Multi-Strain CBD “Seed” Run

Cheers, very interesting.


I want some of that Australian Bastard !!!
It would be very cool to grow right in a flowerbed in front of the house ! :cherry_blossom:


Humboldt CSI is selling seeds for $150 (5/10 packs).


I’ll make a note of that!
Thanks @allotment !


I don’t hustle marijuana for mutants they run short.


For an example short mutated leaves ?


I must be slow this morning. I don’t understand.


Still happy (except the mutant):

Impressive growth since 5 days ago.


Looking lovely!

Now I’m starting to think I should dedicate my next run in the micro cab to a CBD seed run also.

I’ve just been growing them out, and I’m going to run out eventually, probably sooner than I expect… :thinking:


“Mutants are finicky, sickly and never catch up”

If it’s all you’ve got, run them. If it’s not then chop it and plant another.


Thanks for the translation!:grin: :sparkler:


3 more days of growth. Seems like I’ve got things dialed in pretty good so far.

Erdpurt (right) isn’t getting any less weird.


Some of the happiest healthiest plants I’ve seen here on OG mate. The perfect shade of green that I aim for myself. :+1:


Cheers mate! :beers:

The photo colours aren’t really accurate because I have a mix of COB and blurple in there, but I agree that they are happy and healthy. They actually look better with the naked eye than the photo. I’ll kill my blurple for the next shots.

They are particularly happy-looking this time around and I wonder if it has anything to do with the extra amendment that I added to the soil this time. It is comprised of:

  • 20% Rock Dust: Soil remineralization is best accomplished with Rock Dust and this glacial variety is the best around
  • 20% Organic Alfalfa Meal: All-natural slow-release fertilizer that aids blooming plants and contains boosting hormones for seedlings!
  • 20% Organic Canola Meal: Ultra-high quality organic source of slow-release nitrogen and other trace elements
  • 20% Pacific Ground Oyster Flakes: Excellent source of natural Calcium and other minerals to prevent Blossom End Rot and maximize fruiting potential of veggies and cannabis
  • 20% Agricultural-Grade Epsom Salt: The center of the chlorophyll molecule is Magnesium and Sulfur is a macro plant nutrient. Do the math!

I’d love to give organics a try but I’ve not got either the time or patients for it. Maybe when I eventually retire :+1:


I’d love to give other methods a try (this is a lie) but I have neither the time nor patience for other methods.

Any busy idiot could use my method and succeed. I am not joking. Not even one little bit, mate.


Haha yeah I’m just lazy mate. I just don’t think that’s a good excuse though so time and patience was a better way of saying it without sounding a dick :laughing:


My laziness led me to the method I use, mate! Seriously. There is nothing to it!

I think you might be confusing my “organic” method with those crazy bastards on here that spend months building and testing their soil, making teas, and all that high-brow shit (no offense intended - I find that stuff impressive but I have no time for it).

Couldn’t be further off the mark, mate. Here’s my method:

  1. Mix “soil”.
  2. Dump soil in fabric pots
  3. Plant seedlings in pots
  4. Put them in the tent under mixed COB & blurple
  5. Feed them General Organics nutes as per the schedule on the box
  6. Apply LITFA

No wizardry or other fuckery involved. I don’t even own a pH pen or EC meter.

I spend 2 minutes a day watering/feeding them.


Yeah these super soil organic recipes are what gets me. If I could buy a commercial organic soil I’d feed organic nutrients and that would be me happy. At minute I’m in rdwc with mega crop (more or less organic no?) and I’m happy enough with what I’m seeing. It’s the smell and taste organic weed gives is far superior. I may give your mix a try in the summer with some autos outdoors :+1:


The “soil” I make is dead simple. Literally everyone will tell you a super soil needs to “cook” for a while, yada yada (and they are probably right for reasons I don’t have time to learn about).

I used quotes around “soil” because really it is an amended “soiless” mix.

The recipe I use:

5 parts peat moss
3 parts perlite
2 parts earthworm castings
2 TBSP per gallon - dolomite lime
2 TBSP per gallon bone & blood meal

Mix it up, get it moist, and bang it into pots. It’s ready to rock.

This time around I only changed things by adding a couple of generous scoops of the amendment I mentioned earlier. It isn’t necessary, but the plants do seem to like it.