-200 ppm seedling and early veg, 200-400 ppm veg, 400 to +600 ppm veg to end of life. But read the plants. …and jack all those numbers up if doing hydro.
I just ran out of my 12 dollar bag a week ago…been using the same maxibloom and silica since sept 2019…used it for my dwc and currently use it in my soil SOG.
Used to spend hundreds, possibly 1k+ or more on goofy nutes with flashy labels and stupid names.

I use it start to finish, no flush.


The tea usually does not affect ppm, I use it every other water. The beneficial bacteria help stimulate the roots and boost growing

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