Mr Wizard makes another stab at it

Once amber shows I tend to ignore “Clear.”

Amber signifies the transition towards CBN and snoozy couchlock. Unless you are shooting for deep body lock, I’d begin a sequential harvest. Snip a few of those bodacious beauties each day and set them to drying and curing.

Celebrate each harvest day with a little bowl of your own herb. Look what you did!!! :+1: :+1: :v: :green_heart:


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I’d say another few days for sure. They can change though very quickly.



This grow was not textbook. They were supposed to be autos and I kept the the lights 18/6 for 51 days before I flipped the lights because they never bloomed. It has been 45 days since the flip.

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We used to grow “quarter buckets:” like this in 50 days. One small plant bent over with the bucket handle and it would produce a little over a quarter bud. You just needed 100 buckets going :slight_smile:


Looks close, probably will chop this weekend.
Glad the bud bulked up some, they were looking kind of larfy until the last week.

Look at the stem of that sugar leaf!


Looks like it Snowed in your grow room Mr Wiz!

FWIW, I’d let em go another week if you can. Too many new white pistils wafting in the breeze…

Gonna be great regardless,
PS, Georgia?


Yeah, it is a mix bag in there. Some of the highest colas have fresh white pistols, but below the top the pistols are dying /dead. I dont have a separate controlled drying tent, so I need to use this one. That prevents an incremental harvest. I will do the microscope thing again tomorrow.

The timing, if I want a slow dry, is probably going to force me to do it this weekend. Strong possibility I will have to leave town at the beginning of the year.


Confirmed, ready or not she gets chopped this weekend. I need her dry by the end of the year.

It will all be good, and should yield a big enough stash to keep me from having to explore in an illegal state for quite some time.

Will have to try my hydro skills on tomatoes and lettuce… Lord knows, I have the gear!

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Haha I look forward to a mr wizard takes a stab at tomatoes thread.


Well, looks like I am at a decision point. I have to have it bagged by Jan 1st. I can either shortcut the grow, or speed up the dry. She is shy of being ready so I am choosing to let it grow 5 more days, that will give me 2 weeks for the dry. Looks like I will get a few zips out of her. Trimmed a bunch of sugar leaves today in hopes of an easier trim. Stopped adding nutes and letting her just use up what is in the rez.

I hate that I cant sample her yet, gotta stay clean for the whiz-quiz. Do I need to worry about trans-dermal from handling?


Beautiful plants, and a tough decision. I’m no expert, but you grew them this much, it would be a shame if they didn’t amber up a bit more. My vote would be to let it go the 5 days, I think the smoke will be better even with the quick dry.


Short cut the grow. The dry and cure makes it.(edit) 2 weeks will be fine to dry in, great plan)

Sad to see you go man, you were really hitting your stride hopefully you will at least stop by and say hello. Congratulations on the job though it sounds like a big step up and you would be a fool for not seizing the opportunity.

(There is always the option of a secret garden…just saying :slight_smile:

Oh and no trans dermal from handling. Is it a piss test or hair follicle for like government shit?


Congrats on the position!

I think your plan is solid, that’s the timeframe I believe I would opt for.

Best of luck with it all, hope you enjoy wherever you find yourself.


That thing is a monster!

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Piss test. I stopped smoking about 40 days ago and the home test kit comes up clean.

Cant wait to get it over with so I can sample this stuff.


Its only one plant!

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July 16 2016 to Aug1 2017 (1 year) - Had to stop because of new job and hair test. I remember taking the last bonghit on July16th. I remember (barely) having to be pick off the floor after two bonghits on Aug2nd. Was a tough year and understand what yah going thru and why…



Oh wow I see that now, that’s pretty dam impressive!


4 more days, ready or not…


Waiting the extra few days was the right call, I have no qualms about chopping in the next day or two.