Mostly SSDD's, and a little Useful, in a lot of Coco

Hay, it’s activity! Any and all is welcome:)

SSDD F1 seedlings.

7x have doffed their helmets.

The 2x SSDD cuts in the popsicle molds have roots… I’ll try not to kill these, I need them.

One dead Hindu HP in the back solos, one playing possum… could be dead too :frowning:


Hope y’all had a happy xmas… I did. Our youngest hooked the old man up with a new phone, which means the fog has been lifted from the crawl pics… we can see clearly now!

So, all 8 of the SSDD F1’s popped. 7x are up and running, must have been the clean cups, lol! 1x still has some membrane stuck on it. I would pick at it if it weren’t an SSDD, but I’m just trying to keep it moist… til I can’t stand it and start picking.

I got one of the SSDD cuts that showed roots into some coco, I think the other is toast.

Upcanned the PCK to a 1 gallon airpot. She looks a little stressed!

The Blueberry Diesel has been getting it for 12 days. Slowly cleaning up her nethers. I am liking her upswept structure, and healthy attitude.

The Lemon Kush is at 40 days, and nights. She’s still the only thing getting through my covid schnozz… intense, sharp, lemon peel. She’s a floppy mess, but I love her anyway.

Herer Hashplant is at 65 days. She looks like she’s got at least 2 weeks?

The temps got pretty cold the past week, hi 50’s to mid 60’sF. It seems to have put a bit of color in her cheeks… but it may have slowed her down a bit, too.

The scene of many crimes.

Got a new bag of 1 part Megacrop. They’ve tweaked the formula a little bit from what I last had. The old bags were 22#, the new one is 25#. The old bag lasted for 19 months. I think I’m set for a while.


Finally warming up, I’m a NC pussy, hate cold… supposed to be 70°F on New Year’s :slight_smile:

Thanks for peeking in!


Well, I fucked up. I was pretty out of it with covid, and missed a burgeoning mite fest on the SSDD F1 moms. Red spider mites, I’m guessing. I had 2 spotted about 6 years ago, and it was much easier to see their damage. These red ones are sneaky. I don’t see any suck marks, just a bunch of ugly leaves w/ very tiny red eggs that I thought were bits of coco for some stupid reason, d’oh!

I finally scoped them, and they have definitely set up camp. No webs, but a zillion eggs on both the tops and undersides of leaves. I was wondering why the leaf stems were so brittle, now I know.

Took 'em outside (it was 70°), stripped all the damaged leaves, and soaked them with neem extract.

The only cutting I got to root has them too.

I really want to save this cutting. Unfortunately, I don’t have a better place to sequester her. I think the seedlings will be easy to treat as soon as they get a little more size. No signs of the little buggers on them, yet!

7 out of 8. 14 days from seed…I knew I could still make seedlings, but that killing spree had me a little worried :slight_smile: Now I’ve got figure out what to do with them.

Anyway, gonna give them 3x sprays, 3 days apart, give it a bit of a rest, then keep that up til there are no more signs. It is impossible to thoroughly clean the crawl, so I’ve got to kill the adults and larvae, let the eggs hatch, rinse and repeat, and repeat, and repeat… it’s a pain, but it worked with the 2 spotted basturds… gawd I hate the smell of neem, lol!

I don’t see any signs on anything else, but I sure am looking now!

The PCK was in the same tent, nothing on her… that I can see, just a little Mg hungry… I think!

Blueberry Diesel is 18 days from flip.

I flipped her at 24" above her pot. I only have 60" from floor to lights, and 24" usually has 'em stretching just about to the lights… not with her… I think she’ll be in a booster chair til she’s done.

I was not expecting the narrow leaves… I like 'em :slight_smile:

Lemon Kush is at 46 days.

She’s still the only thing I can smell, good thing I like it, lol!

Herer Hashplant is sloooooow. I scoped her yesterday, and I still see mostly clear. 71 days today, I figured she’d be down yesterday, but looks like another week at least. She can take as long as she likes… the PCK is in the on deck circle, and you saw how ready she is!

Lots of golf ball nugs, lots, and firm too. Pics do not do her justice :yum:

Happy New Year!


SSDD F1’s 18 DFS. Slow starters, but starting to giddyup :slight_smile:

Annnnd, I think this cut has taken. Still working on mite control, and it seems to working.

May be stupid, but I’m leaving effected leaves for body count stats.


Man I had herer hashplant and lavender jack in my seed collection that was stolen… same with a few more hashplant crosses… Thinking about snagging the J1xhp as it’s similar I believe


When you think jack herer is ready to chop… wait another week!!


Thanks, I’ve grown some alleged JH before… and I did :slight_smile: She came down today :yum:


More crawlspace funnies… ec meter crapped out a couple of days ago. Of course, I was in the middle of mixing a 10G, 7G and 2x 5G buckets of nutes, and wondering why I’d never had to add that many scoops of MC! The tip off was the probe’s thermometer was reading 110°F, in the shade, lol!

I ended up heavily diluting, then pHing what I had mixed. Amazon dropped off a new meter today, good thing I diluted. The 5G buckets are reserves, and they were reading 3.5ec, yoiks!

So, no leaves were harmed, phew.

The SSDD F1’s are gittin’ it. Yesterday 18 days from seed.


Got a fogger for the mites, I had forgotten to get them an xmas present.

Way easier than a trigger spray bottle, and uses way less neem solution, so way less messy… pretty amazing for anything I do! We’ll see if the coverage is enough.

Blueberry Diesel is flowering in earnest now. 23 DFF. I’ll try to get her trussed up tomorrow.

Chopped the Herer Hashplant. 69 days. She was ready, I was ready!

Just one of the hoops I make these lassies jump through!

Broke down the NL#5. I still can’t smell or taste, so no news on that.

She was hanging for 2 weeks. 58-65°F 50-55%RH. Not much scissor hash, and more sandy than gooey. I vaped it, very nice mellow buzz, dreamy but awake. My back was weary from trimming, it made me forget about that :slight_smile:

She gave just over 8 zips of nice, solid bud, and about 1/2 that much in trim. 2G airpot w/ coco. That’s pretty good for the crawl… I’ve gotten way less before, lol!

I forgot the Lemon Kush, but she looks fantastic!

I also forgot NL budshots, so y’all have something to look forward to, and a reason to come back!

Thanks for lookin’ :slight_smile:


How did the mites get in there, did you bring a cut in from someone? I’m praying for your SSDD F1’s! Cool fogger by the way, think I’ll definitely get one.


I haven’t taken in any clones for 10 years! My best guess is I brought them from our yard, they’re apparently around, I’ve just never seen them… until now :slight_smile:

The SSDD seedlings are looking pretty nice, at least to me. Everything is always slower in the crawl, like a lazy time portal or something! Most are showing their 3rd set of true leaves, so they’ll be on full strength veg grub in a couple of days!

I’m hoping for a few good males so I can get some pollen, and hit the keeper clone. And a nice female that takes better to STS than the keeper… sets fruit, but shoots blanks every time!

I saw @VAhomegrown got a fogger and likes it. I’m such a copycat!

Thanks for looking in, and the comments, I’ll tell them you’re thinking of them :slight_smile:


Hell yea dude! Have you used it yet? These things are amazing lol


I have, inside too! Gonna use it again today and actually looking forward to it :slight_smile:


hi horse battling the borg is such a chore,i hate them things with a passion! i liked lemon kush i think barneys farm original a good oiler if i recall correctly.
good to see some new ssdd on the horizon cant go far wrong with them every pheno has a good side.
hope your sense of smell returns soon,thanks for sharing,peace


Hay @duke, me too :grimacing: I don’t want to jinx this, but they seem gone!!! I wish I had a camera sort of scope. I’ve got a student type lab top monster, and I do not see any movement, lotsa dead bodies though :slight_smile:

1000’s of eggs on the effected leaves, though… maybe millions… it’s fascinatingly gross!

I’ve had the two-spotted ones before, and I was really complacent with treatments. They took me a donkey’s age to get rid of. Used Azamax on them, but now that’s been bought up by the Scott’s/Hawthorne/Bayer cartel, who I’d rather not support… and is crazy expensive.

The 2 spotted and their eggs are easy to see even with my crappy vision. These are tiny, red, with red eggs, and hard to see without a good scope. I don’t know if they make webs, I haven’t seen any.

I used some $10 neem extract from a box store this time. It’s not supposed to kill them, just make 'em go off their feed and forget to fuck, kinda like Shakers, lol! It’s not supposed to mess with the eggs, either. It’s been 4 days since the last spray, If the eggs are alive, they should be hatching.

That fogger I showed was worth every penny if everything is dead…Still can’t figure out where they came from, so I’m still keeping an eye out.

Enough of that stuff, right?

Well, sort of :slight_smile: the only SSDD F1 cut that took was covered in those little bastards. She’s recoverd, and I don’t see any eggs! Time really does slow down in the crawlspace… it’s been 69 days since she was cut!

These are/were the infested donors. They are so raggedy, I think I’ll only keep them till I’m sure some of the cuts have rooted. I’m not sure they’d be suitable to hit with any splooge I get from the seedlings?

She’s hanging with F1 seedlings… most all are bigger than she is. 27 DFS for them.

2x of them are looking a bit sketchy, but the others look very nice. None look like my keeper, though.

When I cut that lagging SSDD, I also topped the Blueberry Diesel. I stuck them in a cup of water upstairs in our sunroom on a whim. It was an experiment, just sat them in well water, tucked under some orchids, and they only got a smattering of daily sunlight.
I wasn’t really going to grow them out, but their mom is now looking so hot, why not? I potted them up today, 72 days later!

Do you think they’re hungry?

I am loving the way mom BBD is carrying herself, perfect structure for the hoop and canes. I’m slowly getting some sense of smell back. Although I have no idea what it is, I smell something off of her!

Rarely seen pics under the lights… no flash! 31 DFF.

The Lemon Kush is getting pretty hefty, at least on one side! I’m glad it’s to the left :slight_smile: 59 DFF

Light stress? She’s under a 315 on a mover. I give her a 1/4 turn daily, but these leaves are pretty much in the center. Good thing she’s almost done, but I do think they look pretty cool zipped up like that.

Her buds look so much more defined with the flash, and as long as I’m doing the Sunday dump!

Temps were down in lo 60’s earlier in the week, back up to 69°F last couple of days, which is where the crawl usually stays in the winter. RH has been from 50-55%.

Thanks to everyone who stooped in, hope you kept the cobwebs outta your hair. Sorry this was such a long one, I’ve been sampling some of the Herer HP… it definitely slows things down :stuck_out_tongue:


hi horse id bet if you check ec and ph of the run off it will be very high but a flush sorts it out for me i have had it a time or 3, light stress bleaches colour more evenly and they go yellowy then white under led,some nice buddae on them.yum. good luck o and glad your beek is working aain,peace


The last time I did that jimmie2scoops smacked me on the back of the head! I might do it anyhow, lol!

And, yeah about the light stress, this ain’t it! Your comment about going to white, reminded me of pics folks would show of bleached tops due to being too close to leds… only they called them hash tips, like it was something good!

I just realized that I have a HVAC duct blowing house heat into a fan that is blowing very near this gal. It’s only 69°F, but with the breeze, it may be drying those leaves?

At this point, I’m just leaving her go for the next week, she should be ready then, I hope! I wasn’t going to smoke those fans anyway!

Thanks for pokin’ your nut in… and yeah, Ms H is getting tired of me asking her to smell my fingers :slight_smile:


SSDD seedlings are between 3 and 5.75 nodes. 3 is special needs!

There’s a few that could be Eileens or Bens :slight_smile:

The BBD’s in the yogurt cups should look better soon, I had one of the bulbs out, d’oh!


Does this qualify as a leaner?

Not sure where she thinks she’s headed… looks like she’s a lefty too!

The Blueberry Diesel went to the pink side today. I wasn’t expecting it… love those kind of surprises :slight_smile:

It’s been wet outdoors, the fungi are enjoying it!

Not sure about the whiter ones, the others may be turkey tails?


@HorseBadorites absolutely gorgeous! Love those pink pistils! Great work!



Hay Sonny! They are cool, aren’t they? I don’t think I’ve had pink ones… wonder what I did, lol!