Mosca Bubblegum S1s


beautiful, my head feels like it is filled with cotton just looking at those juicy bubblegum pics, the longer you let those go the stonier they will become. awesome work

I know I’m trying to hold
I need the space though I swear (fingers crossed behind my back).

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Oh and thank you

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1 down.

There’s still a couple white hairs sprinkled about but the trichs said it was time.


How are the two you chopped? Does it seem like old school bubblegum?

The first one down has only been in the jar a little under a week I think. Right now the flavor isn’t that strong although it’s there. I’ll let it cure properly then report back. Hopefully it becomes more pronounced


Sorry for not replying. I almost forgot about these till the other Gum thread popped up.

Only one held onto its flavor and was recognizable as Bubblegum to others who tasted it.
The rest turned to generic floral sweetness
And one was sorta Skunky but not really.
All had a pleasant euphoric high.
In the near future hopefully I’ll find an even better one

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Sounds pretty good. I just finished a round of gummy trail (Indiana bubblegum x Appalachian trail) from calyx bros seeds and there was definitely alot of gum in them. I think they also make an s1 of the original Indiana bubblegum too, so if you don’t find what you’re looking for here it could be something to try.

I already ordered a pack but thanks for the heads up.

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interesting. i have a pack of mosca’s bubblegum gelato that i look forward to growing.

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Nice you’re on top of your bubblegum game! I think you’ll be happy with them.

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