Mosquito/Moth/Fly Traps: Any Opinions or Experience?

Good morning guys,

I’m looking for a way to minimize my flying insect issues. I live next to a flood-irrigated hay field, and the mosquitos/flies are driving me nuts. I spent the weekend outside working around the house, and have the bites to prove it.

Fly traps I’m familiar with, parents had horses when I was younger. The bags that you hang up in the barn rafters (or in my case, on a pole in the yard). Was thinking about going to the feed store today to grab some but that only deals with the less-severe of the two problems.

For mosquitos:

If I prefer not to wear mosquito repellant everytime I’m going to spend more than a few hours outdoors, there seem to be a few solutions.

The giant, propane-fueled beast traps, like:
If this worked, I’d be all-aboard. The ratings are pretty mixed given the hassle and expense to dedicate a propane tank to this especially.

Then there’s the electric-powered traps like:
This seems pretty reasonable, and the direction I’m leaning at the moment. Seems to handle the flies as well. Extension cord is a smaller hurdle than a LP tank. Reviews are better on average, and it’s 1/3 the initial cost. Concern is primarily that this will affect pollinator insects, but a pro is that it will also attract moths. May be a great supplement to BT preventing bud rot. Torn.

And the mosquito sticks:
Low cost, decent reviews, maybe they have them locally somewhere.

I could use mosquito dunks if they didn’t breed everywhere. I literally have no idea where they are actually breeding, there isn’t standing water anywhere I can find.

Hopefully you guys might have some input here.


How about a bat house?
They like rough, untreated lumber and they eat a lot of bugs.



ThermaCells work pretty decent, I always use those when hunting.

They have sprayers that connect to the hose you can spray. I probably wouldn’t do thus though, just another option.

Wear clothing that covers you all over, they make like mesh jumpsuits you can put over your clothes that aren’t bad priced. Similar to how they do in Africa at night on the beds. Give it a Google you will see many styles

I feel your pain, bloodsuckers are painful after alot of them.


i live in south florida and i think you either need to wear long sleeve shirts and pants or wear insect repellent. i know the mosquitos are attracted to colors also. dont remember but i think attracted to white colors so need to wear dark. check out everglades natl park. the govt tests their repellent there. its horrid in the summer months nothing one can do other than cover up. good luck because i know how miserable it can be!!

i can burn as many citronella candles and those thermacell devices. none work down here, at least not enough(no difference).


Plant some Citronella plants around the property. They’re good for repelling skeeters. Got a couple in my garden outside.


Yeah thermacell definitely works better in a shooting house or enclosed outdoor space tha. Just next to you on a table.


We buy the bio safe donuts and the crumbly stuff and spread it with a de ice spreader in the fields. We use the donuts in standing water. Literally takes care of them all for a while until they bloom again and we have to reapply. We have a swamp in the first 5 acres of land. All of it gets biological mosquito killer, also kills all eggs it comes into contact with. This stuff is the bees knees when it comes to taking care of them. Lots of this download (3) images (1) (1)


Good inputs. Dark covering clothing, citronella plants, bat houses (there are bats here, this may work well), mosquito bits and donuts.

The termacells are available at Tractor Supply, but it’s been really mixed reviews. I don’t have an enclosed area outside for them to be really effective I don’t think. The refills would get frustrating too.

Still open to hearing solutions! I like it. The mosquitos are a new problem for me, didn’t deal with them at my last place. Also, spending a whole lot more time outside gardening these days.


I have 2 mosquito magnets and they do work. Octenol is a must.
They eventually thin out the population and I haven’t had to use them for a few years.
This is a bad year here for mosquitoes and almost pulled them out but decided to go with the zapper for now and it’s doing it’s job. Once again use Octenol in it as well to attract the mosquitoes.