Most productive Pot size?

This is so true.

I’m the kind of grower that loves to talk to the plants, move them around, examine them, etc…I swear, I stare at them at least 5/6 times a day (I think my husband thinks I’m a lunatic, but hey, he gets to smoke the killer bud LOL).

I did the 1 gallon ‘sog’ (attempt lol) once, and I did way too many plants and it burned me out hardcore (like 80 plants, I have a growers license)…way, WAY too many for me. Now, 6 - 24 plants, that’s doable!!!


That’s funny. My wife doesn’t completely get it either, but she appreciates the fact that it makes me happy. Plus, she’s not stuck smoking that crappy dispensary bud like most people. If my plants were closer, I would spend alot more time with them also. I find it calming.


It’s good meditation and aroma therapy lol. Besides checking for health and infestation. Before I do any pruning and cutting, I like to sit and just stare at it. planning every cut and thinking how it will effect the structure and the way it will re grow.


i like 5 gal fabric pots but i grow organic with only organic super soil mixes. i start them in solo cups until they are about 10in. then strait into their final pots. just need water at that point.


I love 2 gal square pots, easy to move around. I start seedlings in small 4”containers. Then at about 2-3 weeks from seed (depending on how fast they get going in the first few days, but basically when they are strong enough stem wise and ready to be potted up), I switch to 12/12 and stick seedlings in half gallon square pots. After another 2-3 weeks later I transplant into 2-gallons to finish out, most always the sex of the plants is clear at this point, and selection is possible. 2 gallons occupy 1 square foot of space approximately so four fit comfortably in a 2x2. Because the final transplant occurs with stretch already underway, plants rarely become too root bound and are low maintenance through flower. Letting go of larger aspirations and settling into the 2 gal groove


This post is it’s own thread :green_heart:

@Foreigner That’s the question I’m asking now - I have a ton of plants, will put them in 1 gallon to max out veg. Do you sex the entire plants, then transplant once sex is determined (ie. transplant at the start of the flowering phase?).


I start them in yogurt containers which allows me to see all I need to see then transplant to 1G to finish them off.

You can tell a lot in a yogurt container, and they’re happy to be up potted when the time comes but sexing is easily done in a yogurt container.

I used to use much bigger pots. No more.


Do you sex then re-veg them in the 1 gallon, or (as I suspect) you can tell sex early just from experience?

I never reveg and yes with a magnifying glass it’s east to tell.

Seriously, 1L yogurts containers are just big enough to show you what you you want. Your watering and feeding need to be on point though.

Mostly I do of this way because it’s the most efficient use of my space.


Copy, time for me to get better at identification! Thanks @Foreigner !

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You’re welcome. No need to waste resources on thing you’re going to kill anyway

Best of luck.

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Alot on pot sizes but isnt grow medium and nutients more important for efficient growth? (and then theres DLI)

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Absolutely, it’s probably more vital. I’m relatively new to this (about 3 years) so I’m still on a learning curve. Learning more and more everything is dependent upon end goals. I’ll probably run my finals in 2 gallon grow bags, but even that is subject to change. :rofl::joy::slightly_smiling_face::upside_down_face::woozy_face::crazy_face:

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There are companies that can tell you sex as soon as your 2nd set of leaves. You send in a small slice of leaf.

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Oooh, that’s cool ! I’ll have to Google, thank you @Joker

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