MOTR grows with OniTenshu

Good. There should be nothing stressful about this…if there is, walk away. No rush :stuck_out_tongue:

Yup! We’ll get you soil building soon enough :wink:

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Normally I would check prices on that when I went to the store, but they are put of stock of most everything soil related that’s not Fox farm, black gold, espoma, and miracle gro brands. Otherwise coast of Maine and Neptune’s harvest are my other 2 options for fertilizer. Neptune’s harvest apparently is a Gloucester brand😃 now that explains why it’s drilled in my brain. I grew up there.

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I see why they mentioned on the bag not to eat it😂
It actually smells delicious to me. I’m certain it’s the bonemeal. I’m constantly low on protein and iron. Red meat is an occasional craving only when I haven’t eaten anything that day. Otherwise I crave chicken or beans. Spinach is a constant craving, with something in that is what I lack. That and it’s delicious :yum:

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I price check too at every local store to see if I can bypass ordering though unless its towards the end of the growing season, I can find almost whatever I am looking for online for ~1/2 the local price…always good to get a ballpark figure just try not to hyper focus on it


The prices here actually beat online easily. They buy in high bulk for all 100 stores and then split the inventory between the shops. 8.99 for a 12qt bag of Fox farm. It’s easily 20-40 online. Before shipping.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Oni’s 2nd grow. Lessons learned

I wish that were the case here. That same bag of Foxfarm its $45.00 :scream:

No worries…its good to post up the space your working with in this thread too and they are lookin much better than they were :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I have clover germination spraying the top of the soil everyday just before lights out so it stays moist

What to expect this week:
Continued clover germination and growth
Lucky Charms’ last facility was Chicago on Jan 31st…says its in the USPS network so I am guess-timating they will be here Tuesday or Wednesday

To do this week:
Keep spraying clover up to 2 times per day
Continue to wait upon Lucky Charms arrival


Well what do you know?

They’re heeeerrrre!!!

Tomorrow, I will be playing in the soil again for potting up DBHP clones and planting a couple tomato plants so its pretty perfect timing to get the Lucky Charms tonight :stuck_out_tongue:


Are you planting the tomatoes in the same pot? Also, what is DBHP?


Yup, in the big bed I just prepped for 2 DBHP girl clones so they can be fertilized by DBHP Boy #7. This journal is only about soil building starting with 3 gallons running Lucky 7’'s this 1st round…was waiting on Lucky Charms to come in so I can do a quick bud run and compare the 2 similar strains before F2-ing them for the preservation run :wink:


Dragon Blood Hash Plant

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Whoo hoo !!! Lucky charms!! My all time favorite ever! Woot woot!


Alright, I couldn’t get back online last night to go over planting and figure a few hrs won’t hurt. Also, one of my best friends is going to be following along as she learns to grow this amazing plant…maybe she’ll join us once she gets her kit :thinking: No pressure :wink:

Anyhow, grab the seedling mix and use the 1" pots to scoop it out of the baggie…1 scoop per pot using. In my case its 3

Mix 1c water, 1 drop of the white bottle and 1/4 tsp Grow #2…Add 1 Tb of this per scoop plus 1 more. Sooooo I used 3 scoops seedling mix and added 4T of this nutrient water

A good habit to have is the ball test…doesn’t break apart, its too wet; Crumples, its too dry. To me, this is perfect consistency

To keep this mix light and fluffy, I rub the soil through my fingers as it falls into the pot…never press it down to pack it in. Tap it on a hard surface instead :wink:

If done right, you should have some mix left over

Now, take a pencil’s eraser and make a little hole in the middle by rotating it around in a small circle…no further than where the eraser meets the metal

Take a pinch of the transplant powder and put it in each hole then the seed on top

Cover the seed with a light layer of soil…I like to use a toothpick, a pen cap or butter knife

Water it in with 2 tsp (10 ml’s) of the nutrient water…doesn’t take much to give a little run off. This also packs down the seedling mix and may send the seed further down which is why its put in the soil so shallow

Now we need to keep the humidity trapped so cover it with what ever’s handy…plastic bag, plastic wrap, a plate etc

Put it some place warm…70-80F

Now we wait…
12-24 hrs for the seed to swell filling up with the nutrient water
24-36 hrs for the taproot to be set
24-48 hrs to emerge
…~3 - 5 days, So we aren’t even going to look for at least 3 days.
After 6, if no appearance, we can assume something is wrong and can choose to either wait a couple more days or brush away the soil around the area the seed was set to visually see whats going on though we’ll worry about that later, IF it happens :wink:

In the meantime, keep misting the clover daily


Oh almost forgot, 11 Lucky Charms was planted the same way with 2 Cherokee Purple tomato’s and the other 3 Lucky 7’s though these are set in a humidity chamber with the top vents closed

Then put into Cabinet 1 with the freshly potted up DBHP girls and the 3 Black X Champagne’s to continue their sexing as the cover crop gets started with the freshly built soil


Looking good!!

Get them things going!! Interesting way of starting the seeds


I like to use my fingers like a mini bulldozer!


About time right? lol

If I have room, this is my preferred way of starting them out as the roots are trained for restriction from the get go instead of spreading out and wasting a bunch of soil. If I don’t have the room though, its straight to 3" pots as described in the DBHP thread…either way works :wink:


That works too though I don’t recommend it for those getting started so the only packing down is done by the water and not the finger…the temptation is very real :stuck_out_tongue:


Just stopped in to say hello. Everything is looking splendid. So many good journals to follow it’s hard to keep up!