Mostly SSDD's, and a little Useful, in a lot of Coco

Yeahhhhh, this is interesting to me. I know people have always talked about the pain relief qualities of that SDDD. That wasn’t anything that mattered to me before, but it does now haha.

I can’t answer that, but it sounds plausible; he makes a lot of seeds haha. Are you asking because you’re hoping to find some “pain relief”-type stuff in that cross, too, or just because it sounds like an interesting thing to grow?

Is it really that bad over there now? I may have to give it another scroll… haha.


I was actually asking anyone who reads this thread, too much chitter chatter in the others :rofl: I’m asking because I have 3x really nice ones in solos. If one’s a female I’m going to grow her out anyway, but I’m really just curious.

It’s probably just my charming demeanor, I’m sure you’ll fit right in :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I mean, it’s gotta be an “official Bodhi” thing, right? I don’t think anybody’d just slap on an “OMG” label. That’s Bodhi.

Sounds like a cool cross, anyway. It’d probably be cooler if the 88G-portion of the hybrid wasn’t in there haha, but it sounds promising.

I really like those OMG plants, haven’t grown any that I’ve been unhappy with yet. All five of the Soars I planted last week sprouted, but I killed one yesterday when I was removing a seed husk from the cotyledons haha. I may plant a replacement seed or two today, not sure yet. I probably will, though.


Maybe? B had both a Dragosblood HP and an OMG, just not sure if he crossed them or my buddy did. I love the HP :yum:

Good to hear you liked the OMG’s, though, lol!

Feeding time, I hear the girls knocking on the floorboards!


I’ve seen a Dragonsblood x OMG on the tester lists before. I did a quick search on breedbay to confirm and there was a dragonsblood f4 x OMG listed - not sure if that’s the same as dragonsblood HP though…


Where’d the bx2 come from? You made it? I know I put out the bx1 and seen copa or whoever make one too but not seen a bx2 yet myself :eyes:


@Knifeman made it and kindly sent it along, and like I’ve said, it was an exceptionally nice lookng guy :slight_smile:


I forgot all about Breedbay, d’oh! I’ll dig a little deeper over there. Thanks :slight_smile:


Damn skippy I do! I always appreciate an update from the crawl! It’s like the opposite of my basement, where I can veg anything, and kill anything in flower, whereas you have a hard time with starting but have really outrageous excellent plants in flower haha. I’d say if we combined our skills we could have reallly perfect basement grow, but in reality we would probably combine the bad parts and kill everything all the time haha.


We’d have a great show…Only Murders in the Basement :rofl:


What’s still alive, well, let’s see :grin:

Little folks first. Hollyweed V2. 60 days in coco. Probably a male, but shy about showing. A real laggard, I gave it a good flush a week or so ago, and it has picked up… a little. Was getting too lanky, so I topped it.

K4 x SSDD 40 days in coco. 2 out of 5 survived, neither has shown, but they are back to looking healthy, slow but healthy.

Dragonsblood HP X OMG 40 days in coco. These are nice, and have been… no problems other than getting too big :slight_smile:
Left is a male, right is a lady.

Topped the gal and she’s a bleeder.

Took a cut off the male and he’s a bleeder, too. Got cuts in the cloner just in case there’s something special here.

Been looking through B’s thread on BBay, and haven’t found anything about a DBHP X OMG tester. @zephyr I think I saw you grew the DBHP, is that right? I also saw the the DBHP F4 x OMG is not the same. Still looking, it’s a long thread!

Put 8 SSDD K cuts in the cloner, and all 8 showed roots in 11 days… that’s a crawlspace record! I’m keeping 4x.They are extra healthy looking compared to my usual efforts, hope they stay that way, lol!

SSDD K’s 3 & 4 have recovered pretty well.

SSDD K2 shrugged it off, too. Still has a bunch of really krinkley leaves down low, but she’s looking nice up top. She’s next to go into flower.

SSDD K1 is 20 days from flip. I really hit her lowers hard, and took off most larf pretty early. Seems to have made her a bit more stretchy than what I usually see. Good thing she’s almost done with that.

SSDD K that I hope is seeded has colas that are at least 2x the size than usual. I cleaned her out some she was mostly tops before she got spunked. It’s why I went Edward Scissorhands on #1. She’s been at it for 72 days, and 42 days since dusting. I’m not seeing any seeds, but my eyes suck, and I haven’t dug into her. Still a lot of white hairs, and usually they are total receeded by now.

Her sister, is at 73 days. Much smaller buds, and she still has a lot of white pistils. I usually chop her at 70 days with about 30% amber trichs. About 1% right now, lol! I’ll have to take her and the seeded one soon, just to keep supplies for the other geezers up… maybe this batch will energize them :rofl:

Still on the Megacrop 1 part with a bit of Ca, and Si & P/K for veg, and just some KSO4 for bloomers. Since I straightened out the water, literally d’oh, pH has been between 5.7-6.0 without any adjusting.

Temps have not gotten over 85°, mostly around 78°. It was in the high 90’s outside for weeks, too… I must have sealed something better than last summer. The crawl was in the 90’s regularly.

RH has been between 50-60%, dehuey actually cuts off every once in a while.

As soon as the K4xSSDD’s show, it’ll be time for something new… stay tuned. :smiley:

Thanks for lookin’ :slight_smile:


I haven’t grown the dbhp, although I have a pack of v1 and a pack of v2 waiting in the fridge.
I like the look of those dbhp x omg in veg, definitely a similar vibe to the ethiopian banana x omg.

your plants are looking amazing. Love all these SSDD variants. I’d love to have a growspace that size. Will definitely be staying tuned here.