Mostly SSDD's, and a little Useful, in a lot of Coco

Oh it’s definitely on me, but what IT is, eliphino, lol! Been doing the same things for a while, cups and all. Used to be I thought 60 days was long to show… but that TM took 129… I have definitely fucked with the time space continuum. I’d like to figure it out, I may have to use that to my advantage in a few years!

I hope you’re not, yours should last forever! These were all Viparspectra. I got one to replace a T5 with a blown ballast… was going to need more tubes, too. The led drew same wattage, cheaper, had good diodes and driver, and a dimmer. I reckoned it would be cheaply made too, but it’s nicely solid. I’m on the led train now, at least when they are on sale, lol!


Been a while, eh? Turned 77 a month after that last post, and now it’s even hard to remember how to get to this thread! I’ve been having some neuro-cognitive bs going on, so this post may be a bit disjointed… perhaps incomprehensible!

Keeping in that vein, lol!

Shortly after that last post, we took off for a weekend of riding the Creeper Trail in the VA mountains. I set up some pump/timers to water things. I have two types of timers. One is dead nuts simple to set up, the other is not. I fucked up the one that’s not.

Came back to a mostly dead SSDD keeper about 50 days into flower. After a few days of failed resuscitation, she went into the freezer with plans for making rosin… still a plan :slight_smile:

There was a L.S.D. F2 from one of seed boxes that did survive until 6/15/24, she’s still hanging.

I can’t remember if I posted about the 2x Tigermelon 2 x SSDD’s. They are both very, very good even with shortish cures. One came out a bit looser than the other, but both have a really nice weed smell and taste. I don’t combust, and they are great in a Solo. A little bit, and they are very functional, more and they will sit you right down. They both seem to help my sciatica, which is a big deal for me. How’s that for a smoke report, lol!

Took cuts from one of the SSDD keepers in the middle of May. Some thin stalked ones, mediums, and one top, for science. They all rooted. If you’ve followed any of my cloning misadventures, you’ll know I was ecstatic!

Went to the coast for a week at the end of June. Had a Blueberry HP and a SSDD K in bloom, along with those SSDD cuts vegging, and 2x SSDD in 2G pots vegging to be ready to flower when we got back.

This time I fucked up the dead nuts simple timer! Messed with it just before we left, and didn’t turn it on.
The BBHP was toast.
Before, she was looking so fine!

After, looking just like a ghost.

Needless to say, my camera has been acting squirrely, too.

I tried a sample of the BBHP before I tossed her. Whoa, delicious, very stoney. 40 some days! Very, very resinous. I didn’t toss her, lol! She’ll get at least another run.

I also had a SSDD K sharing the same system. She was going to be ready to hit with some pollen from a very nice male @Knifeman graciously passed along, on our return. 3 weeks into flower.

She was semi-fried, and I did not feel comfortable wasting any spunk on her.

On to the bright side, I have less plants to tend to now! And the SSDD K cuts made it, and look much better than I could hope for.

The plant in the back is a L.S.D. cut that may or may not get tossed after a vape test.

I mentioned I had 2x SSDD K’s vegging that made it. They were on another dead simple pump/timer that I actually set right… they loved it.

The larger of the 2x is in flower for smoke/vapes,tincs, cookies and general jocularity.

The smaller is going to be the new seed momma… just hope I stored the pollen right!

I’d been planning on dropping some Hollyweed V.2’s, and some Lemon Thai x GHP’s from @Puffalo for the next grow, and found this bag just marked HAZE that I was given @Bcuda maybe 10 years ago.

Interestingly, the H seeds were the first up (4 out of 5), 1x of the Hollyweed’s, and none of the LT’s are up after a week. I didn’t think any of the H’s would even pop!

Trip to the coast was a great time.

And the out door gardens are hanging in there, even with this drought.

A lot less to mow, lol!

Smoke 'em if you got 'em :slight_smile:


You guys with those pics of your dogs in the water… Killin’ me!

Well at least you’ve been taking pics, anyway haha! I knew it’d been a while since you updated, but I didn’t realize it’d been three friggin’ months. That sucks about the dead plants, but I guess taking vacations is an acceptable reason for losing them. And that mystery Haze thing sounds intriguing for sure, that’ll be fun to watch.

Good tune, btw. I like Loudon. I like his kid Rufus’ stuff a lot, too, I dunno if you’ve ever listened to him, but his first album, the self-titled one, is one of my all-time favorite albums. Rufus tends to veer into “show-tune-y” territory every now and then, but for whatever reason it doesn’t bother me. This is probably my fav song of his:

Anyway… Get out there and enjoy the summer! I’m sure you’ll update more frequently once the weather starts sucking again. Right?

Right?!? Haha.


I was thinking about starting a go fund me to cover vacation losses, lol!

I like Rufus, but he can be a little ponderous… his dad cracks me up.

Well, his dad did grow up with Liza Minnelli, eh? My little brother went to school with him, but didn’t really know him. Rufus’ mom is pretty cool, too.

It’s 97 fucking degrees out right now, gonna be hotter tomorrow… and I already started updating… I’m losin’ it :crazy_face:


Sorry to hear about the plants but it’s always good to get out every once in awhile can’t save them all! looking forward to your next run great lineup curious about that h haze wanting to get to a haze run at the end of the year maybe early next and try some longer flowering stuff I got a good few options

That’s one happy pup! :dog:


Welcome back! Time is the greatest thief of all! Well, at least you have some plants left, and the zinnias are in bloom.


Happy belated birthday!

Sorry to hear about the plants but glad you got some time away!

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That, plus the fact that Rufus is super-super-gay, would explain the show tune inclinations haha. I really don’t mind it at all when he veers into that territory, though. It’s like a little fun break from the serious stuff.

I love it (except when I’m working and drenched in sweat), been in the mid-100’s/low-110’s here for days, gonna go for a swim later. You should go back to that beach in the pics haha.


It’s especially nice with the family, weirdly everybody gets along… even the pup. it’s the weed, lol! It’s the oldest son’s and grandson’s, had to drag him out of the water.

If you’re talking about me being an old forgetful git, fuck off! :rofl: I’m taking my time, and probably some of yours if you’re reading this. You never get it back, but if it’s a good time, I’ll take it!

I’m much happier about the plants I have left, than to be bummed about the ones I’ve lost, and there have been many, many, many. Farmin’, I grew up around it. Sometimes you get the bull, sometimes you get the horn!

But the zinnias, yeah buddy! We mostly grow stuff for pollinators, and zinnias are a favorite. For years they got powdery mildew. Didn’t kill them, but slowed 'em down, and made 'em look fugly. The last couple of years, in the winter, I’ve been spraying your sulfur recipe around their patches. Yowza, no pm where I’ve sprayed…plus it’s not on my pot anymore, bonus :slight_smile:

Thanks man! I’m just pissed I spent 2 weeks setting up the watering system… making up grub, timing how much for how long, how much the runoff trays could hold, I actually obsessed over this shit… and then forgetting to turn the timer knob one fucking click. Other than that, everything’s just fine :sob:

Uh… yeah :slight_smile:

Fuck you, lol! You lived in Florida, you know what it’s like back here. It ain’t the heat, it’s the humidity!!! I should start a go fund me for a pool instead of new plants! No, I envy you, I grew up with a pool, but now, with a ducky inner tube with a cup holder, fuck yeah :slight_smile:

@2-scoops Wanted to give a shout to one of the wankers that dragged me out of the primordial mud and into the tropical land of coco… glad to see ya here buddy, you know your way around the crawl, but watch your nut :slight_smile:


Lol you just know it made sense, coco is totally tropical.

Crawl space plants look tip top mukka.


I hope it all works out well for you


I wish I could tell! I hit her up 4 weeks ago and don’t see much happening. I seem to remember the last SSDD I spunked didn’t ever look like she was seed bearing, and I got a bunch. I’m planning on letting her go for at least few more weeks, so we’ll see.

This tune fits this post, you’ll see!

I know my pics are pretty bad anyway, but a couple of updates ago, this iphone stopped focusing. Apparently lots of folks have had this issue. Saw that apple wants $180 to fix it… it’s a fucking software problem… anyway now my pics are even shittier :frowning:

About a month ago, I changed out the filters on the RO Buddy. After about 3 weeks, some of the veggers started looking pissed about something. I had noticed the pH was going a bit nuts, and the ec was showing values I’d never seen before.

Flushing, gypsum, flushing with gypsum, raising, lowering pH and/or ec just made them madder. Finally looked at the RO hookups… I’d been running the well water straight through the solenoid and into the rez, d’oh! :grimacing:

But wait, there’s more folks! Back in the beginning of July, after the watering timer fiasco, I started a new round with Hollyweed V.2s and Lemon Thai x G13HP. They all croaked. So then I tried some Hollyweed and Dream Axis. They croaked. Then I tried one Amnesia Fast, it croaked. Can’t say I’m not persistent, I tried Hollyweed and Dream Axis again… one Hollyweed made it :smiley: Getting old is dangerous and murderous.

Next, I reckoned I’d try some Dragonsblood HP x OMG’s a friend sent in 2015. I’d tried them before, and all were males, but I was on a streak, right, lol! So I went and actually bought new solo cups and new coco. I now have 3x (out of 5) DBHP x OMG’s and 2x (out of 5) Kush4 x SSDD F2s that look pretty nice… I’m on a tear!

The larger ones are the DBHP x OMG’s

All of those were brought up with the straight well water too. They never missed a beat?

I’m not sure when (Excel stopped auto saving my spreadsheets sometime ago before I noticed), but had also dropped 5x seeds from a buddy, just marked HAZE. 1x lived. Pretty sure he’s a he. I was looking forward to these.

At the left, the lone Hollyweed is hanging on.

During the water debacle, I’d had 4x SSDD’s from clones vegging. One got totally funkified.

2x could have cared less.

I just took cuts off of her.

And this one shrugged it off, too, and went into flower 3 days ago.

This is the SSDD that got @Knifeman 's dust. 55 days of flower, and 28 days since dusting. I hit every top. There’s a few shriveled hairs, and some things that may be seeds, but my eyes are so shitty, and the camera’s crap, so it’s hard for me to tell. At least it looks like it’ll be good smoke if nothing else!

This SSDD is 56 DFF. I forgot to mention that neither of these seemed to care about the water either. Just goes to show I really don’t understand women :rofl:

There’s probably more stuff I’m in denial about, but I should probably leave well enough alone… at least for now :slight_smile:

@potpotpot thought you’d appreciate all this!



That sounds like a good choice! I really liked the F1s I went through. Interested to read your thoughts on more of the SSDD crosses!

That Iphone issue sounds like straight up robbery. One of my SD card readers on my Nikon is screwed up (has 2, 1 is fully functional still) and would cost around the same to fix/replace…


After reading your takes, and iam’s, and a few others I can’t remember, and just finishing Tigermelon 2 x SSDD… I want to try more.

I tested Wookie 44 x SSDD way back, and while it was good, it wasn’t good enough, lol! So I kind of glossed over the SSDD dad. That was dumb!

I’ll be looking for a Tigermelon keeper when I run them again :slight_smile:


Yeah, definitely seems worth giving them some more tries! It’s weird how opinions shift on these things in the community as well. It almost feels like the SSDD dad was written off by most people until they became limited in availability. I’m still a big fan of the male so far though.


That’s kind of interesting about the water stuff, though, and which plants made it and which ones didn’t. Might that be considered a sorta “stress test”? Haha.

What pollen was it? You post so infrequently that I’ve forgotten… haha. Honestly, though, I really don’t remember.

I agree. Those things are beasting-the-fuck-OUT. I know I’ve said it before, but I love your little individual trellis things. Such a good idea. I’d do it myself, but I’m lazy.

It is. That’s the business model now: fuck shit up on their end and then make you pay for their fuckup.


If he doesn’t, I do.


Ha, I didn’t write him off, but I sure didn’t give him much thought. The Kush 4 x SSDD holds some promise :slight_smile:

Very interesting, and totally baffling. The only ones really effected were SSDD clones, same with the ones who uneffected. All were treated exactly the same… farmin’ is crazy, lol!

@Knifeman’s SSDD BX2 from 10/16/23. Really nice looking fella! I meant to use it when I got it, and now I can’t remember why I didn’t :crazy_face:

The unseeded gal is pretty big. If she wasn’t corralled, she’d be sprawling on the floor… same with almost everything I grow. It’s a talent I have, I guess! The trellis is a bit of a pain to set up because I have to wait til they are finished stretching, and by that time they are usually pretty sticky. I have a weird thing about getting sticky :unamused:

Usually I just dust some lower branches if I’m going for seeds, but this time I trimmed the hopefully seeded lady so she was just tops, figuring that’s where her energy needs to go for the best seeds. I made that up, so we’ll see, lol! Anyway she’s trussed up in anticipation of some really heavy seeding!

Are you channeling Lou Reed? Doot da doot da doot da doo

j/k I’m not great at keeping up, lol! Help me out :slight_smile:


Oh, okay, that’s cool. So if you end up with seeds, they’ll be, like, uh… what? An SSDD bx3? Or something like that?

“Everybody has one special thing…” - Eddie Adams from Torrance aka Dirk Diggler haha.

I mean, that kinda makes sense. To me, anyway.

I forgot to comment on this last night, but my only experience with that male (or maybe it was another SSDD male that Bodhi used, I dunno) was the Mendo Purps cross like six years ago. The yields on those plants were pathetic, but I think that was probably my fault. Whatever the reason, yeah, the yields were AWFUL.

Those plants also finished suuuuuuper-quickly, like six weeks. I let some of them go seven, just because I didn’t believe that anything could finish that fast. It weirded me out, though. I know most people want stuff to hurry up and finish, but I actually prefer it when plants take a while.

The smoke was very good, though. And after seeing all your stuff with that Triple Sunshine, I’d be willing to revisit that male. I have one pack of the ‘91 Skunk VA x SSDD that I’d totally forgotten about until I started perusing my list last week when deciding what to plant, got that as a freebie a while back. I’ll plant that at some point.

I think haha.


I have no idea, we need a pro to speak to that! I’m just hoping for more pain relievers per sowing… oreven better ones :slight_smile:

Oh, I have many more than one, just too bad most aren’t useful, lol!

I know I’ve asked this in Bodhi seed thread and gotten nothing but memes, but did B ever put out a Dragonsblood HP x OMG tester? I’ve lost contact with the friend that sent them, and I’m not sure if they are F2’s, or if he made the cross. He sent a bunch, so they are not F1’s.