Much anticipated fall canoeing, camping and fishing trip to the "Holy Waters" in Michigan

And a great tail!

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I wish you were able to join me too @GCBudz !

I went on a canoe / portage trip like that in algonquin park in Canada with my brother and dad when I was in my twenties. I could tell stories about that trip for days. One night my brother got drunk and knocked the canoe in the water and it went zooming away. I swam after it and brought it back. Got out of the water, had leeches on me! Oh Canada. Weed was not yet legal then but I got a quarter of “beasters” from some kids and an acrylic bong from a gas station. My dad had whiskey and brandy and all these boozes so we were trashed every night. My brother burned my dads boots in the fire thank god he had sandles too. Our trip wasn’t 4 weeks though that’s incredible.


I wish this dang weather would start to cool off. I’m old and do not handle the heat very well anymore. Give me 30 degree nights and 60 degree days please!!

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