Sagarmatha seeds?

Basically I was wondering if anyone has bought or grown anything of theirs recently? Many years ago( early 2000s) me and my bro went in on several packs and found some killer dank. Yumboldt, bubbleberry, Mongolian indica, and peak 19 I think. I was just reminiscing with said friend, and were both wondering. I see a couple places that carry his gear, and they have been around forever. The peak 19 and yumboldt were so dank. Bubblebery had an awesome taste, thats what I remember.

Tony is a super cool dude, and I know he had some issues with raids. However I found a few places where he says all is well. Plz don’t make this about raids and lost parents …I’ve read all of it lol, just recent grower info.


PEAK 19 and WESTERN WINDS are legit ganja. I had those 2 and Strawberry Delight. I gave PEAK 19 to a barber from NYC, he loved it because it gave hime cocaine-style paranoia. I remember it as an Afghani dominant cultivar with massive resin and good yields.


Ya it would be a trip down memory lane to score some yumboldt or peak19. I’ll probably bite the bullet and grab a pack of yumboldt or western winds before the years up. What’s up Rory I think I talked to you about sagemasta select, I ended up getting some shiatsu kush and Mango haze from my brother. I still wanna run those at some point. I think sagarmatha probably appeals to the older heads out there. Saw in another site where a few people loved the ww, and said it was the same from way back…heady sativa smoke. I was actually kinda suprised there selling beans still, they’ve been around for close to 30 years it seems.


Legit question
Do they still make seeds?
Where do you plan on getting Sagamartha seeds from?

I’d love to see some grows of their older varieties :green_heart:

What’s up, Nick. Hey, Vagabond. Yes, they are still in the game. European retailers are the only place to get SAGARMATHA seeds. ATTITUDE and a few shops in Spain carry SAGARMATHA.

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Yo just talked to a dude and he just bought some western winds from seedcity. They got good prices on regs and fems for most of their gear. Yay!! I’m actually trying to set up a trade with him. Rory we have a very similar interest in cultivars, I’m running some durban nights xx from bros grimm atm…check out my grow diary here. Also Rory im going to try and pollinate her with a cedar incense bagseed ive been running for a while, and ill send you a few if its a male. Still have 8 if those left to play with. Did yall ever try yumboldt? One of a kind taste on her, he received the genetics many years ago from a humboldt outdoor grower.

They have some new stuff too the Rhode island skunk looks cool.


Hemp depot in Canada carries some of their strains,some quite pricey

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That has been around foreeeeever! I doubt it is really a local heirloom, but I wanted to run some anyway hah. I always suspected the seeds were old, so I’ve never bought any. But if they’re still actively making seeds my interest has been rekindled.

Ya I’ve done quite a bit of research, no germ issues or anything like that according to others. That seedcity place has very reasonable prices. Maybe we can get sagarmatha to send out a few packs to our community. I’ll email and see if Tony reaches back, and would be willing to do something like that.

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I use to get some of the best blueberry from about 05-07 in Massachusetts and I’ve always wondered if it was sagmarthas or Djs man I wish i still had some of that

Dj actually worked with sag back in the day. They had some kind of project but Dj left for dutch passion I think. Anyway sag kept the plants dj gave him, and he worked it from there. I just sent correspondence asking if he could drop by or send some seeds out that I could grow and show. I’ll let you all know what he says.

Adam I wonder if you had m.o.b which is from the northeast. It’s a very blueberry smelling variety native to Maine I belive. Who knows there’s literally probably thousands of different blueberries out yhere.


two years ago i bought western Wind- Sagarmatha from a reseller called OA Seeds, dont know how old this pack was, 100 percent germination, superb quality.

That’s good news your response is what I’ve seen out of alot of growers across the boards. Happen to have any pictures? He must not do any kind of advertising hard to find anything online. They were quite popular in the 90s early 2000s.

well, thats Outdoors at 45 Degree north. This spot has PowderyMildew or however these are called every year, its ust forest soil, very shady and wet in Autumn…
BUT the effect was astounding, thats anyway all i personally care. Smell was also good, it also feels like not inbreeding depressed (wich most people dont care, but i as preservationist do).

Only two pics

i say it all the time, this feels like what i hoped a Kalimist Genetic to be. Western Wind is a realdel psychedelic Kalimist of highest order imho.


Looks nice thanks for sharing. It seems western winds is an older kali mist leaning to the more sativa side of her. Forgot they also have alaskan thunderfuck it’s been there menu forever.

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it was about 13 to 16 weeks flowering,
the long phenos were longer than expected… Thats a sign of quality almost this days for me, rather than just a well-watered down tamed afghani leaning garbage.

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I was amazed too! Thought they were out of the game, that’s very cool to know for sure, the have some gems no doubt.

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He’s told me these are quite old, along with the GGG stuff

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Cool to see some interest, I knew some of us older heads would be interested. Hopefully within the week I can get someone from Sagarmatha to stop by.

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I have tried m.o.b before great strain but this blueberry was much different. And yes I’ve heard the same thing about sagmarthas coming from Dj but wasn’t sure if it was true or not, but it seems most blueberries tie back to dj somehow.