Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc šŸ„ (Part 2)

I wish lol I would just make ice cubes out of it then. The problem with it is the alkaloids breaking down at freezing temps


I prefer to do my own version of lemon tek. Iā€™ll just keep my dried fruits in half gallon mason jars until I use them. Iā€™ll crush up an eighth into powder with a bag and a meat tenderizer. Add that to a shot glass with some citric acid and water. Stir it for 20-25 minutes then filter though a coffee filter. Then just take it as a small shot. The benefit obviously is you donā€™t have to eat the chitin lol and it kicks in faster


Usually I make a tea, trying out various recipes. So far the only requirements for me are ginger and honey.

Lemon tek absolutely works to enhance the experience. One time I added a big squeeze of lemon in mine, and my wife had no citrus in hers. My trip was ā€œaheadā€ of hers by about 10-15% and also stronger, although hers was plenty strong without the lemon. I noticed the come up a few minutes before hers, and I also was peaking / post-peak before her. It actually worked out because I was able to be a kind of trip sitter for her to let her know everything that was coming ahead of time. This was when we were still pretty new to it, maybe our second or third time total.

Lemon made my GTs feel extra strong that day.


Iā€™ve never had luck with getting any GT culture to produce potency for me :frowning: it wasnā€™t until I started dabbling with PE crosses that I finally seen what was possible. These Gandalf are the strongest mushrooms Iā€™ve ever had in my life (Iā€™ve had a lot, too!!) I wanna get a psilocybin test for them to see just how high they test. They kick in after 5 minutes or less and the come up feels like the peak of other cultivars Iā€™ve tried. Theyā€™re honestly too strong for most people, not a flex just an observation lol


Iā€™m growing PMB next to see if itā€™s any stronger. My good friend said they test at 1.9% which is 19mg/g


Thatā€™s really good to know! Iā€™ve tried GTs, B+, and ā€œAA+ā€ which is supposed to be Albino A+. All are varieties of P. cubes so nothing crazy strong compared to other mushies.

That said I have a big variety of spores right now. Iā€™m getting back into the swing of things so I got some fresh supplies, and on top of that I discovered my old spores in the fridge. Gandalf is one of the first Iā€™m planning to try, gotta see if itā€™s still viable though since itā€™s pretty old. I have a couple backup varieties in mind in case the wizard doesnā€™t work out :mage:


If they donā€™t germ for you, lmk Iā€™ll send you a plate


Potency is important to me, but you can always take more.
I havenā€™t tried PE and its hybrids, but I had the best experiences with a B+ isolate that a friend made. Itā€™s not the strongest, but medium strong trips were phenomenal
Today I made a Natalensis spore solution. Iā€™m hoping for a different experience than Cubensis


You will love Nats!!!


Oysters are great too because of all the different species, you can run oysters all year long even if you have fluctuating temps.

Blues and Kings in the winter,
Pearl, sporeless and black pearl in the spring/fall
Yellow and pinks in the summer

I hope to do an infographic soon that shows the various gourmets, the substrate, fruiting temps and experience level recommended.


Nats are awesome and fun to compare to cubensis.

Make sure to create a customer account on my website, those with customer accounts had the option to purchase a premium natalensis culture through the newsletter (if you create an account now you can be eligible to purchase next month if there are any remaining).

Plus other great varieties like Penis Envy+, Bluey Vuitton, DC Melmac and Leucistic Machine Elf have been released a premium solutions so far. 3 more coming in May!


Right on dude! Thank you for this, Iā€™ll let you know how they go. Iā€™m hoping to get that started in the next week but Iā€™ve been running behind on some home stuff.

This should be awesome! Iā€™ve got some Nats on hand as well :sunglasses: :+1:

Definitely hit up @MushroomManMycology for anyone interested in looking under the microscope for themselves. His shop is where I got my Nats as well as Tampanensis Alt7, Leucistic Machine Elf and a few other goodies. His subscriber special is awesome - great dude, great communication, and great product selection. Actually it costs nothing to ā€œsubscribe,ā€ just need to have an account and I think sign up for the email. The premium subscriber items are absolutely thick inside the spore syringes. Iā€™m going to have a lot of fun inspecting and learning about these ones :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


ā€œBiological Specimenā€
ā€œFor Microscopy Use Onlyā€


He sells gourmet species as well! But yeah, Iā€™m being careful with my language for a reason when linking him in my post.

A little like those ā€œFor Tobacco use onlyā€ signs they used to display in front of the ā€œwater pipesā€ :laughing:


Does anyone have any advice on Natalensisā€¦

As far as I understand, an increased FAE is needed, the ratio of substrate to grain should be heavily in favor of the substrate (at least 4:1)
Do you think it would be beneficial to put a thicker layer of pseudocasing?


Nah, this is what you do. Iā€™ve been growing Nats for a while now and this is what I have discovered.

1:2 spawn to sub ratio

1/8ā€ pseudo casing

Straight to FC after spawning to bulk (no colonization time needed)

Going straight to FC prevents any overlay


Ok. Thanks @GrowTheAtlas
This box is how usualy i do. No holes, fruiting conditions are made with lifting cover like that on second pic

For firs time i made box with holes. Pastywhite monotube tek

What type you sugest for Natalensis?

Have you tried a different ratio of substrate to spawn, and decided it was the best?
I have a different experience with Cubensis. 1:2 colonization is faster, but if the spawn is clean it doesnā€™t matter to me. But the yield and the size of the fruits are correlated with the amount of water in the substrate, and this is the case with larger ratios of the substrate. The last pictures were mixed 3 days ago
I somehow think that with an aggressive mycelium like Natalensis, I shouldnā€™t go with less substrate. But Iā€™ll try both ways and see how it works


Yes, Iā€™ve done 1:1-1:2-1:3-1:4 and Iā€™ve found 1:2 gives you the biggest flushes in the least amount of time.

I recommend any type of Nat besides albinos or black cap simply because I have no experience with them so I canā€™t make a recommendation on that.

As far as FAE goes, as much as you can is usually preferred with Nats. But mostly thatā€™s because thereā€™s usually a colonization time which will make them more susceptible to overlay. But the way I do it skips that part so Iā€™d think your setup will work as is.


If you add my name 420noob you get an extra freebie!

Iā€™ve enjoyed nats totally different trip than cubes but enjoyable was more mellow for me. Easier than most cubes to grow in my experience. This is from 4 qts of spawn.

minus what I gave away and took myself. So about 16 oz off 4 quarts. Yes I give away my shrooms usually never sell.


Yes I have mushroom tinture is the shit! Also a great way to pull psilocybin out of older less potent mushrooms. Basically dry mushrooms then grind them up and put in 1 quart mason jar. If the mason jar double the height with everclear (190 proof or higher alcohol or ethanol) put lid in it. Let it sit for about a month and youā€™ll see gross brown matter at the bottom. A beautiful blueish purple color suspended about that then some whiskey looking alcohol on top. With out shaking or disturbing the jar open and use a big syringe to pull just the purple out of the center. That is pure 190 proof booze and psilocybin!