Most powdery mildew resistant strains

The swings in temp and RH during lights off is what kills you with PM. You need to figure out a way to keep it as even as you can when lights go off. I run a dehumidifier in my tent during the winter along with a bigger one in my basement and it allows me to dial that temp and RH in. Fixing whatever’s off in the environment will do the most to help

does this kill pollen?

Interesting question!

I’ll need to try that out :+1:

I dont think it would live through it myself.Never used it for that application yet though so cant say yes or no on that one.

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i am going to bomb out my tent with pollen, but I’ve heard some sad stories about people who do and their subsequent seeded grows. they had even washed it down with water, but it didn’t do enough.

I will tell you this wet pollen that dries out after a certain time span is still viable to an extent.i try to space out my seed runs a good 60 days apart just to let it die off then I ozone and spray they shit out of the tent and so a complete wipe down touching every surface.Id imagine Ozone and ozone water would eat that shit right up havent tried it yet like that for that reason but i dont have any straggler seeds pop up in my grows anymore so….

what about chlorine water, like tap with extra chlorine?

ps. i’ve never had powdery mildew. i think that is more for outside grows…or maybe my nugs are too small.

I’ve never had it until this past 6 to 9 months

Yes, em-5 is what it is. Cleaned my whole tent from powdery mildew and prevented fungus gnats and all other pests so far

I believe hydrobuilder has it in stock I believe

Anything with a bit of tropical sativa in it seems to do well with pm and mold, but, resistance is only resistance after all, not immunity, so it’s going to depend on your environment.

Indoors that means ventilation, pruning/defol, spacing, humidity and air flow, outside it means airflow and maintaining plants to keep any possibility of pm at minimum.

I’ve seen a grow room covered wall to wall in PM, all the plants were hit except two right in the middle. Pineapple Express and Dutch Treat were completely untouched, everything else was destroyed.

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