Multi strain test run

Looking good

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Well folks I survived barely was a painless experience till when I woke up. Dilodid doesn’t even cut the pain toridol helps a bit but if things get worst I’m breaking out my stash of Demerol .
Hollie fucking hell should of thought this procedure through and held off to the new year. Got plants needing transplanted ,watered ,sprayed
for bugs . Plus a shit load of tailed seeds sprouted needing planted and can’t do a fucking thing tonight.
Worst of it all I really need to get high


Tomorrow’s a new day brother!


Sure hope so tomorrow I’ll get some soup or something in me had a piece of toast at 5 am this morning.

Thanks :pray:


…you’ll be able to for sure !
You body does is best healing when it is resting !


Was this for the wisdom teeth extraction part 2 ?
I hope you feel better soon.
Each day it gets a little better.


They removed 16 teeth today.


Holy fucking ouch!
Yes I agree you should take something for pain relief.
Like I said I hope you feel better soon.


Thanks chronic
Thinking I’ll try my :volcano: later tonight I’ll be able to squeeze the bag and just breath in don’t want to end up with a dry socket.
Was going to try and fab up one of @PhilCuisine mustard tokers so I can blast a few joints .


My sympathies bro
I had to have mine removed a few years ago I
got faults teeth now it’s horrible
good luck

lots of Tylenol


Thanks I’d been putting this off for a few years now finally had the opportunity to get a appointment which takes over a year to get in unless it’s a emergency the surgeon cleared his schedule so they all could be taken out didn’t want to screw up the chance just wished it would of been a month or 2 down the road .


Figured I’d load a few old pictures to get this topic back on track.


Simple to fab, all you need is a mustard bottle and an old school radio antenna or some kind of metal tube…I have a few vaporizers, a real powerhitter, bongs(glass), pipes etc. but I prefer to use my homemade paraphernalias…


Definitely need to make one you used to be able to buy them years back. I had one that lived in my truck for a long time till someone stole it or I’d lost it.


I went a whole day then just needed to smoke !

Never got the dry socket thing

It takes like 6 months for your gums to not be swollen and still the new teeth didn’t fit well

I needed to get them re lined after a year

Me I hate them I sooner not have them but

Now after them being adjusted several times

And trying over a year to use them probably

I do believe that the dentist making mine was a quack . And if I wasn’t so cheap I would have them redone again but they’re about another $4800 and I just don’t have it
good luck bro

They said they can do implants that they snap in and out much tighter but it’s only 29,000.00
Yeah 29,000.00 and he said with a smile :blush:
Who the hell has that kind of Money


Ya I’ve heard of several places to avoid . Got one in mind that does excellent work making them there a few hundred more than the other denture shops but money well spent if they work right .

28000.00 I’d be passing also hoping to be under the 6 grand mark when all done got 32 hundred out already in the removal.

Kicking my ass I didn’t do this years back when I had coverage .


I did the same I waited too long

The mrs hated hers , used them for years .
then went to a different dentist from the original one and he did a much better job the big thing is your gums need to be not swollen when you get the fitting


Go to a university…thats where I went…my implants are the monolith kind more expensive but worth it…and mine doesn’t snap off or on…I told them I don’t want to be taking my teeth out every night…

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Day 5 of flower. Been dam cold in the tin box .


Liking the looks of this black leb x strawberry