Mostly SSDD's, and a little Useful, in a lot of Coco

I usually take this as a good sign of stability.

This is an NL5 trait and yeah, not cold related at all.

Everything is looking great in here as usual!! Hope your germinating luck turns around tho and you’re able to get ALL the seeds to sprout from here on out! :+1:


Thanks man! It’s been a while since I grew a JH, but I think this one seems to have more of a HP structure than what I’m used too. The cut I had smelled like freshly dug carrots. Reminded me of hitching through the Mohave Desert and coming out into the carrot harvest, unexpected, and delightful.

Are you talking about the structure, or the time it’s taking to show? I even gave it 48 hrs of light to speed speed it up, but it’s seemed that the plants that take the longest to show for me usually turn out to be females… I just need the one!

Ahh, that’s good to know. I’ve never found purple weed to be better than green, just different. This oughta be real different with the two different shades on the buds!
Thanks for stopping by!


Definitely this! Despite it being over 60 days old, in a solo cup, plus the light change, and it’s still not showing gender… usually means the plant is stable and likely won’t herm no matter what you do.

Definitely should be some old school magic in those flowers! Be interested to hear what you think about them when you get there ^^


Looks awesome Horse!! Yes, as HolyAngel said, some phenos will purple without cold temps. The mom I’m running now needs a little cooler temps to purple. I know you said you aren’t smelling great right now, but I’m curious if you get a smell profile off of them.

Well, it’s lunchtime, and it’s -40 here. Pipes are all frozen, and it’s only gonna get colder lol. No problems with purple plant temps here. That is as long as they don’t freeze. :see_no_evil: :snowflake:


I’ll let you know as soon as the honker starts working again! I guess I need to pay more attention, the purple took me completely off guard… happened fast too!

Any ideas why the parts in the shade stayed greener?

I’m stoked to sample her, but I wanna make sure this covid is long gone before I inhale anything :frowning:

-40° whoa, I didn’t know you lived in Antartica!


Likely just due to light intensity.

On a similar note, I recently found out praying leaves doesn’t mean the plant is happy and teaching for the light. It’s a stress response saying the light is too intense and really need to back it down some. It was why my lowers get frostier than my tops.


Mmm that nl5 looks great gotta love a old time classic like that praying to the plant gods for those ssdd f1s to pop nice and healthy for you hope you are able to find some killer phenos in there!

Me too! My olfactory really agrees with citrus terps some of my most favorable weed strains I have tried had citrus notes to them

Thanks for the update always love seeing the updates of the stable :grin:


damn fella id no idea horses could catch the covid!
i hope your snozz gets better,i had it before it became fashionable was hoping id be immune after but its changed loads since then!i stopped having anymore jabs i simply do not trust the buggers esp pfizer and the european onion killed the uk one with false propaganda so we cant have it now,
your nl looks super buddy so glad the plants did not suffer other than seedlings,many casualties myself last year,too many to mention and a good job they was mostly free!
jimmi 2scoops gave me a whole bunch of nice fem seeds which i did better with,slightly.
been to damn cold to sow anything since!take care buddy and stay warm and well fed/stoned. :100:%


again, i love your set up horse, good work!!


Praying leaves can also mean a Magnesium deficiency. I don’t worry about that too much, but it is something I read about a while back, when the plants I was growing at the time were weirding me out haha, didn’t know that that was a thing. Y’all coco growers might need to consider that a little more, though. I dunno.


I knew taco’ing leaves was a magnesium deficiency but praying leaves are too? Even when it’s only the top set or two?


Yeah, I was pretty surprised when I read that. I always thought it meant Happy Plants. Read it from multiple sources that I consider reliable, though. But yeah, praying leaves can mean a Mg deficiency.

Don’t everybody freak out, though, and start dumping Mg-heavy shit on their plants haha, but it’s something to consider.


I remember Tom Hill saying that. Some of my plants have prayed start to finish, some never. I doubt my bloom lights are too intense, but I guess I should pull the meter out!

It’s one of the few smells I can recognize, lol! Thanks for checking in!

I’m probably more mule, lol!

I’ve been watching your garden, lotta frost in your drobes :yum: Tell 2scoops I’m working hard to win the slacker’s award here, well, not too hard!

Love Beth, thanks for dropping by :slight_smile:

Thanks man, it’s a work in progress :slight_smile:

I dunno about that, either. The Blueberry Diesel had a bit of MG def a few weeks ago, no praying leaves… probably an agnostic?


Yeah, I’m not saying that praying leaves always means a Mg deficiency, nor am I saying Mg deficiencies always result in praying leaves haha. It was just something I read about maybe five years back, when I had some plants that were praying their asses off, but also felt a little “off” to me. I was like,”Alright, they’re praying, which I thought meant happy plants, but something’s not right here…”

I think I ended up watering with a little epsom salt and it kind of seemed to fix them. As usual, I waited too long to deal with it haha, but the weed turned out good anyway.

Haha, yeah, probably. Maybe you should hit then with some holy water…


Good idea, gotta pH perfect, lol!


I’m pretty sure the pH of holy water is always perfect. Gawd makes it that way haha…


brawndo, it has what plants crave.


But is it blessed?


No, Brawndo is blest by Jeebus:



Gawd? as in tommy chong in the movie “It’s Gawd” ?

great movie but i could only find it by purchasing on amazon prime video. it cost like 8 bucks or something around there.

i hope i’m not hi-jacking the thread