Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc šŸ„ (Part 2)

I see pieces of Gandalf mushroom fruit in the two agar plates with ā€œcloneā€ written on them. The swabs seem like theyā€™re more for continuing with a variety in general instead of aiming for the specific isolation.

Thank you for clarifying to make sure others who are reading will get the right impression on ā€œcloningā€ vs ā€œswabbingā€ a mushroom :+1:

And I agree that it looks like @Osogreen261 buried a substrate in there, that would be a likely source. I have also heart of some wood mulch causing mushrooms to sprout up unexpectedly in peopleā€™s garden beds so I know that sometimes there are products people buy and they contain an extra mycelium surprise. Just trying to see if they know the source of it or if this was a complete surprise.

Little Brown Mushrooms can be tricky to identify and there are a lot of ā€œlook alikesā€ that can be poisonous. So if their LBMs came up expectedly because of a buried sub then thatā€™s good and the species/variety of mushroom is probably known. But if these popped up as a surprise and there was no buried substrate then I would treat them with suspicion and do not eat.


I ordered some 3lb grain spawn bags and a couple all-in-one grow bags from aPlusGrain earlier this week. Hopefully it arrives soon, USPS has been stuck on ā€œlabel createdā€ since Wednesday.

Been feeling lazy and I havenā€™t bothered to prepare any spawn myself. I have a discount code for aPlusGrain after shopping from @MushroomManMycology so the price is reasonable considering it saves a decent chunk of work :smiley:


Iā€™ve tried grain bags from 3 different sites and 2 grow stores and aplusgrain is by far the best


Excellent, thatā€™s great to know @hooddirt :green_heart: :frog: :green_heart:

Itā€™s been a few years since Iā€™ve ordered from anywhere. Tried a few Etsy vendors and had decent luck at first, but the last person I ordered from a few years ago sent me agar plates full of bacteria and a manure substrate that greened out with trich within 24 hours of mixing in my spawn.

So thank you :pray: for putting my mind at ease


Lol I was so stuck looking at the fruit and didnā€™t see the labels on the petris. Ya just wanted to make sure people understood difference. Sorry @GrowTheAtlas lol.
I agree if you didnā€™t put a substrate yourself Iā€™d be super careful. Some soils come with mycelium in it so will throw mushrooms.

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Outta likes again lol
:green_heart: :frog: :green_heart:

ā€œAll mushrooms are edible, but some only once ā€
ā€”Croatian proverb


There is another I heard from Paul stamets. There is old mushroom hunters and risk taking mushroom hunters but no old risk taking mushroom hunters. Lol I didnā€™t quote because itā€™s not quite right but you get idea.


Oh yeah! :laughing: Now that you mention it I think I do remember that one!


Yes Iā€™m very aware

I both took a clone of the inside tissue AND swabbed the gills for spores


do mushrooms release spores with varying genetics? or is it the same genetic code in all the spores?
fuck mushrooms are interesting :smiley:


The spores are varied. You donā€™t know what you will get like seeds. If you clone a fruit then yes can expect but spores is a crap shoot.


Itā€™ll be the same cultigen but youā€™ll get wildly different phenotypes. I cloned and swabbed because when you clone a fruit and grow that out, you can see if thatā€™s a regular expression of those genetics or if it was caused by environmental pressures like RH or just competition. Then you streak a plate with your spore swab from the same fruit you cloned from and grow them side by side to see if itā€™s a regular expression of those genetics as well. If your clone gives you what youā€™re looking for, then you clone the best fruit from the first flush and keep that around. If your swab gives you something that the clone didnā€™t, youā€™d clone and swab that.

The Gandalf came to me as an f2 but I technically took it to an f3. Iā€™ll be trying to get the pumpkin phenotype to be stable enough until Iā€™m happy with it, at that point Iā€™ll keep a clone of the best pumpkin style fruit and use it as a monoculture. Heā€™s not here on the forum but shoutout to Dave Wombat from TAT Syndicate for mentoring me!


Also making some agar :slight_smile:


These Texas Orange Caps show you the way. I think these are my preferred cube for researching at the moment.


Thereā€™s old mycologists and bold mycologists, but, there are no old bold mycologists.


@MikeyMeteor those Texas gold caps look like theyā€™re treating ya right

Itā€™s so interesting to me how thereā€™s such a big variety of P. cubensis, and how they can have different types of experience despite being the ā€œsameā€ mushroom. Some seem to have more visuals, others can be more of a ā€œmentalā€ trip, while still some others seem more focused in the body itself.

Over the years online Iā€™ve seen a lot of ā€œa cube is a cube is a cubeā€ but Iā€™m not sure how accurate that phrase really is anymore lol

After all, APEs are cubes and they are definitely a different experience than Golden Teacher or B+.

Hot damn I love seeing these pictures from you all here. My order from aPlusGrain has been in ā€œpre-shipmentā€ status for a week now without any update :confused: so Iā€™m hoping it will arrive without any issues. At least thereā€™s a silver lining to this cloud, the grain bags have had extra time to sit so if thereā€™s any contam it will be more obvious upon arrival.


Iā€™d posit that, just like cannabis, every variety affects people differently. And I only say that because the current batch of shrooms I have (no idea what they are, didnā€™t grow them)(pretty sure theyā€™re Penis Envy, though) gives me hardcore visuals, with the walls breathing and the floor heaving and when I go to the bathroom to take a piss the walls look all golden and I start thinking Iā€™m in Morocco or somewhere exotic haha and have to kind of snap back to reality and be like,ā€Youā€™re just in your bathroom, dude, youā€™re not in Moroccoā€¦ā€

But the people Iā€™ve eaten this particular batch with say they donā€™t get any visuals at all. Iā€™m not surprised that my girl doesnā€™t get any, just because sheā€™s a total control freak and probably doesnā€™t ā€œlet goā€ as much as Iā€™m willing to. Maybe she does get visuals and just doesnā€™t realize and/or admit it. But another friend of mine (who I constantly have to tell,ā€Shut the fuck up about Paul Stamets already, I donā€™t give a shit about that guy.ā€ haha) also says that she doesnā€™t get any visuals from them. Sheā€™s kind of a control freak, too, so maybe that has something to do with it, I dunno.

In any event, yeah, I donā€™t think that anybody can authoritatively say,ā€If you eat this kind of mushroom, this is what the experience is gonna be like and thatā€™s all there is to it.ā€ Itā€™s not true.


Thatā€™s the quote I was looking for lol. @GrowTheAtlas do have a flowhood. I like the no pour cause I donā€™t have one.


I agree with this for the most part. A person can in no way know how a shrooms will effect someone else especially if grown from spores. Now I have been growing John Allens for about 2 years and pretty much the same effects everytime. Otherwise no way to tell. Iā€™ve had shrooms that blasted me off but others said they donā€™t feel anything.:thinking:. Itā€™s definitely different for everyone. Now saying penis envy is one of the strongest cubes can and has been proven to have more psychoactive ingredients. All cubes are completely different when it comes to effects and depending on the person. Whatā€™s good for some might not do it for others. Itā€™s a super variable person and strain.


I donā€™t have a flow hood but I have something that works just as well lol. Itā€™s a box fan from Walmart with a 3M HEPA filter taped to the front of it :joy::joy: