Mushrooms in with your plants

The first and only time I found a mushroom in my soil I immediately repotted my plants and discarded all of the old soil.

You must have very happy soil.

I use mulch in most of my zone 7 or higher plants. They always make me happy as they always seem to show up in plants that are doing very well.

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It got big over night


ok so its bugging me, i have to ask and have already said I dont know hardly anything about mushrooms

so how do yuo all have mushrooms coming up, did you add spores or?

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Not magic lol but is a sign of amazingly great soil biology… Keep doing what you’re doing as all the organisms, including the mycorrhizae, friggin love it enough to fruit and stay :blush:

Some soils come packed with mycorrhizae to help break down the organic parts of the soil and keep a biological cycle going… Also could be a random spore or 1000 carried on from outside that loved the environs…

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The ones I get often come with the mulch; OR develop in that layer. Mycology is fun; I used to grow Amazonian Cubensis next to my Salvia Divinorum in a modified aquarium. I miss growing them but not consuming them.


I had wondered about mycorrhizae but been using it for years, sounds like you get them in organic grows maybe vs soil with synthetics , don’t do that that often , more often its slightly amended and i feed with a liquid organics right now using biobizz and most often its pro mix hp with myco and the biofungicide and synthetics but i have never had a schroom in my plants. Kinda feeling left out alone in the dark.

Thanks guys


When I switched to ProMix BX I never turned back.


my supplier just went up on 3.8 bales(only way i buy them) was $28 a bale now $40

pick them up on vacation back to home


Do you still have salvia going? I’ve been trying to find a clone for a while, looks like none of my salvia recognita seeds are going to sprout


Sadly no. I lost power one winter and it got too cold inside and that was that. I’m crossing my fingers that Richter’s Herbs can get them again but once Salvia became popular with the kids that DID NOT read up on people like Carlos Castaneda really fucked things up to make it accessible.

Pretty as FUCK flowers too! The bees loved 'em! & Square stems!

I grew a Eucalyptus tree from seed one year in and amongst the grove of my salvias and the stem on the tree was SQUARE until it breached the Salvia canopy, then that part became round but the bottom square… I then had to move the tree and the square part fattened out into a normal roundish shape like a cartoon laying under the soft serve icecream dispenser!

(not my plants, but I miss these flowers something fierce)



These things are a BITCH to start from seed. As much as a pain in the ass as Teatree or Dawn Redwoods… I got my bonsai Dawn Redwood as a seedling gift from a fellow bonsai enthusiest that tried for 3 years to pop them and on year 3 he achieved 20 saplings from a total of 500 seeds planted over the 3 years.

I was honored. It lives in my bathroom.

Damn. Do you remember which clone you had?
Look at what Google found me. There’s a wait list lol

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No idea. TBH it was the early 2000’s and I paid premium for rooted cuttings shipped from someone i found on a blog in BC. Good times!

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Last time I googled them they were 40-80 depending on size, so prices have come down.

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I also really hate how the banning is racist. I have a Peyote I traded my first clone from my mother salvias for. It’s still around with a fuck-off carrot for a taproot sitting on a sill next to this Dawn Redwood. Peyote is only illegal here if dried, which is also racist but at least you can grow it for personal sacred uses and just don’t tell anyone you’re gonna consume it and have it make a cluster of bebe’s.


Yup. Mushrooms are crazy amazing, and can grow insane amounts in 24-48 hours.
I grew shrooms for a couple years, and it’s a great hobby, watching them. They are so freakish and fascinating!


I know nothing of mushrooms , just the magics in my country from my youth lol

Should I worry about this one ??? I only read this topic yesterday and behold I got one haha

She’s bright yellow child’s crayon colour , screaming danger danger lol

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That’s an interesting looking mushroom,I have a couple more growing in the same pot,rest of the pots have nothing

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