Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 2)

Who can point me in the direction of someone who knows for sure what type of mushroom micro doseing will actually help for intense pain relief?


Nobody can do that. If they can, they aren’t to be trusted! Every person is different — every mushroom is different — and every day is different as far as your body is concerned.

The best advice I can give is start with small doses. So small they aren’t noticeable. 0.05g, 0.1g, etc. take your time and work up with breaks to reset tolerance. Also, if you can, buy or grow a decent amount — properly dry them — and homogenize it. Blend it. Unless grown from a clone that didn’t have spores on it (clone taken from the inside of a stipe) your mushrooms will have lots and lots of variance in potency. When grown from multispore, one mushroom can be vastly different than the one right next to it. Even if they look identical.

Good luck in your journey! Support Mushroom Man or any of the other good vendors out there or send me a message if you need some spores.


My first try of anything …. This was a basic B+ MSS from MMM that I attempted to put to agar in a SAB. (Digging the acronyms :grinning:)

I wouldn’t know contamination if it bit me, but is there anything here worth maybe saving? The first two are sure messy, but maybe hope for the third? Thanks in advance for your opinions.


You might be able to get something from those. If what’s growing on the first two isn’t all mold, try a tiny transfer from a leading edge. Same for the third. Numbers are your friend here, take several transfers and see what grows out. You might be happily surprised!



Is anybody else in here cultivating pan cyans?

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I get to post here! :mushroom::star_struck:

I have grown culinary mushrooms, oyster, shiitake and lions mane mostly. I mess up some chicken of the woods pretty frequently. Hunt wild morel and chanterelles.

My spouse has clinical depression and he saw the garden store down the way has P. Cubensis spores and asked me if I could grow them. So here goes.

I’ve decided to try the PF tek. I use grain spawn to substrate, but like the idea of fruiting cakes.

I have some experience with mycology and would love any tips on how Cubensis is different from H. Erinaceus or the oysters.


Hopefully one day, right now I’m cultivating patience :joy: Waiting for signs of life in 3 out of my 6 spawn bags, they’re not pan cyans though

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Honestly @AppalachianBiscuits , you’re well on your way already with that prior experience.

I did PF tek jars my first time a few years ago. It was fairly straightforward.
Going from grain spawn to substrate has potential for higher yield, but takes a little bit longer since it requires time for the colonized grains to fully colonize the substrate. So if you’re looking to get a harvest quickly then the PF tek should be the way to go :+1: At least that’s how it went for me


Grow out the PF Tek and make sure to take a few spore prints / swabs. That way if you decided to take on agar and go to bulk later it’ll be easy mode.


I usually keep strains in liquid culture. My sister got me into mycology and she keeps plates of a couple but still mostly LC.

Are prints or agar a more beneficial way to store and reuse strains? Am I going to regret the laboratory my kitchen becomes :joy:


They all have their merits. Prints will probably last the longest. Plates and LC stored in cold storage can last quite a bit as well. The longest lasting samples I’ve heard of were in sterile water and cold storage.

I don’t have much space for myself anymore between the mushrooms and the two (soon three) tents. Whoops. No regrets.


I was just curious, im about to start a grow soon and curious if there is interest in following. Either way im gonna grow some pans, they are wicked.


I’m sure some would be interested, myself included.


Absolutely, I am interested :mushroom: The more variety the see the happier I’ll be


More newbie questions, this is more difficult than sexing plants :grinning:.

Mushroom or mold? The agar is 2 different views of the same plate, I haven’t figured out how to photograph these yet.

The BRF jar I assume is toast? You can see my inoculation points with the border. My limited learning tells me that’s not good, correct? TIA !

I think you’ve got some myc on those plates. I’d go one more transfer and then grow something out while taking a few more transfers for shits and giggles (or to put in the fridge).

Yes, that looks like a bacterial spot — but the rest of that cake looks colonized. Usually folks use a half pint wide mouth as standard — for next time. I’d go ahead and fruit it in a small humidity chamber of its own. Take some prints and swabs from what grows!

Dunk and roll time. It’s not perfect but it’ll get ya genetics for next time and a few mushrooms as well.


These imo are the best way to get a feel for it, but since you have already have mycology experience this should be a quick stepping stone. I go by the theory that I will screw it up somehow so multiple little grows are easier to contain contamination. I do the same with bulk use a few 6qt small grow boxes instead of one big one. I’d rather lose a little than all. Pf Tek can be used for bulk but once you have that down I’d jump to colonizing grain jars to be mixed in substrate. I’ve never used growbags so no comment there. Good luck lots of good knowledge here. is a great resource for info. I don’t post anymore but still use it for reference.


if your goin for 3 or more jars of the same strain I’d say go for a bag.
some great advice here

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Distinction between all-in-one growbags (I don’t recommend these) — and using bags to sterilize grain in, like a unicorn bag, as they’re larger than jars (I usually fit about four jars worth or more in a bag). The unicorn bags can be run in a pressure cooker, although it’s nice to run them in an autoclave as it maintains negative pressure until you pop the stopcock. I like running bags but they’re also, larger — so if something goes wrong it goes wrong on a larger scale.

My two cents.