My 1st elite clone to grow- GMO

I see what your saying but all you are doing is enabling and invalidating with your comments.
No madness here, just calling out the bs.


I have a gmo cut of unkwonn origin. Shit is the bomb and well worth an extra month of time. g/day was worth it too. You should try it.


Gmo is easily a 4x stretcher reach for the lights type of gal aka milkcrate not needed .
Imo This looks like a Greenpoint plant


I agree this is way different from my cut. Petal on Instagram: "Garlic cookies is a hell of a plant. Filling in nicely.", here is mine. His shit could still be the bomb but not the original cut. If he is happy with his smoke who cares. He is taking his time with it and it looks nice

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Maybe itā€™s worth mentioning that what you see flowering is only 14 or 16 inches tall and itā€™s one stem. I received two clones of this gmo cut and had no more room in the veg tent. So I threw the clone straight into flower, hence why this one is so small or possibly not giving a proper expression of its growth potential.
Just a supposition Of mine, true test will be the other clone that I finally put into the flower tent and has 1.5 weeks in there. Will share some photos of that clone which is branchy.

Just to make clear-no hate on my side Towards anyone, everyone is entitled to their opinion and thatā€™s that. Not here for drama or arguing over this or that.
Weā€™re all here for the LOVE of the plantā€¦
plain n simple.


Can you elaborate more on the Greenpoint Reference.
I pick up that your saying it looks like something greenpoint seeds got there hands on and crossed the gmo to something??
If Iā€™m correct I believe gmo is usually more foxtaily than what I have growing and I can call that out.
Regardless- I will say she smells to me like. Robust Dark Roast Coffee with strong tones of skunk, earth and mothballs :drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:

Greenpoint has this stardawg male that they cross to every elite he can get , when bred he produces plants just like him with 10-20% of mom added. Your has that stardawg look imo 9/10 of there plants have the same look to them super frosty lots of white hairs check out the Greenpoint seeds threads at troll it up . It looks lovely just 1000% not the ā€œgmoā€ . Those arenā€™t cookie flowers gmo has cookie flowers they are just different .


Gmo was 1 plant found in a chemdog x gsc seed.

Does that make every chemdog x gsc gmo ? Noā€¦ many many chem x cookie crosses out there

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Here are some pics of the 2nd clone and the 1st clone which Iā€™m chopping tomorrow. The anticipation for the first hit. :man_facepalming:


Turns out Iā€™m not over or under feeding this other gmo.
I was just revealed that this clone I got is infected with Hops Latent Viroid disease.
Turns out itā€™s contagious when using stuff like scissors or other tools that come in contact with plant tissue. It then passes onto another plant unless the tools are sterilized with bleach, apparently alcohol donā€™t always take it off.
Just thought Iā€™d add this so awareness was made of my plants issue. I isolated her to another tent and hoping sheā€™ll finish with some acceptable buds. Guessing sheā€™ll make it to 8 weeks of flower, hopefully more. :crossed_fingers:


Ouch, Iā€™m sorry to hear that. I just watched HpLVd spread and infect my entire mother stock. I had a couple questionable harvests chasing deficiencies before figuring it out.


Ouch! Iā€™m sorry to hear such a loss was experienced. I hope you were able to bounce back rather quickly.
Any tips for my situation? Iā€™m actually contemplating if I should cull her. But so many buds for such a spindly plant.:grimacing:
Will post a pic of the other clone later when lights on.

Bleach tools between plans. Wash hands between plants even after handling cured buds from an infected plant. Seeds may transmit it tooā€¦


Gee!! I had no idea seeds could pass it on.
I hit lower buds with a different male plantā€™s pollen. Might hydrogen peroxide Mitigate the disease??

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The jurry is still out on seed transmission, but estimates are about 5% have it. It is inside the DNA of the seed, H2O2 isnā€™t going to get rid of it.


This is terrifying, is there a big ag treatment? What have they done?

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Meristem tissue culture would be the only way to get rid of it. A long and expensive process.

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How do you know its 100% hlvd?


Unequivocally I donā€™t know unless I get the plant tested.
However the guy who gifted me the clone had Been told from his source that the gmo was infected with hlv. Once I switched my gmo to flower a lot of leaves started curling and turning colors.

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