Mowing around outdoor plants?

First time growing outdoors. I’m curious what the general thoughts are about mowing around plants that are in full flower?

It’s pretty hot and dry here right now and mowing produces dry grass dust and sand that gets thrown into the air as a cloud. My neighbor can’t seem to not mow every week even though his field is dry and most of the grass is dead. It’s like it’s programmed into him that he has to mow because one little spot might have grass that grew a inch.

Anyways…it always puts a cloud of sand and dry grass into the air which some of it drifts right over and into my grow area. My plants are in full flower. I’m concerned about mold as a result of this. Is this something to worry about, is there anything I can do or am I worrying to much?

I have one plant that’s about two weeks from being chopped and the buds are pretty fat…so I’m concerned about the sand / grass getting stuck to the buds and causing issues.

Thanks for any advise.


You might be my neighbor. My spouse loves to scalp the shit out of the yard. Mounds or hills be damned, he’s taking the tops off with the mower blades. I’ve stopped sharpening them myself and just buying new because they are so bad. :disappointed:

Anyway, I wash my outdoor. There’s bird shit and bug wings in there too.


I plan on washing it after chop, my concern is while it’s growing getting all that shit caked on and causing a issue.

Why do people want to mow so often? The reason you don’t have grass is because you mow it so dam often. Also, if you want to farm you’ll never have soil…it will just be sand.

Mounds…you guys got them dam golfers to? Golfers and mud daubers are my biggest complaint.


I don’t tolerate a gopher. I’ll shoot his ass off immediately.

We just have a shitty yard :laughing: I’m working on converting to clover pastures for the birds, or gardens. He drives me nuts with his mowing. He gets after me because he thinks I let it get too high, or he sees weed heads pop up. I get after him because he mows like a suburban turf grass farmer. This is redneck country.


What’s funny and frustrating is when you see them out there on their zero turn with a cloud of dust surrounding them because they think grass two inches tall is too much. They are mowing sand.

I’m going to plant clover this fall so come spring I can till it under for a garden.

How are you shooting the dam golfers …I never see them come up. I use a golfer hawk stick to catch them. I hate them so much…they destroy everything.


We might be talking about a different critters. I mean a whistle pig or woodchuck. Big idiot who sits on his hind legs in the middle of the garden and screams at you. Stupid dummy. Not even good to eat. :expressionless:

I don’t think we have actual gophers here. We have rodents that burrow; moles, voles, rats. They have pretty heavy predator pressure with snakes, hawks and the cats and dogs, and chickens.


I recommend a bear trap in the sand pit, you need to bury it and carefully rake the sand… :laughing: :pinching_hand:
(somewhat less noisy than shooting (/s))



:joy: all wrong! Get a pretty girl selling beer to lure them into the trap. Works ever time.


if you’re talking about ground moles they leave tunnels all over the place you break an ankle if you step in. my grandpa used to plant castor beans in them on the edge of the yard. they eat them from below and die. not perfect but it gets most of them. not sure if that works for gophers or not but i’d give it a try.

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I’m talking about these demons…they are pretty abundant out here in south east Oklahoma / Texas. I’ve dug their tunnels up and some of them are 2ft or more in depth. They make huge mounds and leave holes all over the place.


try castor beans then. it may help run them off. i have a freind who lives out west and he has told me horror stories about the damage they do.

I’d fall for it. :grin:


Plant Fleece covering??

I’d think that would block too much light and I sometimes have no idea when the yard is being mowed.

Don’t pick on that pocket gopher! He does not live in your yard. LOL!

There are different gophers in Oklahoma.

Gopher gassers are an option too.

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For some reason, gophers always make me think of the movie Caddyshack… …and the 1812 overture… :pinching_hand: :rofl:


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How could they not?

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These are my issue.


I guess there’s a difference between golfers and pocket golfers or you have a ground hog there. Out here in East Texoma …in the sticks somebody would put that in the smoker and make some redneck fajitas or something.

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It is definitely not a golfer.